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41. AgJournal download here. AgJournal.com, Tuesday, May 18, 2004. How weather works. corn crops in jeopardy January 15, 2002 Corn is currently http://www.agjournal.com/story.cfm?story_id=1719 |
42. Area Fields Yield Record Corn Crops 03/11/04 - Theindependent.com News Published Thursday, March 11, 2004. Area fields yield record corn crops. Irrigated cornfields in Buffalo County yield more than 200 bushels per acre. http://www.theindependent.com/stories/031104/new_corn11.shtml | |
43. Reports On Insects Injurious To Hop Plants, Corn Crops And Fruit Crops In Great Full title Reports on insects injurious to hop plants, corn crops and fruit crops in Great Britain prepared for the Agricultural Department, Privy Council http://www.bopcris.ac.uk/bop1833/ref1182.html | |
44. Report On Insects Injurious To Hop Plants, Corn Crops And Fruit Crops In Great B Full title Report on insects injurious to hop plants, corn crops and fruit crops in Great Britain, prepared for the Agricultural Department, Privy Council http://www.bopcris.ac.uk/bop1833/ref1181.html | |
45. Highest Quality Corn Crops << Maizecor News Planting for the New Crop Year We are now working closely with our French supply cooperative to ensure that we again receive high quality maize from the 2001 http://www.maizecor.com/news.asp | |
46. Horizons.mw Orchards, corn crops and Flooding Predicted for Manawatu. View Archive. Fri 21 Jan 00 Temperature increases over the new century could http://www.horizons.govt.nz/default.asp?pageid=90&data_article=113 |
47. GM Crop Trials Underway Throughout Germany | Science & Technology | Deutsche Wel State Economics Minister Horst Rehberger said GM corn crops were being cultivated in BadenWürttemberg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania http://www.dw-world.de/english/0,3367,1446_A_1191060_1_A,00.html | |
48. MSUcares: Corn Crops Corn. Current Situation. The Corn grown in crop rotation significantly increases productivity of all crops in the long run. Reports http://msucares.com/crops/corn/ | |
49. MyCattle National News Nebraska corn crops Spared from Serious Aflatoxin Damage So Far. Omaha WorldHerald, Neb., October 01, 2002. by Bill Hord. Oct. 1LINCOLN http://www.mycattle.com/news/dsp_national_article.cfm?storyid=6101 |
50. Template.gif Improving corn crops without fertilizer A team from the US is shedding new light on a neglected aspect of agricultural research and is adding one piece to the http://www.farmingsolutions.org/successtories/stories.asp?id=114 |
51. Report.cds On this page you will find Compassion, Change and corn crops Why Do Older Faculty Block Education Renewal? Compassion, Change and corn crops. By Ellen Weber@. http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~rom2/Report.html | |
52. GM Industrial Crops Not Necessary 5) The Cargill Dow plant in question is due to come on stream 2001, and is therefore clearly not dependent on the supply of corn crops which have been http://www.btinternet.com/~nlpwessex/Documents/gmindust.htm | |
53. TEXAS CROP, WEATHER REPORT Although the current drought has also damaged corn crops, corn was not cut for hay because of its coarse stalks and nitrate problems. http://agnews.tamu.edu/dailynews/stories/CROP/Jun1003a.htm | |
54. Top Story - COMPUTER MODEL SUGGESTS FUTURE CROP LOSS DUE TO also modified an existing crop model, called CERESMaize, in order to simulate the effects of excess soil moisture from heavy precipitation on corn crops. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/20021022cropdamage.html |
55. Stowaway U.S. Corn Rootworm Eats Its Way Across Europe Corn Field The western corn rootworm has infested corn crops in nine European countries. This tenacious pest costs US farmers $1 billion annually. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/08/0829_wirecornworm.html | |
56. Nottinghamshire: History And Archaeology | Cambridge County Geographies: NOTTING corn crops are grown in all parts of the county. In 1907 the other corn cropsÂrye, beans, and peas occupied 2894, 5262, and 4750 acres respectively. http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/swinnerton1910/chapter12.htm | |
57. ENN News Story Co. and Monsanto Co., to plant pharmaceutical and industrial corn crops at least one mile from other crops. This technology http://www.enn.com/news/2003-03-07/s_3230.asp | |
58. Auburn University Grain Crops Homepage Everything you wanted to know about grain crops, from prices to management. Insects. Production. Publications. Weeds. corn. AVR ( Alabama Variety Report Search This Site . . . Slideshows. Inservice Training corn 2002. Submit Questions or Requests http://www.aces.edu/department/grain/Frame.htm |
59. Kentucky American Seed Information on soybeans, wheat, grasses, corn, specialty crops, legumes, seed treatments and seed conditioning. http://www.kentuckyamerican.com | |
60. Wagon Wheel Seed Corporation Home Page Grower, processors, and wholesaler of certified seed of cereals, oilseeds, pulses, special crops, forages, and corn and soybeans. http://www.wagonwheelseeds.sk.ca | |
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