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121. The Official Web Site Of The Western Athletic Conference News, weekly notes, athletes of the week, AllWAC team. http://www.wacsports.com/sport_front.asp?sportid=109 |
122. Accents Of The West - Western Rustic Lodge Look Decor From AccentsoftheWest For Offering decor accessories in western and country style, lodge, wildlife, eagles, seaside, nautical, birds, garden and sports decor and gifts. http://www.AccentsoftheWest.com/index.html | |
123. Spaghetti Western Includes biographies, sound files, and upcoming events for the country band. http://www.lostcowboymusic.com/ |
124. Western Music Association 2003 western music Association Festival Award Winners (click here). In1867 western music first followed the trail to Kansas as cowboys http://www.westernmusic.org/home.htm | |
125. Välkommen Till SCWDA - Swedish Country Western Dance Association Riksf¶rbundet f¶r alla f¶reningar som sysslar med country westerndans. http://www.scwda.se/ | |
126. ***--*** Welkom Bij De Dutch Country Western Dance Association ***--*** Europese kampioenschappen, opleidingen en workshops. http://www.dcwda.nl/ |
127. Cowboy Country Seasonings Manufacturer of western style seasonings with unique names and descriptions. Offers stories about Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. http://www.cowboyspice.com | |
128. Country Whispers Stories And Humor country western fun and entertainment stories. http://www.countrywhispers.com/ | |
129. Gaijin A Go-go Find all your favorite western stars on Japanese television commercials, stars who wouldn't be caught dead in their own country pushing products. Quicktime clips. http://www.gaijinagogo.com/ |
130. Dance Shoes: Online Dance Shoe Store Featuring Tic-tac-toes Dance Shoes In Swing Featuring TicTac-Toes Dance shoes in styles for women and men. Designs for ballroom, swing, country western, square and round dancing. http://danceshoes.mrboots.com | |
131. Cowboy Clip Art -- Country And Western Graphics Free country and western graphics. http://www.maroon.com/cowboyclipart/ | |
132. Country And Western - Why I Hate It. A rant by Jacob Thorne. Includes an archive of reader's responses. http://www.angelfire.com/art/glorious/counwes.html |
133. Cagle's Antique And Collectible Corner Directory of western Pennsylvania Antiques Shops and Cagle's country Classics online shop of American country Antiques. http://users.zoominternet.net/~cagle/ | |
134. Bihor - About Bihor Country About Bihor country. Situated in the Northwestern part of Romania, the Bihor county has a surface of 7.544 sq.km. Its population is of 633,629 http://www.rotravel.com/counties/bihor/about.htm |
135. Country Singles Online G-Rated Country Singles A membership based site designed for singles with country and western interests. Shares recipes, promotes western events and discusses wedding ideas. http://www.countrysinglesonline.com/ | |
136. Country-western.zappsite.nl Bevordering Line Dancing The Grand country Festival (nieuw) The Heart of countryMusic western Cliparts voor uw countrypage (tip). Art. western art Yakima. http://country-western.zappsite.nl/ | |
137. Western Justice Tulsabased country band with tinges of southern rock and rhythm and blues. Includes biography, tourdates, photos, sound files, and links. http://www.westernjustice.com/ | |
138. Austin Guide To Country And Western Dancing Austin Guide to country and western Dancing. The HangEm High Saloon. Tel(512) 450-0200 Other Austin country western Resources on the Internet. http://www.austinlinks.com/Usenet/cnw.html | |
139. BJ's & West Western Wear Designer and supplier of country and western and line dance clothing. Shows ranges of boots, hats, leather wear and accessories. http://www.bjs-west.co.uk/ | |
140. LittleCabin.net - Rural Living country living from the hills of western Pennsylvania. http://littlecabin.net | |
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