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Cook Islands Culture: more detail | ||||||
41. Jane's Cook Islands Home Page Detailed information on the islands of Rarotonga and Aitutaki including the people, culture, history, nature, sightseeing and dive information. http://www.janeresture.com/cookislands/index.htm | |
42. KiaOrana.com | The Cook Islands | KiaOrana.com Information and pictures from the cook islands group including legends, culture, maps, books and artists. http://www.kiaorana.com |
43. Cook Islands Travel Picture Guide - Cook.Islands-Pictures.com cook islands travel information with pictures of holidays, culture, adventure, resorts, and beaches. Includes a cook islands vacation guide http://www.cook.islands-pictures.com | |
44. The Cook Islands People - Polynesians Of The South Pacific For more information on the unique profile of the cook islands people, see these web sites cook islands Government Web Site; cook islands Ministry of culture. http://www.globalvolunteers.org/1main/cook/cook_islandspeople.htm | |
45. Cook Island Research At Otago Includes information on three projects The Stone Sourcing Project, Ngaputoru culture History, and the cook islands Reef Ecology Project. http://www.otago.ac.nz/Anthropology/Pacific/cooks/cookframe.html |
46. PACIFICNAVIGATOR.COM - The Cook Islands - CULTURE - Internet Travel Specialists, each participant, but is limited to a few islands. artwork, often associated with religion or cultural tradition. The cook Islanders are no exception, and are http://www.pacificnavigator.com/cookislands/aboutcooks/culture.html | |
47. Cook Islands - Holiday Accommodation - Resorts, Villas, Hotels & Resort Spas - T So, welcome to the cook islands, immerse yourself in another culture another time. Kia manuia! May good fortune shine on you! http://www.tourismcookislands.com/ | |
48. Jasons South Pacific Travel Channel - South Pacific Accommodation & Travel Infor feature cook islands culture The old culture stems from the great Polynesian migration to the islands around 800AD. In the 11th http://www.pi-travel.co.nz/dest_details.cfm?edid=2100&type=FE&country=pi®ioni |
49. Culture Individuality between islands is the hallmark of the culture of the cook islands and reflects their varied sources of ancient migration as well as the vast http://www.pacificislandtravel.com/cook_islands/about_destin/culture.html | |
50. Cook Islands General Information Nightlife; Where to stay - Where to eat - History culture - Practical Tips Of all the guidebooks available, by far the best is cook islands Companion. http://www.maui.net/~jbonline/cigen.html | |
51. Cook Islands And The South Pacific At Beauty Worlds from there to Hawaii, west to the cook islands and then colonized the majority of the islands in Melanesia By 1200 BC a protopolynesian culture was beginning http://www.beautyworlds.com/cookislands.htm | |
52. LookSmart - Directory - Culture And Amusements In The Cook Islands YOU ARE HERE Home Travel Destinations Australia Oceania Countries cook islands culture Amusements. culture and Amusements http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317835/us317907/us62972/us10212176/us | |
53. Cook Islands - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Economy. Main Article see Economy of the cook islands. culture. Holidays. Date, Name. January 1, New Year s Day. The Friday before Easter Sunday, Good Friday. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook_Islands | |
54. Cook Islands Travel Tourism The cook islands Art and culture The cook islands Art and culture - culture, Dance, Music, Visual Art, Crafts and Literature. Business Economy. http://www.escapeartist.com/cook/cook2.htm | |
55. Cook Islands cook islands Tourism Corporation providing detailed information about travel to the cook islands including culture, visitor info, activities, accommodations http://www.joeant.com/DIR/cat/16126/Cook_Islands | |
56. 1Up Travel : Cook Islands - History And Culture Of Cook Islands. cook islands History and culture. History The islands were named in honour of Captain James cook, who in 1733 became the first European to sight them. http://www.1uptravel.com/international/oceaniapacific/cook-islands/history-cultu | |
57. 1Up Travel > Cook Islands > Travel & Tourism | Tourist Guide To Cook Islands of cook islands. History of cook islands Presents a detailed historical background and culture of cook islands. Life People of http://www.1uptravel.com/international/oceaniapacific/cook-islands/ | |
58. Cook Islands - Aitutaki - Generalities concern for others and their old culture lives on to life reflecting the nature of the islands in which The current population in the cook islands is estimated http://www.aitutaki.com/generalities.htm | |
59. CookIslands Individuality is the hallmark of the culture of the cook islands and reflects their varied sources of ancient migration as well as the vast distances between http://www.exploring.nu/cookisla.htm | |
60. Bits Of Culture - Cook Islands Language Map. Bits of culture. PointTo-Talk Booklets. Additional Resources. BITS OF culture - cook islands. Languages. Geography. Cultural Values. http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/interpreters/b_cook.asp | |
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