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Costa Rica Indigenous Peoples: more detail | |||||
41. Summit Of The Americas Information Network World Bank indigenous People. indigenous peoples mandates from the Third Summit of the Americas. XXXI OAS General Assembly San José, costa rica, June 35, 2001. http://www.summit-americas.org/Quebec-Indigenous/indigenous-mainpage-eng.htm | |
42. Escape Tours: Costa Rica General History These indigenous peoples retreated to the highlands where they could, leaving the ofsight-out-of-mind attitude toward its colonies, costa rica received little http://www.webtravel.com/camerica/costa/sjohist.html | |
43. Struggle Over Oil Exploration In Costa Rica numerous indigenous peoples and other cultural groups whose livelihoods of fishing and ecotourism would be greatly threatened by oil exploration. costa rica http://www.fire.or.cr/julio01/oil_main.html | |
44. Indigenous Peoples' Rights & Advocacy Organizations a wide variety of organizations involved with human rights and indigenous peoples. Cultural Sejekto 400 Mts Este Municipalidad de Moravia San Jose costa rica. http://www.aaanet.org/committees/cfhr/orgindig.htm | |
45. GFW | Outreach Trip To Central America | Guatemala & Costa Rica While in costa rica, Global Fund staff conducted its Women, Money and of the country, promotes the rights and identity of indigenous peoples, and provides http://www.globalfundforwomen.org/1work/programs/outreach-central-america.html | |
46. IPPF Country Profile Ethnic Groups costa ricans (majority) African descendants indigenous peoples. Religions Apartado Postal 102031000 San José 10203-1000 costa rica. Telephone http://ippfnet.ippf.org/pub/IPPF_Regions/IPPF_CountryProfile.asp?ISOCode=CR |
47. Costa Rica - Travel Review By Kidzmusic.com kids, and an arboretum. The last exhibit you visit highlights costa rica s indigenous peoples and national parks. It s a good place http://www.kidzmusic.com/travel/costarica/ | |
48. Choike : Indigenous Peoples . Bolivia. indigenous and Tribal peoples Centre (PIT) Information, views, knowledge, recommendations and results for the indigenous peoples. costa rica. http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/4/34/links.html | |
49. University Of Minnesota Human Rights Library elements, the Committee is preoccupied that the legislation of costa rica does not at the situation with regard to the land rights of indigenous peoples in the http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/country/costarica1999.html | |
50. UNITED NATIONS of costa rica, said that it was difficult to tell how long it would take to implement the programme of the autonomous development of the indigenous peoples if http://www.unhchr.ch/huricane/huricane.nsf/0/23F97AB43DC47A6A80256732005EE630?op |
51. The Indigenous Peoples Of The Bahamas The indigenous peoples of the Bahamas. Slavery of Bahamians ~Legends of the people ~Culture and the Bahamas and Florida Keys; Tropical Ecosystems of costa rica http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/fieldcourses04/PapersMarineEcologyArticles/TheIn | |
52. 2000 Tropical Ecosystems Of Costa Rica Research Paper Menu hydroelectric power, conservation, plate tectonics and volcanism in the Neotropics, indigenous peoples, coral reefs in costa rica, mangrove ecosystems http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/FieldCourses00/PapersCostaRicaMenu.html | |
53. Costa Rica Lecture Topic costa rica represents a prime example of the need to understand the new phenomenon since the beginning of an agrarian society, indigenous peoples have always http://www.woodrow.org/teachers/esi/2001/CostaRica/lecture/habitCRlect.html | |
54. Eco-Index: Preparation Of The Regional Map "Indigenous Peoples And Natural Ecosy the Regional Map indigenous peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico . Countries where project is active Belize; costa rica; El http://www.eco-index.org/search/results.cfm?ProjectID=442 |
55. The Costa Rica Biodiversity Law In April 1998, the Legislative Assembly of costa rica passed the Ley de sui generis system to protect the intellectual rights of indigenous peoples and local http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wgtrr/crley.htm | |
56. Sustainable Resource Project-Villa Palacios, Costa Rica community coordinator of Asociación Representante IndÃgena GuaymÃ, Coto Brus, costa rica. been harvested and utilized by many indigenous peoples of Central http://calvin.linfield.edu/~rmills/cedimap_folder/cdia_villa_palacios_project/vi | |
57. Date Sat, 15 May 93 0034 CST From Bimal RajBhandary RBIMAL EM NO Established (1985). Membership mostly indigenous peoples of costa rica, both individuals and groups. Works in the defence http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/biology/ecology evolution/people/costarica.o |
58. Indigenous Cultures Of Costa Rica Some information on the indigenous cultures. more than a quater of a million people and no The northern cultures of costa rica (Chorotegas) had great influence http://costarica.tourism.co.cr/indian2.htm | |
59. Indigenous Cultures Of Costa Rica History of costa rica's indigenous Cultures. mystery of jade in costa rica. Was the raw Chorotega and other indigenous craftsmen across northern costa rica? Some of museums today came from costa rican archeological sites. http://www.tourism.co.cr/indian2.htm | |
60. Indigenous People In Costa Rica Work To Regain Land The challenge for indigenous people in costa rica is not just regaining control of their land but also sustaining themselves and their environment. http://gbgm-umc.org/news/2001/mar/CostaRica.stm |
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