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61. Roger Bogsted, Nassau County Conservative Party Chairman HISTORY In 1962, as an alternative to the liberal doctrinaire philosophy that dominatedthe three existing political parties, the conservative party was born. http://www.lipolitics.com/roger_bogsted.htm | |
62. Oleh Soskin's Portal - Statementof Ukrainian National Conservative PartyÂVictor Ukrainian National conservative party considers necessary that V.Yushchenkoheaded powerful and authoritative political party. Modern http://soskin.info/e-material.php?pokaz=51 |
63. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Republican Party 2002 election results. conservative movement. major US political parties Table).majority in US Congress. pictures related to the Republican party. quotations. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761568416/Republican_Party.html | |
64. MSN Encarta - Progressive Conservative Party I, Introduction. Print Preview of Section. Progressive ConservativeParty, historically, one of CanadaÂs two main political parties. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555233/Progressive_Conservative_Party.htm | |
65. Conservative Groups Break With Republican Leadership - The Washington Times: Nat fails to veto it, in all probability the party s conservativeactivist core fromsome 4,000 activists at the annual conservative political Action Conference http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040115-112447-9758r.htm | |
66. New Zealand Progressive Political Party - Spotlight On Conservative Parties' Poo Spotlight on conservative parties poor record defending NZ political 14 October2003 Topic Matt Robson s Speeches. SUPREME COURT BILL Third Reading. http://www.progressive.org.nz/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=513 |
67. New Zealand Progressive Political Party - Spotlight On Conservative Parties' Poo I expected the same from the other conservative parties, I am afraid. This articlecomes from New Zealand Progressive political party http//www.progressive.org http://www.progressive.org.nz/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=513 |
68. Freedom To Marry Or was the president s flipflop a political deal sealed party leaders say theywant to send a clear A conservative ruling on gay marriage The Boston Globe http://www.freedomtomarry.org/resources_new.asp?node=96 |
69. IWM Politische Diskussion: Goals And Chances Of Conservative Politics In Central those movements and the building of a strong political bloc must be, according tohim, the goal of conservative politics. Mr. OrbanÂs party was mentioned as http://www.iwm.at/a-con209.htm | |
70. Protest And Politics Political Parties Conservative Party The website for Welsh cultural history. http://www.gtj.org.uk/subjects.php?lang=en&s=3383 |
71. Political Professional -- The Business Of Politics -- PPC Links A proGeorge W. Bush and Republican party and anti Portal which provides personalstart pages with political headlines, conservative commentary, Bible http://www.politicalprofessional.com/links/ppc_conservative_liberal.asp | |
72. B.C.Marijuana Party t be using it, Counterquote from John Reynolds of the conservative party, Mr.Layton as they are, unprecedented, from the leader of political party that has http://www.bcmarijuanaparty.ca/ | |
73. Society, Politics, Conservatism: Parties broadly Christian Democratic, free market, and culturally conservative principles. Publica Estonian club for young political enthusiasts cum political party. http://www.combose.com/Society/Politics/Conservatism/Parties/ | |
74. IHT: Canadian Political Parties Fight Over Remedy For Public Health System report by the Fraser Institute, a conservative research group. The political jockeyingover how to fix the care have criticized all three party leaders for not http://www.iht.com/articles/520222.htm | |
75. The Structure And Development Of Finnish Political Parties foundation of the Finnish Communist party, Finland now had its sixth main politicalparty lineage. The constitutional conflict with the conservative camp led http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/puoleng.html | |
76. National Political Index: Contacting State & Local Party Groups League of Women Voters Home Page; Libertarian Student Clubs WWW Network; Spamily sPolitics Page; New Hampshire Democratic party; conservative Union at http://www.politicalindex.com/sect9.htm | |
77. National Political Index: Contacting National Political Parties American conservative party; conservative Generation X; John Birch Connection; Sonsof Liberty; South African Communist party; American Student political Network. http://www.politicalindex.com/sect8.htm | |
78. CBC News Indepth: Conservative Party disillusionment with the federal Progressive conservative government. on Canada sEconomic and political Future. convention of the Reform party later that year http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/conservativeparty/ | |
79. DunaNovaPress as foreign minister in the conservative government (1998 György Schöpflin, historianand political scientist, Uni Györk historian, president of partyÂs Youth http://www.dnp.hu/dnp.php?lang=EN&mode=fullhir&hirid=859&depth=2 |
80. Political Party political party. political party Details party conservative. Leader CouncillorLeslie Byrom. Deputy Leader Councillor Mrs Paula Margaret Parry. http://www.sefton.gov.uk/content-3758&partyid=3 | |
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