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1. India To Destroy Illegal Gene-Altered Cotton Crops India to Destroy Illegal GeneAltered cotton crops. modified (GM) cotton cropsto the government because commercial production. of GM crops is illegal. http://www.organicconsumers.org/Patent/IndiaCotton1101.cfm | |
2. Science Blog - Science News Stories - Genetically Modified Cotton Crops Produced Main Menu ·Topics ·Your Account. BlogAds. Genetically modified cotton crops produced greater yields, reduced pesticide use. Posted on Friday, February 07 @ 112255 PST by BJS cotton crops in India that were genetically modified to resist insects produced http://www.scienceblog.com/community/article957.html | |
3. 02.06.2003 - Genetically Modified Cotton Crops Produced Greater Yields, Reduced Berkeley cotton crops in India that were genetically modified to resist insects produced dramatically In addition, the Bt cotton crops were sprayed against bollworms three times http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/02/06_India.html | |
4. ÃùúÃÃȬÃø»¶ÃÂÃúµÃ¼ÃÃë--¡¾cncotton.com¡¿ Information resource for Chinese cotton and cotton textiles. Market reports, trade leads and export data. Industry statistics and news. Price watch. Extensive information on cotton crops, fiber consumption and products. English and Chinese. http://www.cncotton.com/ | |
5. Contra Costa Times 05/23/2003 Spring Rains Hurt Cotton, Fruit Spring rains hurt cotton, fruit crops. By Juliana Barbassa Pima cotton crops were hit the hardest, because the premium cotton has a longer growing season, and seeds ideally should http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/news/5928069.htm |
6. Pollution From GE Corn Cotton Crops Pollution from GE Corn cotton crops. Farm Journal Pollen content.Cotton, like soybeans, is a selfpollinating crop. Yet Roundup http://www.organicconsumers.org/ge/seedsclean.cfm | |
7. Textile News - Textile - Cotton News - INDIA: Cotton Crops In Some States Facing INDIA cotton crops In Some States Facing Pest Attack. The cotton crop in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan has experienced a sudden increase in pest attack, in the past two weeks http://www.bharattextile.com/newsitems/1985352 | |
8. Flooding Affects Rice And Cotton Crops In China Flooding Affects Rice and cotton crops in China. The most important fieldcrops affected by the Yangtze River flooding are rice and cotton. http://www.fas.usda.gov/pecad2/articles/chfld.htm | |
9. AP Wire 06/11/2003 Crop Report Dryland Crops Suffer Storm And rains helped many dryland cotton farmers, it has also hurt many producers' cotton crops, Boman said. that most of the dryland cotton crops will be able to establish http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/business/6064670.htm |
10. Cotton CRC - Challenging Some Myths: Scientists Examine The Cotton Crop And Its The debate has led the CRC for Sustainable Cotton Production to undertakeirrigation scheduling experiments on cotton crops. We http://cotton.crc.org.au/Publicat/Articles/watermed.htm | |
11. New York Cotton Crops Listings For "New York cotton crops" Elizabeth Becker, U.S. Subsidizes Companies to Buy S and MidSouth cottoncrops. Special guest Joe T http://www.newyorkweb.us/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=New York Cotton Crops |
12. Cotton CRC - Feast Your Eyes On This Research Breakthrough insect levels. The predators had different food requirements at thattime and were absent from monoculture cotton crops. By the http://cotton.crc.org.au/Publicat/Articles/Feastmed.htm | |
13. Chicago Cotton Crops Listings For Chicago cotton crops . CropsDaily.com reap huge soybean,corn and cotton crops this year unless drought intervenes http://www.chicagoweb.biz/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=Chicago Cotton Crops |
14. BBC NEWS | South Asia | High Yield From India's GM Crops Genetically modified cotton crops in India developed to resistinsects - have a dramatically increased yield, scientists say. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2735991.stm | |
15. Amarillo Globe-News: Business: Sunflower Crops Replacing Hail-damaged Cotton Cro Sunflower crops replacing haildamaged cotton crops. Sunflowers are one of three crops being planted to replace hail-damaged cotton fields in the South Plains http://www.amarillonet.com/stories/062401/bus_sunflowers.shtml | |
16. Science Blog - Science News Stories - Genetically Modified Cotton Crops Produced Genetically modified cotton crops produced greater yields, reduced pesticideuse Date Friday, February 07 @ 112255 PST Topic Energy and Environment. http://www.scienceblog.com/community/article-print-957.html | |
17. Atlanta Cotton Crops Listings For Atlanta cotton crops . The Making Of Henry Viii topicson The Making Of H mzwakhe new orleans What Your Rabbit http://www.atlantaweb.biz/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=Atlanta Cotton Crops |
18. Land And Livestock Post>Crops July 25, 2001. Strong cotton crops, weaker cotton prices By CHRISTOPHERFERRELL Eagle Staff Writer. Dave McDermand. Some dryland cotton http://www.landandlivestockpost.com/crops/072502cottoncrops.htm | |
19. Land And Livestock Post>Crops Dry conditions wilting cotton crops. Heat and no rain in June is hurting the crop,Âsaid Jimmy Don Rothwell, owner of Rothwell Cotton Sales in Childress. http://www.landandlivestockpost.com/crops/072701drywiltingcottoncrops.htm | |
20. Genetically Modified Cotton Crops Produced Greater Yields And Reduced Pesticide cotton crops in India that were genetically modified to resist insects produced dramaticallyincreased yields and significantly reduced pesticide use compared http://www.monsanto.co.uk/news/ukshowlib.phtml?uid=6999 |
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