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141. Index Gay and Lesbian line dancing group. Links, schedules and guest book. http://www.geocities.com/scchattanooga | |
142. The Wolverine Silverspur Dancers A nonprofit, social, country-western dance club. Purpose is the preservation, advancement, and enjoyment of country western dancing. Photos, event calendar, and membership information. http://www.geocities.com/wolverinesilverspurs | |
143. Chance To Dance Information resource for line dancing and country western dance in Michigan and Ontario. http://pages.zdnet.com/oeeoeeo/chancetodance/index.html | |
144. Canadian Slovenian Cultural Society - Home Nonprofit organization based in Winnipeg. Promotes and preserves the country's heritage with activities such as folk dancing and language classes. Lists calendar, events, church, radio, meetings and contact details. http://www.canadianslovenian.mb.ca/ | |
145. Red Hot Country Red Hot country And Line dancing With Hot Pepper And DJ JAM. http://www.redhotcountry.com/ | |
146. London Boots Sells imported and made to measure cowboy boots, country western, line dancing, competition and rock roll wear. http://www.londonboots.com | |
147. New Frontier Dance Association Gay and lesbian line dancing (bootscooting) club in Melbourne, Victoria. Venue, events, and links to other gay and lesbian country and western dance groups. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~nfda/ | |
148. Scottish Country Dance Resource Pages Scottish country dance resources events, bands, These pages contain my resources specifically aimed at Scottish country dancers. I have other pages for Scottish dance This site is part of http://www.scottishdance.net/scd | |
149. The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society A charity dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Scotland s traditional country dances and their music. http://www.rscds.org/ |
150. Country Western Dance Videos And DVD country western dance videos and DVD's. Lessons on video learn to dance the West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Triple Step, Two-Step, Dallas Shuffle, Cha-Cha, Waltz, Polka, Schottish and Line http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.centralhome.com/ballroomcountry/coun |
151. Toronto Country Dancers - Contra Dances In Toronto, Canada Toronto country Dancers hold regular fun community contra dances for all ages and experience levels. The Toronto country Dancers Have Found a New Home ! Yes. http://sca.uwaterloo.ca/~tcd/ | |
152. Princeton Country Dancers Traditional dances of the United States and England (usually contra dances , occasionally English country dances) are taught, with live music. http://www.princetonol.com/groups/pcd/ | |
153. Lambertville Country Dancers (LCD) This page has moved, and your browser should be redirected. to the new First Friday English Dance page in 3 seconds. Please change your bookmark. http://www.princetonol.com/groups/pcd/lcd/ | |
154. Knoxville Country Dancers The Knoxville country Dancers (KCD) sponsor weekly contra dances, an annual dance weekend, and other activities as the humor strikes us. http://www.korrnet.org/kcd/ | |
155. Central Illinois English Country Dancers Homepage What is English country Dance? English country Dance is the dance form that was popular in England and America in the 1600 s, 1700 s and early 1800 s. http://www.prairienet.org/ciecd/ | |
156. BACDS -- The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website Bay Area country Dance Society Promoting, preserving, performing, and teaching traditional English and American music and dance. BACDS Logo, http://www.bacds.org/ | |
157. Santa Barbara Country Dance Society We sponsor a contra dance on most Sundays, and an English country dance on most Tuesdays. Contra and/or English country dances in other areas http://www.sbcds.org/ | |
158. Hartford Community Dance (HCD) -- Contra, Cajun/zydeco, Swing, And Waltz Dances About HCD HCD is a nonprofit educational organization affiliated with the country Dance and Song Society. Join HCD! Membership http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4159/ | |
159. Syracuse Country Dancers We ve now got our own domain! Please follow us to. SyracuseCountryDancers.org. Site Meter http://web.lemoyne.edu/~millermj/contra/ | |
160. Queen City Contra Dancers, Buffalo, NY DancingList.com A page devoted to upcoming dances of all kinds in Western New York country Dance Song Society The umbrella organization for groups such as http://bfn.org/~qccd/ | |
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