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Court Systems Attorney General: more detail | ||||||
41. Attorney General, 7th District, Tennessee opportunity to help the juvenile court system solve its The court can appoint the School Board attorney As District attorneys general, we have the responsibility http://www.attorneygeneral.org/mccoy2.html | |
42. Ashcroft's Folly - How The Attorney General Lost The Moussaoui Trial Before It B of the Moussaoui trial will not be that the US court system was inadequate to the task of convicting a terrorist but that the attorney general had insufficient http://slate.msn.com/id/2085997 | |
43. Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher Maintains System Of Secret Censorship attorney general Mike Fisher Maintains System of Secret Censorship that Avoids All Public and Judicial Oversight, and Violates Established Supreme court http://www.cdt.org/speech/pennwebblock/030522cdt.shtml | |
44. TexasOnline Government Courts And Judiciary System courts and Judiciary System. Find information on Texas court structure and link to the attorney general and the Online Judiciary. http://www.state.tx.us/category.jsp?language=eng&categoryId=6.3 |
45. Massachusetts Court System Press Release - September 30, 2003 The Massachusetts court System, A. Introductory remarks by Superior court Justice Charles J. Hely Association, and a designee of the attorney general (20 minutes http://www.mass.gov/courts/press/pr093003.html | |
46. Massachusetts Court System Press Release - March 8, 2001 The Massachusetts court System, Criminal Division of the Massachusetts Office of the attorney general. Advisory Committee of the First Circuit court of Appeals http://www.mass.gov/courts/press/pr030801.html | |
47. MOJ - Office Of The Attorney General community. The attorney general is also the Public Prosecutor before the Criminal court and the court of Criminal Appeal. Certain http://www.justice.gov.mt/ag.asp | |
48. Environmental Stewardship On Long Island STOCK RATING SYSTEM FOUND BIASED BY UNDISCLOSED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Spitzer Obtains court Order Requiring Key Disclosure. State attorney general Eliot Spitzer http://www.oag.state.ny.us/press/2002/apr/apr08b_02.html | |
49. OPINIONS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL court officers of the Unified court System, including those court officers of the Troy City court as peace The attorney general renders formal opinions only to http://www.oag.state.ny.us/lawyers/opinions/1999/informal/99_13.html | |
50. Attorney General - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia of policy and their relationship to the justice system. The attorney general for England and Wales is similarly the the Government, Queen and Crown in court. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney-General | |
51. UNC Honor System: Honor At Carolina Student attorney general and the Honor court, with advice from the Office of the Dean of Students, carry out the dayto-day activities of the system, including http://honor.unc.edu/honor/whoweare.html | |
52. General District Courts must cooperate fully with Commonwealth attorney s office and general Information For Individuals With Disabilities. The court System has adopted a policy of non http://www.courts.state.va.us/gdc/gdc.htm | |
53. State Of Maine Attorney General, Augusta, Maine Justice System. The State of Maine prosecutes crimes committed within the State. The State of Maine is represented in court by an Assistant attorney general or http://www.maine.gov/ag/crime/justice.html | |
54. 01/12/03 - An Open Letter To The Attorney General About As attorney general, you should consider giving these Eliminating Âimmigration court and its endless appellate process 9/11, the failed EOIR system is an http://www.vdare.com/mann/ashcroft.htm | |
55. 02/02/02 - Attorney General Axes BIA Members In February 2002 to the needless delay of the already broken Immigration court system and its Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, the attorney general is delegated the http://www.vdare.com/mann/right_direction.htm | |
56. SC Attorney General's Office: Henry McMaster plan later received support from the general Assembly and his fouryear term as US attorney in 1985 representing clients throughout our court system, both state http://www.scattorneygeneral.org/mcmaster.html | |
57. ALABAMA ATTORNEY GENERAL FILES APPEAL IN COMMANDMENTS CASE attorney general Bill Pryor filed a new motion last week which seeks a rehearing on the Chief Justice is the administrative head of the court system, he lacked http://www.atheists.org/flash.line/alabama9.htm | |
58. The State Of Alaska Department Of Law - About The Attorney General Gregg D. Renkes was appointed attorney general of Alaska general Gregg D. Renkes worked in Anchorage during work for the Alaska court System after graduation http://www.law.state.ak.us/department/ag.html | |
59. Attorney General Lockyer Calls For Major Legal And Regulatory Reforms To Protect respects. The report analyzes the Energy Crisis from the attorney general s law enforcement The courts created the doctrine to apply to systems in which http://caag.state.ca.us/newsalerts/2004/04-044.htm | |
60. Statement Of Attorney General Bill Pryor - Ten Commandments Monument (Editor s Note The following is a statement from attorney general Bill Pryor one of financial crisis for our State government and especially our court system. http://www.eagleforum.org/court_watch/law-library/TenCommandments/BillPryor-stat | |
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