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21. 3ware - Authority In Serial ATA RAID Controllers, ATA RAID Storage Most advanced Serial ATA RAID controllers in the industry. Switched RAID controllers designed to meet the explosive demand for costeffective, high-performance, scalable storage. 3ware Breaks Performance Barrier with Next Generation of Serial ATA hardware RAID controllers Performance Barrier with Next Generation of Serial ATA hardware RAID controllers. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.3ware.com/&y=025E3F1772A80ADF&am |
22. Hyperstone AG: RISC / DSP Processors, Flash Memory Controllers And Cards, Compac RISC/DSP processors, flash memory controllers and cards (and compact cards), ASIC design, IP hardware, biometric devices, digital still cameras. http://www.hyperstone-electronics.com/ | |
23. Napco Security Systems - Central Controllers, Hardware And Home Automation Systems products. Napco Security Systems. hardware. Home Automation.Central controllers. Contact Information 333 Bayview Ave. Amityville http://www.ebuild.com/guide/manufacturers/manufacturerDetail.asp?mfg=671 |
24. Sejin EMS; Contract Manufacturer, Network Camera, Ethernet Camera, Ip Camera, Ip Korean distributor of computer hardware including keyboards, mice, game controllers, and remote controls. http://www.sejin.com/ | |
25. Adding Hardware Controllers Adding hardware controllers. You can use this procedure to add a new hardware controller. Manually configure the new hardware, if necessary. Some hardware requires manual configuration. view the http://docsrv.caldera.com/HW_controller/controllers.adding.html |
26. Analog & Digital Peripherals, Inc. Provides peripheral solutions to industry and end user. Offering embedded single board computers, controllers, data acquisition tools, and custom hardware and software design. http://www.adpi.com |
27. Adaptec 2930U. SCSI Controllers At PriceSCAN.com Low prices for the 2930U! Unbiased product information the lowest prices on computer hardware at PriceSCAN. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/7982/7984/www.price |
28. Computer Wholesalers, Inc. - HP9000, DEC, Cisco, 3Com, Micom, Itouch/Xyplex, 700 Data General computer hardware. Resale of servers, workstations, processors, disk drives, tape drives, memory, crt, terminals, and controllers. http://www.computerwholesalersinc.com | |
29. Adapters & Controllers / Hardware / Midland Computers Ltd Midland Computers, Site by RocketUK.net. Home / hardware / Adapters controllers, hardware and Components. PC s and Servers. Notebooks. http://www.midlandcomputers.co.uk/default.asp?path=137 |
30. Thermionics Vacuum Products Manufacturer of vacuum systems, components and hardware for all vacuum applications including XYZ manipulators, sample handling devices, motor controllers, valves, feedthroughs, gauges and controls, and flanges. http://www.thermionics.com/ | |
31. 3ware / Adapters & Controllers / Hardware / Midland Computers Ltd Products In This Category 3ware adpators controllers . 3ware Escalade750612 port RAID Controller. Parallel ATA 12port 133 RAID Controller. http://www.midlandcomputers.co.uk/default.asp?path=846 |
32. AC Micro, Inc. Offers computer hardware, cases, software, controllers and complete systems. http://www.acmicro.com/ | |
33. Floppy Controllers - Misc. Hardware At Shopping.com! Find, compare and buy Misc. hardware and other Computer hardware products. Read product reviews and compare prices with tax and shipping. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.shopping.com/xGS-Floppy_Controllers~ |
34. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation Manufactures computer hardware like clocks, memory, and controllers. Based in San Jose, CA 95134, USA. (NYSECY) http://www.cypress.com/ | |
35. Fun-Shop.com,Flash, & Smoke, Paper, Powder, Pyrotechnics - Bottom Line Pricing F flash paper, flash cotton, smoke powder, flash powder, finger flash, hand cannon, gerbs, squibs, bottom line pricing for pyrotechnics. controllers, Cables, hardware. Compositions. Cartridges . http://www.propyro.com/pyrotechnics_04.htm | |
36. Bradford J. Rodriguez, Ph.D. Freelance embedded systems engineer; focus hardware and software development for lowend (8/16-bit) microcontrollers. Created CamelForth ANS Forth compiler for embedded controllers, Chromium Forth meta/cross-compiler, Scroungemaster II educational multiprocessor system. http://www.zetetics.com/bj/ | |
37. Programmable Logic Controllers - Hardware Submission Form Programmable Logic controllers (PLC) hardware. http://www.instrument.org/ita_io/ita_io_AUTOMATION/ita_io_hardware/PLC_post.htm | |
38. Home Page, Escotech Inc Representation and distribution of industrial process instrumentation, controllers, valves, steam handling hardware and other products. http://www.escotechinc.com/ | |
39. Analog Digital Controllers - Hardware Search Form Analog Digital controllers hardware. http://www.instrument.org/ita_io/ita_io_AUTOMATION/ita_io_hardware/ADCHardware_s | |
40. E.R.I.K.A. Educational Microkernel RTOSs and set of integrated tools to develop embedded realtime applications, made to support all architectures used in power train controllers in automotive industry. Kernels have 2 main layers Kernel Layer, hardware Abstraction Layer, HAL. Open Source, GPL http://erika.sssup.it/ | |
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