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81. Sam Gugino from the time I was born, I was interested in Mom s cooking. my columns were votedbest among all major newspapers by the Association of food Journalists. http://www.hub-uk.com/chefsbios/samgugino.htm | |
82. Satya Aug. 03: Vegetarian Advocate By Jack Rosenberger strewn beach, I recalled a cooking column IÂd Pamela Anderson) writes a food columncalled ÂCookSmart Weekend, a popular Sunday newspaper supplement, and http://www.satyamag.com/aug03/rosenberger.html | |
83. The Beaufort Gazette: Food & Friends No, all toxins in food do not survive the cooking process. In fact, the botulismtoxin caused by Clostridium botulinum can be inactivated Previous columns. http://www.beaufortgazette.com/features/food/ | |
84. What's Cooking America - American Cooking A treasure trove of unique, easyto-follow recipes from all over America that readily transforms every cook into a chef, comfort food to gourmet food. Herbs Spices. food cooking Information . http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/4079 | |
85. HAINES NEWSPAPER COLUMN: SIMPLY GOOD COOKING In January 1996, I was hired by the Northwest Florida Daily News to write a weeklyfood column. I named the column Simply Good cooking, which most aptly http://www.hainesworld.com/sgc.htm | |
86. The Columbus Dispatch - Food Pomme in an article about the new cookingschool craze For the Gourmet for the Foodsection of s now nationally syndicated and running in newspapers across the http://www.dispatch.com/news/food/food.php | |
87. Azcentral.com | Cooking 101 On Wednesdays, newspapers are delivered to their classrooms lessons on www.azcentral.com/foodon The QuickTime videos of several cooking preparation methods. http://www.azcentral.com/home/food/cooking101/lesson6-3.html | |
88. Azcentral.com | Cooking 101 Why learn at all, you may ask, when food manufacturers are so busycranking out home meal replacements? cooking is a life skill. http://www.azcentral.com/home/food/cooking101/ | |
89. CBTL General Food Resources The Recipe Link Your Guide to What s cooking on the Net Dedicated to those who have a passion for food, cooking, and recipe collecting. Their master index http://www.cbtl.org/food/general.htm | |
90. Food For Thought - Mark Vogel's Weekly Column psychology, his deepest passion remains cooking at an His column food For Thought is published in a number of NJ and Philadelphia newspapers and food http://www.foodreference.com/html/markvogelweeklycolumn.html | |
91. Cooking With The Stars on E! Entertainment) got her start 17 years ago not in the kitchen but in journalism,writing a food column for British Vogue. Self taught in cooking, she says http://www.suntimes.com/output/food/foo-news-chefs21.html |
92. CNN Food Central - Remaking 'comfort Food' For The Health-conscious - May 24, 19 Her 15year-old nationally syndicated food column is read in more than 100 newspapersby more is also a contributing editor to cooking Light magazine http://www.cnn.com/FOOD/news/9905/24/jeanne.jones/ | |
93. Deschutes Public Library - Cooking with schedules and recipes, cooking Magazines and Newspapers and a cooking Light OnlineThis popular cooking magazine main areas are food, Healthy Living http://www.dpls.lib.or.us/Page.asp?NavID=35 |
94. TV Cooking Shows And Radio Cooking Shows - The Recipe Link TV and Radio cooking Shows newspaper FoodColumns TV Schedules. TV cooking Shows. http://www.allbaking.net/tv.html | |
95. KpLinksLib | News Food Sections Chicago Pioneer Press; Chicago - Suburban Chicago Newspapers. Iowa - GazetteOnline - food. Prime Time find the link to the cooking Corner (monthfly). http://home.earthlink.net/~kitpath/links/LibNEWs.htm | |
96. Evalu8 - Food-and-drink.ca:Garber Gastronomic By special request from international food expert, Irving print, and she is also anewspaper columnist, product owner of her selfnamed cooking school, caterer http://www.evalu8.org/browse/312 | |
97. An Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social She currently writes food, home, and travelrelated articles for nationalmagazines and newspapers and is the author of more than 30 books. http://www.sallys-place.com/food/columns/pappas/icecream_social.htm | |
98. The Way We Cook - About The Authors owners of the wellknown seafood chain Legal Sea foods, called to ask for cookingclasses She has also been the food reporter at the newspaper, writing about http://www.thewaywecook.com/about_authors.html | |
99. IChef.com Free Recipes - Online Cookbook Thousands of great free recipes and cooking information. Search by keyword ingredient. Add recipes. Create cookbooks and recipe web sites. Quick cooking II. Augusta Chronicle. Karin Calloway's http://www.ichef.com/foodnews.cfm | |
100. BookPage Nonfiction Review: Cooking Roundup The Year s Top 100 from Books, Magazines, Newspapers, and the Claiborne was the foodeditor of the Times from renowned chef Pierre Franey as a cooking mate, he http://www.bookpage.com/9910bp/nonfiction/cooking_roundup.html | |
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