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1. ConservationEconomy.net: A Pattern Language For Sustainability This site presents a pattern language for sustainability defining sectors of opportunity and their linkages for the emerging conservation economy of the 21st century. The conservation economy http://www.conservationeconomy.net/ | |
2. MBG Story Signs - Conservation And Sustainability Missouri Botanical Garden Plant Records Story Signs. conservation and sustainability. The Story Sign above illustrates the theme http://www.mobot.org/hort/gardens/redwood.htm | |
3. On-line Courses In Global Sustainability Three online courses that are offered for credit by the University of California, Irvine On-line Courses in Global sustainability Winter 1999 Bio65 - Biological conservation ( Bio 65; 4 units), taught by Dr http://darwin.bio.uci.edu/~sustain | |
4. City Of Austin - Transportation, Planning, & Sustainability Department Smart Growth. sustainability. Trans Division. Trans Plan. Urban Design. Water conservation. Outside Transportation, Planning, sustainability Department. Join us in planning, achieving http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/planning | |
5. Izaak Walton League Save Our Streams Wetlands Handbook Handbook for Wetlands conservation and sustainability. This 288page handbook introduces you to the functions and values of wetlands http://www.iwla.org/SOS/handbook/ | |
6. Marine Fish Conservation Network The Marine Fish conservation Network (Network) is a coalition of over 100 national and regional environmental organizations, commercial and recreational fishing groups and marine science groups dedicated to conserving marine fish and to promoting their longterm sustainability. http://www.conservefish.org/ | |
7. Introduction To Handbook For Wetlands Conservation And Sustainability Handbook for Wetlands conservation and sustainability Introduction. Our nationÂs wetlands have been polluted, filled in, paved http://www.iwla.org/SOS/handbook/intro.html | |
8. La Salle Redboine Conservation District Integrated watershed management, providing programming and funding to improve sustainability in central Manitoba. Describes the current program, grants, board of directors, map and contact details. http://www.lasalleredboine.com/ | |
9. Welcome To IUCN - The World Conservation Union WWF The conservation Organization // Ramsar Convention on Management - Bridging sustainability and productivity // Fact Sheet - Health, Poverty and conservation - Responding to http://www.iucn.org/ | |
10. Conservation And Sustainability conservation Genetics, Molecular Systematics. Saving Insects Invertebrate conservation biology understanding and protecting our precious insects. http://www.ento.csiro.au/conservation/conservation.html | |
11. The Garden Of Wales - Homepage A visionary project and botanical science showcase built for the Millennium and beyond. Science programme includes systematics, biodiversity and conservation, sustainability and economic botany. Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK. http://www.gardenofwales.org.uk/ | |
12. Seattle City Light Conservation | Sustainable Building Seattle energy conservation sustainable programs and services; power for use, not profit goes beyond energy and water conservation to incorporate environmentally sensitive site planning sustainability does not require advanced training in esoteric applications nor is it http://www.cityofseattle.net/light/conserve/sustainability | |
13. About The Conservation And Sustainability Project conservation and sustainability. Objectives. To further the understanding and conservation of Australia s endemic insect and related http://www.ento.csiro.au/conservation/about.html | |
14. Conservation Ecology: Sustainability, Stability, And Resilience Holling. 1997. sustainability, stability, and resilience. conservation Ecology online1(1) 7 others have raised concerns about the sustainability of the resource flows from these http://www.consecol.org/Journal/vol1/iss1/art7 | |
15. Conservation Ecology: Sustainability, Stability, And Resilience Ludwig, D., B. Walker, and CS Holling. 1997. sustainability, stability, and resilience. conservation Ecology online1(1) 7. Copyright © 1997 by The http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol1/iss1/art7/ | |
16. Jamaica CHM Local representation of the International Convention on Biological Diversity; features details of Jamaica's biological diversity, genetic resources and its conservation and sustainability efforts. http://www.jamaicachm.org.jm | |
17. Ecology And Society - Index A free, online journal dedicated to the dissemination of peerreviewed research relating to conservation, sustainability, development, and ecological policy http://www.consecol.org/Journal | |
18. Conservation Ecology: Sustainability For The Planet: A Marketing Perspective Whiteman, G. 1999. sustainability for the planet a marketing perspective. conservation Ecology 3(1) 13. Copyright ©1999 by The http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol3/iss1/art13/ | |
19. Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute Forestry research in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Focuses on sustainability, industry, rural community development, productivity and environmental conservation. http://www.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/ |
20. MNEC. About Us - Who Are We... Alliance of nature and environmental conservation research institutes, centers and NGOs of Mongolia working to promote environmental sustainability. Includes information about consortium projects and international cooperation. http://www.mnec.org.mn/ | |
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