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         Conures:     more books (38)
  1. Breeding Conures by Robbie Harris, 1983-12
  2. Conures by Tony and Kotlar, Barbara Silva, 1980
  3. Conures 2004 Calendar by Pet Prints, 2003-07
  4. A Monograph Of Macawsand Conures by Tony Silva, 1993
  5. International studbook: Golden conure, Aratinga guarouba by Alan A Lieberman, 1992
  6. Conures 2005 Pet Prints Wall Calendar by Pet Prints, 2004-06
  7. Conure
  8. Conures Everything About Purchase Housin by Mathew Vriends, 1992
  9. Thick-billed parrot: Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha (The Birds of North America) by Noel Snyder, 1999
  10. Carolina parakeet: Conuropsis carolinensis (The Birds of North America) by Noel F. R Snyder, 2002

41. Home
Breeders of cockatoos, conures, eclectus, and other Australian parrots, such as the princess parrot. Also offers instructions on building aviaries and articles on breeding and raising parrots.
A Leader in Breeding Hand Reared Companion Parrots
Specialist Breeders of Eclectus, Conures, Exotics, and Australian Companion Parrots Welcome to Parrot Haven Aviary's web pages . I have tried to produce a web site that is beneficial to all aviculturists. Parrot Haven Aviary specialise in Handreared Baby Parrots. All babies are bred at Parrot Haven Aviary and reared in a family environment, our baby Parrots are completely at ease with other family members and pets. Each baby has a birth certificate and literature containing all the information needed to ensure each pet Parrot stays healthy, happy and free from stress. Our baby Parrots make the ultimate companion bird and the perfect pet. Parrot Haven Aviary is a commercial aviary owned and operated by my wife Lyn and myself (Garry Lee.) Parrot Haven Aviary is devoted to producing only hand reared companion parrots for the companion and pet parrot owners of Australian. Our babies have been incubated and hatched in our incubation room, or raised by their parents until they are around 10 days of age. They are then removed from the nest for hand rearing by us. All of our babies are fed hand rearing formula (commercially made) from a spoon, this allows for more human contact and a much quieter, loving and devoted companion in the end, not afraid to be handled by people. Lynette and I fuss over our babies as though they were our own children, so much that we use the phrase "mummy and daddy" when talking to them (no we are not totally mad, but totally devoted to our babies and the enjoyment that they can and do give us while raising them.)

42. Sun Conures- Wonderful, Colorful Pets!
Sun conures wonderful, colorful pets! Spectacular, beautiful pet parrots-cuddly, smart and magnificent Sun conures! The sun conure
Sun conures- wonderful, colorful pets!
Spectacular, beautiful pet parrots- cuddly, smart and magnificent Sun Conures!
The sun conure is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. This little bird is about the size of a robin, but each bird's feathers include red, orange and yellow on the head, chest and upper wings, and royal blue and green on the tail and wings. The yellow feathers extend across the shoulders and are called a cape. These small South American parrots are simply gorgeous. Sun conures can make wonderful pet parrots for the right family. If handfed as babies they tend to be affectionate and playful companions. They might enjoy riding around inside your shirt or nuzzling your ear while sitting on your shoulder. They are comical as they play with their toys, and they are bright enough to be taught numerous tricks. They are not generally good talkers, but some of them may learn to say a few words in a cute but gravelly little voice. bodyOffer(17196) There are several things to consider before selecting a sun conure as your pet. First, the things that all potential parrot owners must consider: Parrots are messy, noisy and need your attention. They chew on things. A few of them may occasionally bite. Biting, chewing and screaming can be modified through learning to handle the birds properly, providing adequate toys and giving them attention and healthy food.

43. Marilyn Whalen's Flock
Pictures and stories of lovebirds, conures, canaries, jardines, caiques, and pionus.

44. Conures - The Little, But Mighty, Parrot ...
conures Clowny birds. Absolutely funny. Great sense of humor . The Aviary International conures Assocation Conure Email Chatlist
Class: Aves . .. Order: Psittaciformes ... Family: Psittacidae ... Subfamily: Psittacinae
CITES: I Protected ... CITES II: Endangered Species or EXTINCT (as specified under each species)
(updated 5/04)
The Real Macaw Enchanting movie about a clever macaw that "saves the day" - any parrot lover will love it. For Tips on for you, please go to the Pet Bird Care page. I already knew this one - Did YOU?: Scientific Evidence that Birds are Aware, Intelligent and Astonishingly Like Humans
Conures Clowny birds. Absolutely funny. Great sense of "humor". Can be QUITE noisy. Often easy to train to do tricks. Most may learn to talk. I consider them to be "cuddly" birds (provided they are well socialized). They make great birds for those who don't mind the occasional (not NOT so occasional) screeching outburst. Related Websites: Exotic Tropicals The Aviary International Conures Assocation Conure E-mail Chatlist ... ~ Conures ~ You Just Gotta Luv 'Em
Andean Patagonian Conures

