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Connecticut K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
41. Resources For Educators grants of up to $2,000 to k12 classroom teachers youth activism projects in their schools and communities dollars are available now to connecticut school music http://www.ctpta.org/resources/links_educators.htm | |
42. Agent K-12 - State Information connecticut State Board OKs Computer Tutoring Program, News in Brief, May 21, 2003. Conn. 9, 2002. 1,073, Public schools, 570,000, Prek-12 students. http://www.agentk-12.edweek.org/state_page.cfm?stateabbrv=ct |
43. Solar On Schools Resources people who plan, design, build, and maintain k12 schools. OESE/SST/usrgcontacts.html connecticut State Department Education http//teachers.westport.k12.ct.us http://www.remyc.com/solaronschools2.html | |
44. EQ Directory: K12_Schools EQ Directory K12 schools. for building EQ and SEL skills in the k12 sector. New Haven, connecticut, school district officials consider social development so http://www.eq.org/K12_Schools/ | |
45. AOL Canada Search: Search Results German School of connecticut Offers classes in Hartford and Weston for k12 and adults and schools in connecticut List with links to elementary, and http://search.aol.ca/cat.adp?id=16471&layer=&from=subcats |
46. Converge technology that connecticut students deserve. Moreover, the implementation is expected to expand over time to include private institutions and k12 schools in http://www.centerdigitaled.com/converge/?pg=magstory&id=86141 |
47. Wolcott Connecticut - Town Government at Wakelee Elementary School, the Wolcott schools are in the most outstanding districts in connecticut doing in our Character Education Program k12 with focus http://www.wolcottct.com/detail.cfm?sid=20 |
49. SchoolGrants - Find Grant Opportunities, SchoolGrants Grant Opportunities opportunities that will benefit k12 schools, educators, and agencies for which schools/districts are to the following states connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts http://www.schoolgrants.org/grant_opps.htm | |
50. Schools And Libraries schools connecticut schools on the Web The ConneCT Kids is proud to offer the first searchable database for all connecticut schools on the web (approximately http://www.kids.state.ct.us/schools.htm | |
51. Connecticut Department Of Education, Division Of Evaluation And Research - Prior Greatschools.net k12 schools in California, Arizona, Texas and Compare schools, Stay informed with free newsletters. -Select state-. http://www.csde.state.ct.us/public/der/ssp/ | |
52. Bethel Connecticut School System School calendar, health curriculum, school cancellations and links to each of the schools in the district. http://www.bethel.k12.ct.us/ |
53. Guilford Public Schools, Guilford, Connecticut Guilford Public schools Guilford, connecticut. Mission Statement. This site is the official web site of the Guilford Public schools (GPS), Guilford, connecticut. http://www.guilford.k12.ct.us/ | |
54. Bureau Of Curriculum And Instruction Key Resources, The Connecticut Framework K- Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction Content Specific Information. Why Reinvent the Wheel Promising Practices in CT schools. If you require further information, please contact http://www.state.ct.us/sde/dtl/curriculum/currkey3.htm | |
55. Connecticut Schools - CT Elementary, Middle, And High School Greatschools.net connecticut, your objective source for public, private and charter schools. Access Choosing schools, Track School Performance and the Parent Resource Center. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/go/CT&y |
56. Welcome To The Madison Public Schools, Madison, Connecticut Google, WWW www.madison.k12.ct.us. DISTRICT MEETINGS / INFO Long Range Planning Committee Progress Report on Space Utilization for Elementary schools. http://www.madison.k12.ct.us/ | |
57. Darien Public Schools - Darien, Connecticut Welcome to Darien Public schools. The Darien Public schools web site will be going through many great improvements. Our ultimate http://www.darien.k12.ct.us/ | |
58. Darien Public Schools - Darien, Connecticut Elementary School Lunch Menu. Note The lunch menu is printed in Adobe Acrobat s .PDF format. If you are unable to view the link http://www.darien.k12.ct.us/lunchmenu/ | |
59. Hamden Public Schools, Hamden, CT browser. If you received this message in error please notify our Webmaster. Hamden Public schools Hamden, connecticut (203) 4072000. http://www.hamden.k12.ct.us/ | |
60. Welcome To Branford Public Schools Welcome to the Branford, connecticut Public schools Web Site. The Branford Public schools Central Office is located at 1111 Main Street, Branford CT 06405. http://www.branford.k12.ct.us/ | |
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