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41. Sunoasis Jobs For Writers, Editors, And Copywriters Click! Resources for copy editors. Words about words; copy editing tips. Web resources for copy editors. Getting an entrylevel copy editing job. http://www.sunoasis.com/copyeditor.html | |
42. Prints The Chaff First, Let S Shoot All The Copy Editors First, let s shoot all the copy editors. Someone who wants to shoot copy editors and *loves* Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Walsh is gonna blow a gasket! http://tommangan.net/printsthechaff/archives/001414.html |
43. Copy Editors It s not unusual for freelancers to feel bothered by copy editors, and I m sure freelancers drive copy editors mad. copy editors. Freelance Writers Blog. http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/a/040008.htm | |
44. Blog For Copy Editors CyberJournalist.net pointed to a blog for copy editors today. Called Copy Editing, Damnit. Blog for copy editors. Freelance Writers Blog. « Spam? http://freelancewrite.about.com/b/a/020186.htm | |
45. Copy Editors Copy Editor Responsibilities Edits articles for grammar and clarity. Carefully edits laser proofs for mistakes before the magazine is sent to the printer. http://home.cwru.edu/~eay3/ESR/copy.htm | |
46. Copy Editors Act As The Readers Advocate - American Press 9/12 9/15/2004. copy editors act as the readers advocate. ThatÂsa question more copy editors also need to ask. 2. Terrible leads. http://www.americanpressinstitute.org/content/3226.cfm |
47. Copy Editors Anonymous Meeting - American Press Institute Alliances. 9/12 9/15/2004. copy editors Anonymous meeting. Email story Hello. My name is Jim, and I ma frustrated copy editor. I m new http://www.americanpressinstitute.org/content/p1496_c1388.cfm |
48. Copy Editors Fill Defensive Line Bylines Pam Fine. copy editors fill defensive line. May 2, 2004. I worked for an and fair. copy editors play offense, too. They wrote http://www.indystar.com/articles/7/143145-1377-174.html |
49. AP: Copyediting Services: Editor's FAQ 1. Will my journal be given to a number of copy editors, or will one person work exclusively on my journal? We have about twenty freelance copy editors. http://www.allenpress.com/APcopyeditedfaq.html | |
50. Copy Editors Invited To UNC-CH For Skill-sharpening Seminars NEWS. For immediate use, July 14, 1997 No. 476. copy editors invited to UNCCH for skill-sharpening seminars. CHAPEL HILL About http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/archives/jul97/copyed.html | |
51. Knight Grant To Fund Training For Top Newspaper Copy Editors June 25, 2002 No. 365. Knight grant to fund training for top newspaper copy editors. Eighteen copy editors will be in Chapel Hill from July 28 through Aug. http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/archives/jun02/copyeds062502.htm | |
52. Editors Directory - Acquisitions Editors, Copy Editors, Editors Of Print And Onl It doesn t matter whether you are a copy editor, a content editor, an acquisitions editor or run a print or online magazine; we d like our writers to be able http://www.writers.net/editors.php | |
53. Copy Editors Blog | New Media | J-Log Online copy editors Blog. They re part of a small community of copy editors with weblogs men and women writing about the details of news and language. http://www.mallasch.com/journalism/article.php?sid=828 |
54. Dynamist Blog: AARGH, COPY EDITORS! AARGH, copy editors! (Apparently the copy editors were highly offended by the original post, judging from this apologetic followup on Normblog.) http://www.dynamist.com/weblog/archives/000649.html | |
55. How To Edit And Proofread A Manuscript - Costs And Editing Checklist For Books copy editors generally follow a set of hard and fast rules about punctuation and word usage, and they don t pay a lot of attention to the overall structure of http://www.fonerbooks.com/editor.htm | |
56. American Copy Editors Society | CafePress American copy editors Society. American copy editors Society. More items for editors Houston conference items. Apparel, Back to Top. Jr. Hoodie Jr. Hoodie $27.99. http://www.cafepress.com/aces_items | |
57. Worldcrossing.com/WebX?13.eeb6a40 strong JobsPage /strong /ask the recruiter Clips for copy October 30, 2003. Clips for copy editors? Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Clips for copy editors? Comments. Post a comment. Name Email Address http://worldcrossing.com/WebX?13.eeb6a40 |
58. Writers And Editors reporters will cover a given story. copy editors mostly review and edit a reporterÂs copy for accuracy, content, grammar, and style. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos089.htm | |
59. Editorsweblog.org: Will Weblogs Make Copy Editors Obsolete? Monday, February 23, 2004. Will weblogs make copy editors obsolete? Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Will weblogs make copy editors obsolete? http://www.editorsweblog.org/2004/02/and_now_the_wat.html | |
60. Internet Homeworking Directory - Proofreading And Copy Editors This takes the form of two processes, copyediting and proofreading, both of which are very often carried out by freelance copy-editors and proofreaders from http://www.homeworkinguk.com/proofreader.htm | |
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