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61. Environment: Biodiversity: Conservation: Sustainability and Environment Group Focuses on institutional, policy and socio-economic aspects of sustainable forest management and conservation and the sustainability. http://www.spacetransportation.org/Environment/Biodiversity/Conservation/Sustain | |
62. Sustainability In Government publication of DAS. It shares stories, tips, projects and updates of resource conservation and sustainability by state agencies. http://www.sustainableoregon.net/govt/index.cfm | |
63. The David And Lucile Packard Foundation: Conservation And Science Program The conservation and Science Program is focused on the challenge of sustainability, finding paths for human progress that protect and restore the ecological http://www.packard.org/index.cgi?page=consci |
64. Sustainable Agriculture landowners that participate in our programs meet comprehensive, rigorous standards for protecting biodiversity conservation and sustainability by integrating http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/programs/cap/ | |
65. International Fund For Animal Welfare | IFAW Forum 2004 Wildlife Conservatio IFAW Forum 2004 Wildlife conservation In Pursuit of Ecological sustainability June 1619, 2004. Announcement and Call for Contributed Papers. http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/general/default.aspx?id=72575 |
66. Soil Conservation:Â Long-Term Sustainability 6. Soil conservation LongTerm sustainability. Promote soil conservation and recovery to ensure support of long-term crop production. BBP Standards. http://www.chiquita.com/chiquitacr1/3perform/crg30.asp | |
67. Province Of Manitoba | Manitoba Conservation For more information on the Manitoba sustainability Indicators and Reporting Initiative, please contact Tammy Gibson Manitoba conservation Suite 160 Â 123 http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/susresmb/indicators/ | |
68. GreenSense- Models Of Sustainability: Sustainable Development, Energy Conservati Some of the many topics are Indoor Water conservation, Xeriscape, Passive masonry heater as a concrete ;) illustration of the principles of sustainability. http://www.greensense.com/GR_MOD.HTM | |
69. The MacArthur Program On Global Security And Sustainability Global Security and sustainability, conservation and Sustainable Development, More About This Program. Through rapid growth in population http://www.macfound.org/programs/gss/CSD.htm | |
70. Environmental Sustainability founder of Friends of the Earth. With their help, a worldclass model of energy conservation and sustainability will be created. http://www.esalen.org/esalencampaign/02ltdp_04envi.html | |
71. Sustainability Based in the Netherlands, the EUCC (Coastal Union) is an international organisation dedicated to researching and promoting the conservation of the European http://altis.ac.uk/browse/cabi/ab3b66f24ad98d64e9a18a7fa5f4b02f.html | |
72. The University Committee For A Sustainable Campus Energy conservation and Computer Use. University Committee/Office of Campus sustainability 15 Olds Hall Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 1517 http://www.ecofoot.msu.edu/ | |
73. Report Details - PVPC Sustainable Development Project Inventory Town of Amherst conservation and sustainability. Amherst Planning Department. For more information, contact Amherst Planning Department http://www.pvsustain.com/detail.php?projectID=84 |
74. HomePage ENVIRONMENTAL AND SUSTAINABALE RESOURCES RESOURCE conservation AND COMMUNITY sustainability ¹. For more information please contact Dr.Griff Blakewood. http://www.louisiana.edu/Academic/AL/rres/resourceconservation.html | |
75. Eco-Portal -- More Latest Global Water Conservation And Sustainability Headlines Links More. More Latest Global Water conservation and sustainability Headlines Show All Environmental sustainability News. 14/5/2004 http://www.eco-portal.com/news/watermore.asp | |
76. Eco-Portal -- More Latest Global Land Conservation And Sustainability Headlines Links More. More Latest Global Land conservation and sustainability Headlines Show All Environmental sustainability News. 13/5/2004 http://www.eco-portal.com/news/landmore.asp | |
77. ARS Project: Enhancing Sustainability Through Conservation Cropping Systems For Enhancing sustainability Through conservation Cropping Systems for Pnw Agroecosystems (404539)1. Improve the production, stability, and sustainability of http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/projects/projects.htm?ACCN_NO=404539 |
78. Intercooperation Beyond Fences Seeking Social Sustainability In Beyond Fences Seeking Social sustainability in conservation. Author(s) BorriniFeyerabend, G. (ed.). Publisher IUCN. Topics conservation Social sustainability. http://www.intercooperation.ch/publication.php?id=23 |
79. Sustainability Of Conservation Areas: Marine And Terrestrial Perspectives 2136 MSc Environmental Planning and Management, University of Malta , 2003 Keywords marine, conservation areas, sustainability, biodiversity This Abstract http://www.thesisabstracts.com/articles/publish/printer_66.shtml | |
80. Financial Sustainability In Biodiversity Conservation Programmes Financial sustainability in Biodiversity conservation Programmes. The need for additional resources arises from the imbalance between http://biodiversityeconomics.org/finance/topics-24-00.htm | |
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