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Court Systems Attorney General: more detail | ||||
1. Vacco, Attorney General Of New York V. Quill, 117 S.Ct. 2293, 138 L.Ed.2d (1997) attorney general, claiming that the ban violates the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause. The Federal District court removal of life support systems, and (2) that this http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/95-1858.ZS.html | |
2. FOIA Post (2001): New Attorney General FOIA Memorandum Issued New attorney general FOIA Memorandum Issued FOIA when they are challenged in court. This differs from the need to protect critical systems, facilities, stockpiles, and other assets http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foiapost/2001foiapost19.htm | |
3. ELDRED V. ASHCROFT The District court entered judgment on the pleadings for the attorney general (respondent here), holding broadcast stations through their proprietary cable systems. The CTEA, in http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/01-618.ZS.html | |
4. Court Grants Temporary Order Sought By Attorney General, ISO To Keep Power Avail order sought by attorney general Bill Lockyer and the California Independent systems Operator, requiring four In seeking the court order, the attorney general had argued that the http://caag.state.ca.us/newsalerts/2001/01-013.htm | |
5. Press Office, Press Release: AG Fisher Recovers $1.2 Million In U.S. Bankruptcy who were accused of selling computer systems to 6 800 consumers nationwide without and U.S. Bankruptcy court order are available contacting the attorney general's Press Office at http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/press/release.cfm?p=B7B5DCD1-F6E0-EFE8-E4E2E7EEEF |
6. Statement Of John Ashcroft Attorney General Of The United States Before The Unit Statement of Tracy A. Henke Principal Heputy Assistant attorney general Office of that is comparable to that available to federal and state court systems. http://www.usdoj.gov/otj/statementTracy03-05-2002.htm | |
7. Pennsylvania Attorney General Discusses Legal Cooperation The attorneys general learned the background of the Israeli then met with Israeli Supreme court President Aharon as Deputy Chief of Justice systems David Wiener http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/US-Israel/paag.html | |
8. Attorney General - Opinion Archives the county court system, and municipal court probation employees reduced at the time the systems were merged Very truly yours, ROBERT M. SPIRE attorney general. http://ago.nol.org/local/opinion/?topic=details&id=884 |
9. Clerk Of The Court - 15th Circuit - Palm Beach County - Administrative Services WEST PALM BEACH, FL Florida attorney general Bob Butterworth and Intracoastal Health systems, Inc. by 15th Judicial Circuit court Judge Jorge http://www.pbcountyclerk.com/courtdocuments/st_mary/press.html | |
10. CITIZEN-TIMES.com NC Attorney General S Office Goes To Court Over PISGAH FOREST The NC attorney general s Office is asking the courts to order RFS Ecusta to properly maintain environmental systems at its now-closed plant to http://cgi.citizen-times.com/cgi-bin/story/22549 |
11. Virginia Attorney General Opinion #1972-73 487 Virginia attorney general Opinion, 197273 487. 18-20 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, to discuss the report of the Virginia court systems Study Commission and http://www.opengovva.org/opinions/73ag487.htm | |
12. JohnHays.net: Time To Dissect Roger Weidner's Letter To John Ashcroft Dear general Ashcroft I am a former attorney and public prosecutor who for the other Oregonians, against the widespread corruption in the Oregon court systems. http://sleazereport.com/mt/blog/archives/001789.shtml | |
13. Illinois Attorney General - Photos February 2004 attorney general Lisa Madigan Monday announced a new research collaboration with the assemble and review data from police and court systems, interview court http://www.ag.state.il.us/photos/2004_02/ | |
14. STATEMENT DELIVERED BY HON. S. AMOS WAKO ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF KEN S. AMOS WAKO attorneygeneral OF THE REPUBLIC OF Whereas the International Criminal court should not act where there are effective national systems, it should http://www.un.org/icc/speeches/616ken.htm | |
16. ELECTRONIC DATA SYSTEMS CORPORATION Vs. ATTORNEY GENERAL & Another.(1) The plaintiff, Electronic Data systems Corporation (EDS), sought the decision of the attorney general s fair labor A judge in the Superior court affirmed the http://www.socialaw.com/sjcslip/sjcNov03a.html | |
17. Attorney General the rate is less than 7%. attorney general M. Jane are more than 850 youth court programs operating in districtlevel juvenile justice systems, schools and http://www.state.de.us/attgen/main_page/pressreleases/2002/courtmo.htm | |
18. Oklahoma Legal Research System - Public Access To Public Information see Oklahoma Legislature; Oklahoma court Decisions; Oklahoma The system has been made available through the sponsored by the Oklahoma attorney general s Office http://oklegal.onenet.net/ | |
19. Welcome To The Department Of Justice And Attorney-General (Queensland Government As the name implies, the Department has two broad functions justice administration with the court system as its focus, and the attorneygeneralÂs role as http://www.justice.qld.gov.au/ | |
20. Ministry Of The Attorney General - Court Services court staff manage the jury system and provide and court interpreters required for court proceedings. service by the Ontario Ministry of the attorney general. http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/courts/ | |
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