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61. World Facts And Figures - Costa Rica costa rica, geography, Top of Page. Location Middle America, bordering boththe Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Nicaragua and Panama. http://www.worldfactsandfigures.com/countries/costa_rica.php | |
62. Costa Rica, Map And Flag geography, costa rica. Location Middle America, bordering both the CaribbeanSea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Nicaragua and Panama. http://www.greatestcities.com/Central_America/Costa_Rica.html | |
63. LookSmart - Directory - Guides And Directories For Travel To Costa Rica costa rica geography 2000 Browse an updated fact file and countryprofile for this popular tourist country, from Photius.com. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317835/us317907/us218010/us63311/us29 | |
64. LookSmart - Directory - Costa Rica Factbook costa rica Reference maps and statistics for costa rica. Read about theeconomy, geography, people, transportation, military, and communications. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us559898/us560156/us560159/ | |
65. Costa Rica - Government, History, Population, Geography And Maps costa rica source CIA World Factbook 1998, costa rica. geography. Topof Page. Location Middle America, bordering both the Caribbean http://www.worldrover.com/vital/costa_rica.html | |
66. History,Geography And Socio-political Aspects Of Costa Rica, A Non-language Prog A class of History, geography and Sociopolitical Aspects of costa rica, offeredat IPEE Spanish Language School. MAIN MENU http://www.ipee.com/history.html | |
67. Let's Go - Costa Rica - Information On Costa Rica CIA World Factbook www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html. Tons of vitalstatistics on costa rica s geography, government, economy, and people. http://www.letsgo.com/CORI/01-Essentials-380 | |
68. Aaren's Costa Rica Lodging; Tour Operators; Adult Oriented costa rica Sites must be 21 or over;Language Schools; Culture; Maps, History, geography, Climate, Parks, etc. http://www.beachesbeaches.com/costa_fe.html | |
69. Costa Rica, Booklist Trejos, Alonso, ed. Illustrated geography of costa rica. A pleasurable read with indepthcoverage of the history, geography, and social aspects of costa rica. http://www.photo.net/cr/moon/booklist | |
70. Costa Rica - Geography - Geography - Note IndexMundi Home. Flag of costa rica costa rica geography - note. http://www.indexmundi.com/costa_rica/geography_note.html | |
71. Costa Rica - Geography - Geographic Coordinates IndexMundi Home. Flag of costa rica costa rica Geographic coordinates. http://www.indexmundi.com/costa_rica/geographic_coordinates.html | |
72. The Geography Of Costa Rica The geography of costa rica. http://www.interlog.com/~rainfrst/geog.html | |
73. Costa Rica Fold Out Roadmaps Review Information about history, geography, and wildlife; Index of place names.International Travel Maps Books, costa rica Map Amazon ($US 8.95). http://costa-rica-guide.com/Sheet.html | |
74. Travel To Costa Rica Through An International Volunteer Program Along with its history and geography, it is this sense of progressive thought forwhich Ticos (the people of costa rica) have great pride. San Carlos Cartago http://www.crossculturalsolutions.org/costarica/index.cfm | |
75. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Costa Rica usa Last checked 20000131 CIA World Factbook 2000 costa rica Basic referenceinformation about costa rica, including details of geography, people, economy http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/costarica.htm | |
76. Costa Rica Travel Guide @ TravelNotes.org Click on costa rica costa rica travel guide by Ticonet. In costa rica Cleanlypresented information from history and culture, to geography and the weather. http://www.travelnotes.org/LatinAmerica/costa_rica.htm | |
77. Costa Rica : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology Map of costa rica (US); World Factbook 1999 (US). Home Places Comments viaform or email cti@le.ac.uk . Page updated 17/09/99 © CTI geography, Geology http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/places/costa.html | |
78. Arenal Volcano Homepage costa rican geography. Click on the thumbnails below to get an idea of thegeographic location of costa rica and specifically Arenal volcano. http://volcanoes.ca/Arenal/crgeog.html | |
79. Traveljournals.net - Geography Of Costa Rica Location Middle America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North PacificOcean, between Nicaragua and Panama. Geographic coordinates 10 00 N, 84 00 W. http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/costa_rica/geography.html | |
80. Spanish Language Schools Costa Rica Available in San Jose IPEE (History, geography and Socio-PoliticalAspects of costa rica; Modern Literature of Latin America). http://www.spanish-language.org/spanish_in_costa_rica.htm | |
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