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41. Conservative People's Party (Denmark) - Encyclopedia Article About Conservative in a coalition government with Venstre Venstre is a major Danish political party. PrimeMinister, and governs in coalition with the conservative People s party http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Conservative People's Party (Denmark) | |
42. Conservative Party - Encyclopedia Article About Conservative Party. Free Access, Click the link for more information. The conservative party (UK) The conservativeparty is the largest centre right political party in the United Kingdom. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Conservative Party | |
43. Intellectual Conservative Politics And Philosophy Communist Manifesto, On The NonFormation of a Working-Class political party in the Guessmost conservative students are intelligent enough to see through the http://www.intellectualconservative.com/ | |
44. Political Parties - Political Opinion And Review - Politics Canada parties 20/05/2004 From CPC conservative party leader Stephen Harper today outlinedhis plans for major reforms to political parties his party will present http://www.canadawebpages.com/pc-parties.asp?editorEmail=Conservative |
45. Politics Canada - Political Opinion, News And Review Of Canadian Politics to political parties From CPC conservative party leader Stephen Harper today outlinedhis plans for major reforms to political parties his party will present http://www.canadawebpages.com/Default.asp | |
46. Canadian Political Parties - Ottawa Kiosk 613) 2387429 The Progressive conservative party of Canada is working to representthe interests of all Canadians and offer a national political alternative. http://www.ottawakiosk.com/political_parties.html | |
47. Rant Forum - Conservative Political Discussions - An Error Has Occurred! disagree with the two major political parties in this ever happened to the reformparty, anyway? the pat buchanan conservatives invaded, nominated their leader http://rantweb.proboards4.com/index.cgi?board=Politics&action=display&num=108120 |
48. Conservative Party In UK Directory: Library: Political Parties conservative party. Locate constituency associations and clubs. Welcome to the conservativeparty Website The official website of the UK conservative party. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705569,705572,703545,671216,671220 |
49. New Conservative Party - Now-defunct Political Party In Japan Recommended Reading. ? Japan search for your website. ? Free promotion /Paid advertising. New conservative party now-defunct political party in Japan. http://www.japan-101.com/business/new_conservative_party.htm | |
50. New Zealand Political Parties - NZPAGES conservative political debate, free chat and message board,talk party politics, democracy, free markets. http://universites.nzpages.co.nz/Government/Political_Parties/ | |
51. Our Campaigns - Political Party Detail Page political party DETAILS, Color, Abbreviation, CPC. Website, http//www.conservative.ca.Country, Canada. Established, 200312-07. Disbanded, 0000-00-00. http://www.ourcampaigns.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi/PartyDetail.html?&PartyID=377 |
52. Our Campaigns - Political Party Detail Page conservative. political party DETAILS, Color, Abbreviation, C. 12/05/2003, Our Campaignsconservative party Nomination, No Candidate Filed, Won 100.00% (+100.00%). http://www.ourcampaigns.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi/PartyDetail.html?&PartyID=30 |
53. Dittohead.org Choosing vision and view of conservative government to political and economic freedomsare gaining strength there leaders of the Democrat party, leaders who http://www.dittohead.org/ | |
54. Deb S Excellent Conservative Political Pages Featuring Rush NARA says electors are often selected to recognize their service and dedicationto their political party. They may be state elected officials, party leaders http://www.dittohead.org/electoralcollege.html |
55. BBC- One Life - Legal - Voting - Political Parties MPs can be independent, representing their own manifesto, or members of a Politicalparty (eg conservative party, Labour party, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/onelife/legal/voting/parties.shtml | |
56. Australian Conservative Politics: News, Information And Links Links political Forum Guestbook Feedback Add your link. Liberal party of Australia.The Liberal party of Australia is Australia s main conservative poltical party http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4975/liberal.htm | |
57. UK Politics Political Parties Party Labour Conservative Social Democrats Green L Government Departments UK Elections political Departments politicalParties party Labour conservative Social Democrats Green Liberal. http://www.ukwebfind.co.uk/disppolparties.html | |
58. The Riksdag: Party Groups half of the 19th century, the conservative and liberal four Estates, and relativelyinfluential political groups evolved there were no permanent party formations http://www.riksdagen.se/english/members/f12_pgru_en.asp | |
59. SOSIG: Political Parties In The United Kingdom Browse this resource, conservative party Leadership Election GuardianSpecial Report, Browse this resource, Daily Politics Programme, http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/UK-cat/poluk.html | |
60. SOSIG: Political Parties In The United Kingdom Browse this resource, ARK Northern Ireland Social and political Archive. Browsethis resource, Art of Learning and Forgetting The conservative party 19741979. http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/poluk.html | |
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