45. Lai's Dusky Conures Gallery
Pictures of Haddy and Robert Lai's dusky conures.
Lai's Dusky Conures Gallery
By Robert Lai
page 1 of 2
Dscn0015.jpg DSCN0016.jpg DSCN0017.jpg DSCN0018.jpg Dscn0019.jpg PhotoJam-BoBo and QQ's Bathing Dusky Conure Trio About Dusky Conure Parrot Bill of Rights ... Parrot related links TRADEMARKS:SystemGate, SystemGate Logo and the names of SystemGate products referenced herein are registered trademarks of SystemGate Consulting LLC.

46. Conure Books
conures. Ratings 3.5 out of 5. The Professional s Book of conures. Ratings3 out of 5. The Conure An Owner s Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pet.
CONURES Rating System: 1 (Poor) - 5 (Highest Ratings Possible) - Although the rating system is a good indication of the content quality, I would recommend that you don't automatically dismiss any book with a low rating. Click on the picture or text link and see how many people rated it, and what their comments were. If only one person rated the book either good or bad then it may be entirely subjective.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the books have not been rated. If available, I also added comments on the contents of the books. For pricing and other information, or to place an order, please click on either text or picture link.
Everything About Purchase, Housing, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, and Diseases
3.5 out of 5 The Professional's Book of Conures Ratings:
3 out of 5
The Conure : An Owner's Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pet Ratings:
4.5 out of 5

47. Budgewoi Aviaries Main
Breeder of many species, including african greys, cockatiels, eclectus, greencheek conures, malabars, quakers, ringnecks, and sun conures.
WELCOME TO BUDGEWOI AVIARIES We are located an hour and half north of Sydney and 40mins south of Newcastle on theƂ  NSW CENTRAL COAST

48. Golden Conure - (Guaruba Guarouba)
Range Golden conures are native to Brazil and prefer inland, dry rainforesthabitat. Habitat destruction isn t the only threat to the conures.
Golden Conure
Guaruba guarouba
Description: The golden conure (Guaruba guarouba) , also known as the Queen of Bavaria's conure, is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular members of the parrot family. Although the golden is considered a medium-sized parrot (34 cm length) it has a surprisingly large beak, proportionately larger in fact than some small macaws. Certainly the most obvious characteristic of the species is the brilliant golden-yellow plumage, which covers the bird entirely, except the covert wing feathers, which are deep green.
Range: Golden conures are native to Brazil and prefer inland, dry rainforest habitat. Like most parrots, they travel in pairs or family groups, nesting in rainforest trees. During the breeding season, males attract females with dramatic displays, spreading their wings and vocalizing loudly. Each year pairs rear three to four chicks, which both parents take turns feeding until the young are fully feathered and out of the nest (12-14 weeks).
Threats to Survival:
Conservation Programs:
The importance of a captive breeding program for the golden conure is obvious. Although the total number of goldens in captivity is not high, they have always been prized, and breeding successes have improved dramatically since the late 1970's. This species is now considered fairly well established in captivity. Genetic diversity within the captive population is of some concern, since most U.S. captive stock is descendant from a group of only about 20 founder birds.

49. A Parrot Place
Pictures and stories of their pet budgies, cockatiels, conures, greys, and parrotlets. Also offers general information and advice on various species.

