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161. Country Dance And Song Society country Dance and Song Society. country Dance and Song Society 132 Main St/PO Box 338 Haydenville, MA 010390338 Office Hours MF 930am - 500pm EST, http://www.cdss.org/ | |
162. EUNSCDS Blue Ridge country DancersWelcome to Blue Ridge country Dancers contra dance page. Here you 4891826. Created for Blue Ridge country Dancers by EJ Vanover. http://www.ed.ac.uk/~nscds/ | |
163. Highland Mist Scottish Country Dancers The Highland Mist Scottish country Dancers of St. Louis Come dance with The HIGHLAND MIST SCOTTISH country DANCERS of St. Louis. We http://members.aol.com/ParadiseMO/highland.html | |
164. Boone Country Dancers Boone country Dancers Schedule. Members of the Boone country Dancers get discounted admission to the dances and our quarterly newsletter. http://www.boonecountrydancers.org/ | |
165. Vancouver Country Dance Welcome to . . . Vancouver country Dance (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Raincoast Ruckus February 1820, 2005 Vancouver s 10th annual in-town country dance weekend. http://www.vcn.bc.ca/vcountry/ | |
166. Cleveland City Country Dancers Cleveland City country Dancers is a lesbian and gay square dance club in Cleveland, Ohio, USA We welcome all individuals without regard to their age, race http://www.iagsdc.org/cccd/ | |
167. Hamilton Country Dancers: A Contra Dance Primer Hamilton country Dancers.  Celebrating Our Seventeenth Season  (Ontario, Canada). The Hamilton country Dancers website is maintained by Steven Nagy. http://www.hwcn.org/link/jig/a_contra_dancers_primer.htm | |
168. Gypsy Meltdown What is BCDS? What is BCDS? The Birmingham country Dance Society is a group of friendly folks who enjoy doing traditional dances together. http://www.dopig.uab.edu/people/tbuck/bcds.html | |
169. Scottish Country Dancers Of Hamburg - Welcome Translate this page letzte Ãnderung 30 April 2004. W e l c o m e. Reel of Three. Scottish country Dancers of Hamburg. Hinweis Die Verfasser dieser Website http://homepage.hamburg.de/scottish-country-dancers/ | |
170. Dancing Forth - RSCDS Edinburgh Branch - Has Moved Details of the Edinburgh branch of this society which offers opportunities to learn and practise the http://www.ednet.co.uk/~rscds/ |
171. URL Change Go to http//www.countrydance.com/. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~DB5H-SZK/ | |
172. Index This site last updated April 30, 2004, Welcome to the Northeast Wisconsin country Dance Page. Use by. country Dance Reunion Click HERE. http://www.dancinbaer.addr.com/ | |
173. DVORANA Home Page costumes for sale! Tanecni skola pro ceske tanecniky country tance, clogging (information for Czech dancers, only in Czech). http://www.dvorana.cz/ | |
174. Country Time Dance Lines How to contact country Time Dance Lines Please note our NEW information. Postal delivery address country Time Dance Lines 2425 Center Road Deltona, FL 32738. http://www.country-time.com/ | |
175. RSCDS - Atlanta Branch The Atlanta Branch of the Royal Scottish country Dance Society organizes classes, social dances, and workshops in the Atlanta area in order to increase http://www.mindspring.com/~atlbrnch/ | |
176. THE LINE DANCE & COUNTRY AND WESTERN MUSIC FAQ HOMEPAGE Websites country Barn. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jgothard/homepage.htm | |
177. We Have Moved The Royal Scottish country Dance Society, Vancouver Branch. We have moved!! Please point your browser to http//www.rscdsvancouver http://modena.intergate.ca/personal/angelag/ | |
178. Welcome To The RSCDS In Australia Directory to the official sites of the Australian branches of the Royal Scottish country Dance Society. http://www.rscds.org.au/ |
179. Country Western Dance With Lee & Susan country western dance and country western line dance information from Georgia. country more. country Western Dance. With Lee and Susan! http://www.gate.net/~cowboy1/ | |
180. Elements Of English Country Dance then agree politely with him (so he goes away happy), but otherwise ignore him. Definitions from Elements of English country Dance . http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/round/dances/el_index.htm | |
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