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81. Department Of Environment And Conservation Allen Strom Eureka Prize For Sustaina The Department of Environment and conservation Allen Strom Eureka Prize for sustainability Education is sponsored by the NSW Department of Environment and http://www.amonline.net.au/eureka/environmental_education/ | |
82. Tropical Forest Management Techniques: A Review Of The Sustainability Of Forest The notion of extractive reserves is one approach to conservation in production and excessive game hunting are the two main threats to fauna sustainability. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/X4110e/X4110E05.htm | |
83. BGCI - - Botanic Gardens Conservation International We work to educate and promote conservation awareness and sustainability by providing technical guidance, data and support for Botanic Gardens in over 150 http://www.bgci.org.uk/ | |
84. Florida Sustainable Communities Center Resources Ernest Callenbach, 1992. sustainability equals conservation plus stewardship plus restoration. Sim Van der Ryn, 1994. Although the http://sustainable.state.fl.us/fdi/fscc/resource/articles/aboutsus.htm | |
85. Intentional Communities, Sustainability And Environmental Conservation Intentional Communities, sustainability and Environmental conservation. by Betty Branch. Although sustainability is a concept much http://www.hopedance.org/archive/issue29/articles/branch.htm | |
86. Sustainability - Nature Conservation And Biodiversity menu. Environment. sustainability. Nature conservation and biodiversity. It is the responsibility of all of us to look after and care http://www.eastriding.gov.uk/environment/sustainability/nature.html | |
87. Index Of /region08/conservation_recycling/ EPA Home Region 8 Pollution Prevention and sustainability. conservation, Recycling and Pollution Prevention. conservation. The http://www.epa.gov/region08/conservation_recycling/ | |
88. CANON Sustainability Report 37%. Water conservation and recycling measures are being advanced and use of river water, groundwater and water from other natural sources is being reduced. http://www.canon.com/environment/eco2003e/p62.html | |
89. CANON Sustainability Report Energy conservation activities at individual operational sites reduced CO 2 emissions by 44,000 tons worldwide (approximately 7% of overall energy usage in 2002 http://www.canon.com/environment/eco2003e/p61.html | |
90. Environment: Reclamation But will it ever go into effect? December 22, 1997. WEB FEATURE Heroes for the Planet Then and Now A look at conservation and sustainability. http://www.time.com/time/daily/newsfiles/environment/reclamation.html | |
91. Soft Engineering & Conservation Buffers Initiative Sustainability Learn about the sustainability of the Soft Engineering conservation Buffers Initiative. http://semircd.org/buffers/sustain.php | |
92. Sustainability Now IUCN web site offers continuously information about sustainability and our world. This is a good resource to learn more about species conservation and ecology. http://www.sustainability.ca/index.cfm?body=SourceList.cfm&CatID=188 |
93. SCADPlus: Conservation And Sustainable Exploitation Of Fisheries Resources L 358 of 31.12.2002. 3) SUMMARY. conservation and sustainability. Recovery plans and management of stocks. The Council is to take http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l66006.htm | |
94. Amazonia.org.br ForestManagement.org.br. Projeto Rádio Amazônia. Economy Credit and support Support Program for Environmental conservation and sustainability (PROSUMAM) http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/guia/detalhes.cfm?id=13439&tipo=6&cat_id=85&s |
95. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Environment/Biodiversity/Conservation/Sus Links about sustainability Chumbe Island Coral Park, Zanzibar/Tanzania UNEP Global500 Award winning private island conservation project, using ecotourism to http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Environment/Biodiversity/Conservat | |
96. High-Yield Conservation: The Only Global Sustainability For The 21st Century - C HighYield conservation The Only Global sustainability for the 21st Century. Alex A. Avery. Humanity faces a daunting task as we http://www.cgfi.org/materials/speeches/hiyield_conservation.htm | |
97. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM AT UNH unique multidisciplinary, research-oriented field study program, with focus on the ecological, resource management, conservation, and sustainability issues in http://www.unh.edu/natural-resources/ug-ec.html | |
98. CSU System Mulls Conservation, Sustainability Policies SENTINEL STAFF REPORT May Printer Friendly Version Email Story to a Friend Subscribe. May 20, 2004 CSU system mulls conservation, sustainability policies. Sentinel staff report http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2004/May/20/local/stories/13local.htm | |
99. South Africa: Sustainability, Protected Areas, And Development evaluation of conservation and sustainable development projects shows that most have not achieved successful conservation nor sustainability and do not address http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/74/SouthAfrica.html | |
100. Can Populist Conservation Sustain Advances In World Sustainability? By Kit Richa Can Populist conservation sustain advances in World sustainability? Can Populist conservation sustain advances in World sustainability . Kit Richards begins .. http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~bj/beech/papers/kit-lect.htm | |
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