50. Conures-The Feather Tree
The feather tree has parrot videos and handfed exotic birds, conures like paulie,we vewritten articles for Bird Talk and avian clubs. Pyrrhura conures.
The Feather Tree Pyrrhura Conures ~Green-Cheeked, White-Eared, and Painted Conures ~ All from the genus Pyrrhura, these little guys are some of our favorites. They are all very similar in personality and differ only in color and in some cases, size. Our Pyrrhura friends are BIG birds in little bodies! They are such clowns and so much fun to play with. Even people who are unsure as to
their feelings about birds can't help but fall in love with these babies! Their dispositions are gentle and sassy at the same time. They are very quiet compared to the larger conures. They will speak , but
this seems to be individual talent and varies with training. I have been around some who talk and talk and there are others that are not as gifted. In any case, a hand-fed, domestic baby Pyrrhura is an excellent choice for a pet. The cage size required is not as large as is needed for other parrots, and the bird will give you just as much enjoyment.
For questions about the Pyrrhura family of conures, please consider the purchase of our informative video . How to identify, breed, feed, and house. Hear them talk! ONLY $12.95

51. Http://
Information on South American conures kept bred in the United Kingdom, including diet, breeding, and hand rearing. Also has information on color varieties and pictures.
var TlxPgNm='index';
Pyrrhura's U.K.
under reconstruction

52. Yellow-Sided Conures- Factual Article
I was banding a group of GreenCheeked conures imported from Argentina whenI noticed two brightly colored conures in the group with the others.
The Feather Tree Yellow-Sided GREEN-CHEEKED Conure
For more questions about the Pyrrhura family of conures, please consider the purchase of our informative video . This will answer most questions.

p hoto by Gail J. Worth
(Pyrrhura molinae/Pyrrhura hypoxantha) In the mid 1980s while working in a quarantine station in Los Angeles,
Ca., I first came upon the Yellow-Sided Conure. I was banding a group
of Green-Cheeked Conures imported from Argentina when I noticed two
brightly colored conures in the group with the others. After
referencing these birds in Parrots Of The World, I learned that Forshaw
questioned if the Yellow-Sided were a separate species and not just a
sub-species of the Green-Cheeked Conure.
The Yellow-Sided Conure, while similar in color to the Green-Cheeked on the back and tail, differs greatly in the coloration of the breast feathers, feet and facial feathers. The term "yellow-sided" is actually in reference to the sides of the breast area. Brightly colored yellow and green, they differ from the solid green of the normal colored Green-

53. Membership_index.htm
Breeder of lovebirds, finches, asiatics, conures, rosellas, grassparakeets, and lorikeets.
Address: 65d Brenan St, Smithfield Phone: 02 9755-7963 Email: membership link to find out more. Congratulations 'Gordon' the winner of our second Raffle. Our next raffle will be held on the 25th June, 2004. Good Luck Everyone! Remember you need to activate your membership to be eligible for all of the benefits we are offering for the membership. Winner of Sydney Royal Easter Show 2003 African Lovebird Grand Champion and many more......... Winner of Sydney Royal Easter Show 2004 African Lovebird Grand Champion and many more......... Andr e w has been b r e his first pair of Budgies. His late on practice, (pract i cal Work). WEB SITE last updated 29/05/2004 08:48 PM Author Carolyn Hope.
All rights reserved. Revised: May 29, 2004 WEB SITE HOSTED WITH

54. Conures
breeder, parrotlets, mutation parrotlets, color mutations, forpus parrotlets,yellowparrotlets, blue parrotlets,mutation Lineolateds, conures, finsch s conure
Conures Feral Conures The Finsch's Conure Finsch's Origins ... Tour of the Aviary
click on a photo for a larger view
Sun Conure
Aratinga solstitialis
The intense coloration of sunshine yellow, orange, green and blue make the Sun Conure one of the most popular birds. A stocky bird about 13 inches from beak to tip of tail with a call that has been termed as boisterous. They are not as loud as a Nanday Conure but they don't talk as well either. A hand raised Sunnie can be one of the most devoted and affectionate pets. However at breeding time they will leave you for a mate of their own species. One of the most prolific of the Aratinga Conure group they are capable of producing many clutches in one season which can not be pinned down to a specific month. I have had some begin in January and go right on through to December producing babies two to five at a time. They are easy to raise but in the past few years they have become available in large quantities and thereby the supply is far greater than the demand. Here at Hideaway Farms we pride ourselves in producing for sale unrelated pairs that will produce for many years as well as the cute and clownish pet. The Sunnie can breed as early as two years but a lot of those who breed that young have a first clutch that is infertile. Parent raised or hand raised I have found no difference in their ability to breed and produce.
For more detailed information on this species visit the

