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81. CNN.com - Food Central - New Rules Considered To Track Biotech Crops - November CNN http://cnn.com/2000/FOOD/news/11/30/biotech.corn.ap/index.html | |
82. Goebel Farms Evansville Indiana farm growing pumpkins, specialty squashes, gourds, Indian corn, Christmas Trees, and field crops. http://members.aol.com/goebelfarms/index.htm | |
83. VEGETABLE IPM-UCONN Provides information for growers of tomatoes, peppers, beans, cole crops, corn, cucurbits, potatoes and other vegetable crops. While it may be beneficial to homeowners, control methods will apply to the commercial scale grower. http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ipmveg.htm | |
84. Indiana Farmers Nearly Finished Planting Corn Crop farmers a head start in planting gave way to a wet May that s spurred the emergence of both crops. As of last week, 70 percent of Indiana corn had sprouted _ http://www.indystar.com/articles/0/147837-7720-127.html | |
85. Untitled Comprehensive review of pest and diseases affecting this state's crops. http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/corn/diseases/corn_diseases.html | |
86. Storage Alternatives For The 1999 Corn Crop corn storage will likely be at a premium this fall. Many producers and commercial elevators still have 1998 (and perhaps 1997) crop in storage and low http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/cornstor99.htm | |
87. Corn Silage Agronomic Considerations for Molds and Mycotoxins in corn Silage by Mike Rankin, crops and Soils Agent, UWExtension-Fond du Lac County and Craig Grau http://www.uwex.edu/ces/crops/uwforage/Silage.htm | |
88. Crop Diseases In Corn 1 (Purdue University) Search for a Disease Name. Crop Name corn Disease Name Management Resistant hybrids, rotate corn with nongrass crops. http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Extension/Pathology/CropDiseases/Corn/corn1.html | |
89. Corn May 2004. General. Agronomy Guide, Publication 811, Order this publication; Crop Heat Units for corn Other Warm Season crops in Ontario (Order No. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/field/corn.html | |
90. Ohio Agronomic Crops Network 09, How Deep Should I Plant corn?, Wheat Condition Update Southern Areas Showing Rapid Growth, Wheat Weed Control, Seedcorn Maggot in Field crops, Slug Update http://corn.osu.edu/archive/ | |
91. Wauu.DE: Science: Agriculture: Field Crops: Cereals: Corn: Crop Management Everything for the UK Maize Grower An in depth and instructive site to help the UK maize grower understand the maize crop and how to grow it profitably. http://www.wauu.de/Science/Agriculture/Field_Crops/Cereals/Corn/Crop_Management/ | |
92. The Story Of Corn Intro maturing dent corn. As time went on, the new settlers to America began to depend on corn as one of the most important farm crops. http://www.campsilos.org/mod3/index.shtml | |
93. The Story Of Corn - Quick Facts corn leads all other crops in value and volume of production. Nearly one third of our nation s corn crop is targeted for exports. More corn Facts .. http://www.campsilos.org/mod3/students/index.shtml | |
94. What Drought Did To Crop Yields In The 1930s how their corn was fine one day and dried out the next. She and her husband used their anticipated crop yields to buy a tractor. When the crops failed, they http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/water_03.html | |
95. Factsheet: Genetically Modified Crops In The United States planted globally. GM food crops grown by US farmers include corn, cotton, soybeans, canola, squash, and papaya. Other major producers http://pewagbiotech.org/resources/factsheets/crops/ | |
96. Money That Grows On Crops Csmonitor.com GOLDEN EARS Chris Anderson uses corn and other common crops to soak up contaminants from mining sites, like this one in Bahia, Brazil, and return them to http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0415/p17s02-sten.html |
97. Heart Of Iowa Cooperative Another wild card in the deck would be what they do in South America in response to how the weather impacts the fortunes of our 2004 corn and soybean crops. http://www.hoic.com/newsletter/ShowArticle.asp?ID=179 |
98. Symptoms And Controls Of Crop Diseases Bury corn crop refuse by tillage; use crop rotation. RUST, Puccinia sorghi Different races attack corn and sorghum (a few sorghum races attack both crops). http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/crops/pp533w-2.htm | |
99. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Field Crops G884, Ecofarming Selecting corn and Grain Sorghum Hybrids, Planting Dates, and Planting Rates in a Winter Wheat Row Crop Fallow Rotation, 0.25. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/fieldcrops/ | |
100. GEO-PIE Project: GE Foods In The Market Frequentlycited estimates that 60% of the US food products contain GE ingredients are due almost entirely to two crops corn and soybeans. http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/crops/eating.html | |
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