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101. Lingua A monthly international review of general linguistics. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/lingua/ | |
102. Internship Listing Job ID 396351. Chameleonlike copy-editors. The Washington Spark copy-editors operate either online and during the Sunday layout session. http://www.journalismjobs.com/Job_Ad_Intern.cfm?JobID=396351 |
103. Linguistics And Education A quarterly international research journal on all topics related to linguistics and education. Includes description, free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/linged/ | |
104. Concord Wired: Copy Editor copy Editor Patty Guardiola. I ve always been pretty picky about grammar, so signing up as copy editor seemed like a good way to help out. http://www1.bellarmine.edu/theconcord/Staff04/Editors/copy.htm | |
105. American Association For The Advancement Of Science grammar, punctuation, and specialized nomenclature, on hard copy and electronically with art and production departments and with other editors; troubleshoot to http://www.aaas.org/jobs/1205CE.shtml | |
106. Associated Press Sports Editors 5/12/2004, Sports copy Editor/ Designer, Scranton (Pa.) TimesTirbune. 4/30/2004, Sports Designer/ copy Editor, Bradenton (Fla.) Herald. http://apse.dallasnews.com/job_board/apse_job_board.html | |
107. Lansing State Journal 1070. copy Editor, Dick Hoekstra, dhoekstr@lsj.com, (517) 3771070. copy Editor, Brian Minges, bminges@lsj.com, (517) 377-1070. copy Editor, http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/contactus/newsroom/contactus.html | |
108. Editor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia together. In particular, the substantive editor and copy editor often overlap factchecking can be the responsibility of either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Editor | |
109. Argus Leader - Newsroom Contacts in Pierre, Covers State Government, 605224-2760 NEWS copy DESK Tim Lyford, News Editor, 605-331-2336 Joel Brown, News copy Editor, 605-331-2305 Laura Buseman http://www.argusleader.com/news/talktous.shtml | |
110. The Papers Of George Washington Elizabeth A. Smith, Administrative / Editorial Assistant James E. Guba, copy Editor Jennifer E. Stertzer, Electronic Text Assistant Beverly S. Kirsch, Senior http://gwpapers.virginia.edu/project/staff.html | |
111. EEI Communications - Eye - Internet Resources For Copyeditors committees as well as a virtual tour of the Capitol. Keith C. Ivey is a technical editor and the webmaster for EEI Communications. http://www.eeicommunications.com/eye/utw/95oct.html | |
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