55. Pokie's Painted Pages Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Pyrrhura Conures
Informational site on pyrrhura conures, including painted, souance, greencheek, and maroon bellies. Pictures and informative descriptions. Avian Art also available.
Hi! I'm Pokie, the beautiful Painted Conure! Welcome to the Painted Pages! On this site you will find pictures of me and my friends and information on Painted Conures and other Pyrrhura Conures! Just click on the little buttons in the menu below with my picture on them to go to the pages you are interested in! Proud to Be American!! Flag by 3d NEWS FLASH!!** Pokie's Painted Pages is excited and proud to announce the arrival of the newest member of it's "staff"! Please welcome Perseus (Persi) the Souance Conure!! Persi was born in October of 2002 at Free Flyte Aviaries and joined our "flock" on March 24th 2003. He had a rough start and nearly died but for the dedication and love of his "hatchmom" (breeder). We are pleased and thrilled to have him with us and look forward to learning first hand about this wonderful species of Pyhurra Conure! (an early pic of Persi can now be seen on the Souance Conure page bottom pic... more pics comming soon!) This site is constantly Under Construction, many pages may not be finished!

56. Parrot Parrot Lots O Links Directory
Information African Greys (5) All Species Guide (2) Amazons (3) Budgerigars (1)Caiques (0) Canaries (0) Cockatiels (1) Cockatoos (2) conures (2) Finches (0

57. The Back Perch
Breeder of many species including cockatoos, cockatiels, conures, caiques, pionus, greycheeks, and amazons. Located in Kerrville.
Melissa Belknap
Certified Avian Specialist
Kerrville, TX
Babies Available Now!
Border Collie Puppies Conures Cockatiels ... Caiques Lovebirds Pionus Mission Statement Bird Club Affiliations ... Border Collie Puppies
...Lose your heart to a feathered friend

58. Parrot Parrot Lots O Links Directory
Breeders by Species African Greys (5) Asian Parakeets (1) Budgerigars (3) Caiques(0) Canaries (0) Cockatiels (6) Cockatoos (1) conures (1) Finches (2) Lories

59. Conure Pictures And Information
General information, along with pictures of conures.
Conure Pictures and Information Probably the most popular of these is the Half Moon of which, once again, there are many species bearing a strong resemblance not only to the larger parrots but also to the Macaws to which they are closely related. Their coloring is truly exquisite; you will find shades of grey,white,red and orange mixed with their basic green, depending on what part of the Latin American countries they are raised. They run in length approximately twelve and a half inches, and, like the Bee Bee, thrive on friendship and companionship. They tame very quickly and in no time you can expect your particular species of Conure to be clamoring to be let out of his/her cage, sit on your hand and shoulder, pull toys and imitate sounds. New Owner Conure Informtion Hey! Jenday Conure Right there, that's it, ahhh... Stretch... Hi there! Babie (how cute!) Yumm! Yummy Grape! Conure Links : Stimpys Homepage Ziggy's Page Bird Breeder's Page Patagonian Conure's ... Wing Clipping
Click to subscribe to conures Email:

60. Conures Breeder PeeWee's Playpen USA Tulsa, Oklahoma
conures breeder PeeWee s Playpen USA Tulsa, Oklahoma home, Elite Pets InternetClub., PeeWee s Playpen. White Front Amazons. Sun Gold Cap conures.
Elite Pets
Internet Club
PeeWee's Playpen
Breed: Conures, Amazon Parrots
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Send an enquiry
Owner: Miranda Suvak
PeeWee's Playpen Sweet, well-socialized Handfed Baby Parrots! We breed: V. Greenrump Parrotlets Lilac Crown Amazons Quaker Parrots Senegals We also buy babies out of the nest. Regulars you will see at PeeWee's include: White Front Amazons Our babies are pulled from the nest between 9 and 21 days (depending on the species) and are handfed. Each baby is played with each and every time it is fed; they're even rocked to sleep sometimes! We have several people play with the babies (both males and females) and have them interact with several different species of birds, so they turn out to be very well socialized little birds. ( A little spoiled, too!) They are abundance weaned to lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as pellets and a good seed mixture that we put together ourselves. Senegals are African Parrots and are very quiet birds but can be great talkers. We have three little babies - we're thinking 2 girls and 1 boy!! Reserve yours now - Senegals only come once a year at PeeWee's! DUSKIE PIONUS Only two of these little ones left! Great bird for apartments or people who like the quieter bird.

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