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141. NCGA General Statutes - GS § 50-13.5. Procedure In Actions For Custody Or Suppo http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/Statutes/GeneralStatutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_50/G | |
142. U.S. District Court - Western District Of Virgina Offers general information about court administration and procedures as well as access to local rules and opinions. http://www.vawd.uscourts.gov/ | |
143. US District Court, WVN Offers general information about court administration and procedures as well as access to local rules and opinions. http://www.wvnd.uscourts.gov/ | |
144. U.S. District Court - Southern Indiana Offers general information about the procedures and services provided by the court. http://www.insd.uscourts.gov/ | |
145. QR&O Chapter 112 - Trial Procedure At General And Disciplinary Courts Martial Translate this page Section 1  general. Section 1  Généralités. 112.01  APPLICATION. 112.01 APPLICATION. This chapter applies to the procedure at courts martial. http://www.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/qr_o/vol2/ch112_e.asp | |
146. Oikeuslaitos - Administrative Courts matters are seen to by the general courts and the Courts (430/1999) Decree on AdministrativeCourts (438/1999) Administrative Judicial procedure Act (586 http://www.oikeus.fi/17598.htm | |
147. AccessIndiana :: Law And Justice procedures Rules of Appellate procedure; Rules of Legal Publications Indiana CourtTimes; Indiana Register. Information BillWatch; Indiana general Assembly Session http://www.in.gov/ai/law/ | |
148. Courts Of Justice Act - RRO 1990, Reg. 194 (2 Of 2) 61A. Notice of Appeal to an Appellate court. 61B. general Heading in Proceedingsin Appellate courts. 61C. AppellantÂs Certificate Respecting Evidence. 61D. |
149. Iowa General Assembly - Iowa Court Rules Disclaimer This site contains provisions of the Iowa court Rules. is accurate andtimely, the Legislative Services Agency and the Iowa general Assembly cannot http://www.legis.state.ia.us/Rules2.html | |
150. Lawlink NSW: Issues Paper 3 (1982) Outline: Criminal Procedure: General Introduc Issues Paper 3 (1982) Outline Criminal procedure GeneralIntroduction and Proceedings in Courts of Petty Sessions http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lrc.nsf/pages/IP3OUTTOC | |
151. LII: Law About...Criminal Procedure The procedure for criminal trials in federal courts is outlined in Title 18. US CircuitCourts of Appeals Recent Criminal procedure Decisions. State Material. http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/criminal_procedure.html | |
152. Department For Constitutional Affairs - Consultation Paper - Courts Boards: Cons aspects of constitution and procedures which should Constitutional Affairs UnifiedCourts Administration Programme Annex E general principles of consultation. http://www.dca.gov.uk/consult/general/courtsb.htm | |
153. Section 208-100 Appeal To Circuit Court--procedure. Chapter 208 Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children and general Relief Section208.100 August 28, 2003. Appeal to circuit courtprocedure. 208.100. http://www.moga.state.mo.us/statutes/C200-299/2080000100.HTM | |
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