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101. Crop Master Corn Scouting Schedule - Penn State & Rutgers Universities Cooperati Wireworm FS880 Managing Wireworms in New Jersey s Field crops (PDF file); FC24 - Wireworms as a Pest of Field corn; Table 2.2-22 http://www.cropmaster-icm.org/SctCorn.html | |
102. Climate Indices For The Economy: Crop Moisture Stress Index The Moisture Stress Index for corn and soybean crops is a measure of the effects of drought and catastrophic wetness on national crop yield and is calculated http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/cie/cmsi.html | |
103. Drought Slashes Crops Ron Woollen of Wilcox, Neb., anticipates heÂll lose nearly half of his corn, soybean and sorghum crops even though he is irrigating twothirds of the nearly http://www.iowafarmer.com/02/0208news/drought.htm | |
104. Kids' Field Day: Crop Garden - Corn corn is a grassy crop as well as a cereal grain crop. corn is another important Kansas crop. This year farmers planted 3.4 million acres of corn. http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/fieldday/kids/crops/corn.htm | |
105. PBS - Harvest Of Fear: Engineer A Crop (hot Science) We ve been altering the genetic makeup of crops by crosspollinating, too. of a weedy-looking plant called Balsas teosinte and produced the first corn on the http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/harvest/engineer/ | |
106. CBS News | Biotech Crops On The Dinner Table? | March 28, 2002Â 18:17:22 (AP) American farmers will plant more genetically engineered crops this year, including onethird of the corn on US soil, shrugging off international http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/28/tech/main504902.shtml | |
107. The Planting Season Of 1999 Got Started Early With Farmers Adequate rainfall throughout June helped both the corn and soybean crops develop ahead of the fiveyear average. Most progress occurred http://www.agstats.state.il.us/annual/2000/0020.htm | |
108. The 2000 Crop Season Got Off To A Great Start Due To Cooperative Timely rains and average temperatures during June and July helped the corn and soybean crops mature ahead of the five year average. http://www.agstats.state.il.us/annual/2001/01020.htm | |
109. Crops Publications, Explore MU Extension G4563 Grasshopper Control in Missouri Forage crops and Pastures; G4569 - Blister G4590 - corn Silage; G4610 - The Bluegrasses; G4620 - Bermudagrass; G4638 - Red http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/crops/ | |
110. Princeton Packet OnLine News: Lawrence Farmers Fear Crop Disaster In Burning Dro The impact of the drought has begun to show up in the corn crop, Mr. Myers said. Howard Myers is usually dwarfed by his corn crop at this time of year. http://www.pacpubserver.com/new/news/7-30-99/drought-crops.html | |
111. Transgenic Crops: An Introduction And Resource Guide Bt insectresistant crops currently on the market include corn primarily for control of European corn borer, but also corn earworm and Southwestern corn borer http://www.colostate.edu/programs/lifesciences/TransgenicCrops/current.html | |
112. Beans And Fungus May Improve Corn Crop Without Expensive Fertilizer Beans and fungus may improve corn crop without expensive fertilizer. corn, the preferred staple crop in many countries, requires http://www.globaltechnoscan.com/15thAug-21stAug02/corn_crop.htm | |
113. Biotechnology - Corn As A Crop corn. corn as a Crop. Zea mays The genetics of corn is better known than that of any other crop plant. Pollination of corn. Studies of http://www.aphis.usda.gov/brs/corn.html | |
114. Crop Diseases In Corn, Soybean, And Wheat (Purdue University) Crop Diseases in corn, Soybean, and Wheat. Search for a Disease Name. Crop Name corn Disease Name Index to corn Diseases http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Extension/Pathology/CropDiseases/ | |
115. CORN Newsletter: 2004-16, June 1, 2004 - June 8, 2004 Plant Pathology), Robert Mullen (Soil Science), Mark Loux (Weed Science), Jeff Stachler (Weed Science), Peter Thomison (Crop Science  corn), Bruce Eisley http://corn.osu.edu/ | |
116. Planet Ark : Biotech Companies Agree To Stricter Rules On Biotech Corn Biotech companies agree to stricter rules on Biotech corn. Some biotech producers in the South must plant at least 50 percent nonBt corn. http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/18671/newsDate/20-Nov-2002/st | |
117. Products And Solutions : Seeds And Genomics - Insect Protection rootworm has earned the nickname the billiondollar bug as the USDA estimates that this pest causes $1 billion in lost revenue annually to the US corn crop. http://www.monsanto.com/monsanto/layout/products/seeds_genomics/traits/default.a | |
118. DAVENPORT, IOWA August 11th, 1930 POLITICAL agriculturists should note in the economic effects of the damage done to the corn crop by heat and drought evidence of the fallacy of two of their http://www.ecommcode.com/hoover/hooveronline/text/96.html | |
119. ACES News Service URBANAThe search for the cause of early season damage to a corn crop rarely includes submitting a soil sample for nematode analysis since it is widely http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/news/stories/news2686.html | |
120. A Flood Of US Corn Rips At Mexico some of the most precious and irreplaceable information on Earth, as we were reminded in 1970 when a fungus decimated the American corn crop and genes for http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0423-02.htm | |
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