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81. Earth Island Institute: Earth Island Journal: World Reports pesticide lobby was one of the chief promoters of the switch from sustainable, lowyieldingtraditional cultivars to cash crops like cotton that, because they http://www.earthisland.org/eijournal/fall98/wr_fall98cotton.html | |
82. US Figures For 2002 GE Crop Planting Released Today Among Worldwide Rejection Of soybeans, corn and cotton, some green groups contend that consumer concerns aboutthe safety of biofoods have slowed the introduction of new crops such as http://www.mindfully.org/GE/GE4/Crop-Planting-Figures28mar02.htm | |
83. Global Status Of GM Crops - Cotton cotton is one of the most efficient crops in terms of water utilization in thatit produces one of the highest quantities of dry matter per liter of water. http://www.isaaa.org/kc/Global Status/crop/gmcotton/cotton.htm | |
84. Global Status Of GM Crops - Cotton Bt cotton. Crop Losses Due to Insect Pests of cotton and the Cost of Control TransgenicCrops Click Here. Extensive Study on Bt cotton - Click Here. http://www.isaaa.org/kc/Global Status/crop/gmcotton/croplosses.htm | |
85. CropsDaily.com MIRPURKHAS Water shortage damages cotton crop Dawn By Our Correspondent MIRPURKHAS, May 20 The cotton crop has been damaged beca http://www.cropsdaily.com/s/crops/cotton.html | |
86. BIO 2004 Impact Of Biotechnology To California California Today Nationwide, commercialized biotech crops (cotton, soybean, cornand canola) have already created $20 billion worth of value at the farm level. http://www.bio.org/events/2004/media/cabio.asp | |
87. CBS News | Biotech Crops On The Dinner Table? | March 28, 2002Â 18:17:22 They re not shying away from it. About 10.5 million acres of cotton,or 71 percent of this year s cotton crop, will be bioengineered. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/28/tech/main504902.shtml | |
88. Kids' Field Day: Crops Garden - Cotton cotton plant showing flowering, cotton is a crop that is traditionally grownin the southern US It is just starting to be grown in southern Kansas. http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/fieldday/kids/crops/cotton.htm | |
89. GEO-PIE Project: GE Foods In The Market US food products contain GE ingredients are due almost entirely to two crops cornand To these, add foods containing oil from canola and cotton, and you cover http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/crops/eating.html | |
90. Commentator, Summer 2002 - Plains Cotton Cooperative Association and fear of the unknown that often surrounds the first year of an eradicationprogram compelled many producers to plant crops other than cotton this year http://www.pcca.com/Publications/Commentator/2002/Summer/page01.asp | |
91. Wi96: Genetic Engineering Of Crops - Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) of the Bt cotton and corn plans; and third, suspend Bt cotton and corn registrationsand delay registration of any additional Bt crops until companies prepare http://www.ucsusa.org/publications/gene_exchange.cfm?publicationID=298 |
92. Cotton And Fiber Delta Farm Press Delta Farm Press gives indepth coverage of the region s majorcrops (cotton, soybeans, rice, wheat, pecans, sorghum, corn), plus the http://agriculture.about.com/od/cottonandfiber/ | |
93. Daily Times - Site Edition By Noshad Ali LAHORE The Punjab might not be able to achieve its cotton crop targetbecause of a shortage of pesticides, and this is likely to damage the http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_16-10-2003_pg7_28 |
94. Designing A Counter-Cyclical Support Program For example, USDA s projected 1999 US cotton crop declined 1.9 millionbales between its August 1999 and October 1999 crop reports. http://www.cotton.org/gov/Counter-Cyclical.cfm | |
95. Georgia FACES Farmers Face Low Yields, Poor Quality According to the Georgia Agricultural StatisticsService, about 20 percent of the cotton crop was harvested as of Oct. http://georgiafaces.caes.uga.edu/getstory.cfm?storyid=1058 |
96. Deadly Crop: Difficult Times Drive India's Cotton Farmers To Desperate Actions J His cotton crop had failed, he had already sold his two oxen to repay one loanand had nothing more to offer usurious moneylenders who were hounding him. http://www.mindfully.org/Farm/Green-Revolution-Desperate-Actions.htm | |
97. CSIRO - Vetch - The Legume That Increases Cotton Profits cotton is then resown in spring. 3. cottonÂvetchÂfallow rotation.Vetch is sown after the cotton crop is harvested around May. http://www.csiro.au/index.asp?type=faq&id=vetch&stylesheet=divisionFaq |
98. CBS News | Bio-Cotton Find Resistance In India | February 10, 2003Â 17:26:30 AP) Standing in his field, Nilakanti watched boll weevils pop up their heads as ifin a greeting and then resume their business of eating away his cotton crop. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/02/10/tech/main540077.shtml | |
99. Pollination Info By Crop Waller, GD, JO Moffett, GM Loper JH Martin, 1985. An evaluation of honey bee foragingactivity and pollination efficacy for malesterile cotton. Crop Sci. http://www.pollinator.com/bycrop.htm | |
100. Crop Yield For a cotton crop in Crisp county Georgia, both the growth rate and thehand picked yield of cotton lint varied with location in the field. http://www.ghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/precisionag/cropyield.html | |
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