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1. SS Social studies. The Fifty States Pinchbeck's homework help Social studies. History. United States Government. Cultures. World Countries. country Maps Homepage. Return to homework helper http://www.tcnet.net/~ghampton/SS.html | |
2. 2Learn.ca For Teens: Homework Help In Social Studies online magazines relating to topics in Social studies. www.2learn.ca/mapset/ezines/ss.html Secondary. contains basic information on the country, including its http://www.2learn.ca/2learnteens/teenhomeworkSS.html | |
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4. 1st Grade Social Studies homework help for Parents and Students. Current Events. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is an American tradition that dates back to earliest days of our country. http://www.katy.isd.tenet.edu/pathways/instr_ctr/linkslessons/elem/1st/ss/1st_SS | |
5. TechTRAIL Links - Homework Help - Social Studies country studies Federal Research Division; countrywatch.com - Website To The World; The Teacher Channel; Discovery School Kids Guide - homework help More; http://www.cesa6.k12.wi.us/techtrail/newlinks/hw-ss.asp | |
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7. General Geography Social studies Use this link to return to the main social studies page, after homework help. Flags of All Countries Pick a country to view its flag, and then http://www.learninghaven.com/ss/links/general_geography.htm | |
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14. Online Activities Economics) Virtual Developing country Zambia. Appropriate for homework help. homework help, sponsored by the other social studies topics. One of the homework help teachers who http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/onlineactivities.html | |
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16. Saskatoon Public Schools - Social Studies / History Links The History Place featured exhibits, homework help, and This Web Site - Alberta Social studies Council site with Antarctica City and country Database (CityNet http://www.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca/clrc/SOCIAL.HTML | |
17. Best Practices: Social Studies Concepts Page SS-14 bread, bread, bread. skill. Recognize that culture is learned from the environment. materials Do your homework so you can help children learn about the " breads" culture you were a little boy http://www.osr.state.ga.us/bestprac/social/ss-14.htm | |
18. Homework Helper what s happening around the corner, around the country and around Events Every month the Social studies Center at http//www.eduplace.com/ss/current/index.html. http://wwcsd.net/hamilton/homework_helper.htm | |
19. World Cultures studies Use this link to return to the main social studies page, after homework help. Connections Find out what life is like in some other countries around the http://www.learninghaven.com/ss/links/world_cultures.htm | |
20. Reference homework HELPERS BJ Pinchbeck s homework Helper http//school http//www.eduplace.com/ss/ssmaps/index flags.net/ Library of Congress country studies http//lcweb2 http://www.biblio.org/crystallake/reference.htm | |
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