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101. Connecticut Geographic Alliance Our members include teachers and administrators from most connecticut towns, geographyand education faculty from the state s colleges and universities, and http://www.ctgeoalliance.org/about.html | |
102. The National Aeronautic And Space Administration (NASA) Has Awarded The Geograph 41, Lake Villa, Illinois; Billie Kapp, cocoordinator, connecticutGeographic Alliance and teacher emeritus, Bolton, connecticut; http://missiongeography.org/overview.htm | |
103. AAG--China Geography Specialty Group Chair Xiaoping Shen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of geography CentralConnecticut State University 1615 Stanley Street New Britain, CT 060504010 http://www.geo.msu.edu/chinageo/cgsg.htm | |
104. Mapping The World By Heart: State Alliances Geographic Education; Colorado Geographic Alliance; connecticut GeographicAlliance; Delaware Geographic Alliance; Florida Geographic http://www.mapping.com/alliances.html | |
105. Milken Award Received By Pam Gardner Her activities outside of GHS include serving as a member of the Steering Committeeof the connecticut Geographic Society, the Coalition for the Advancement of http://www.guilford.k12.ct.us/todaysphoto/MilkenAward.htm | |
106. 2004, 27th Annual ACPT: Connecticut A = AGE JJunior F-Fifties X-Sixties S-Seniors; D = SKILL DIVISION A to E; G = GEOGRAPHIC REGION 0-West, 1-connecticut, 2-Other New England, 3-New York http://www.crosswordtournament.com/2004/standings/geog1.htm | |
107. Cf00 Ednew In June 2000, more than 20 high school, middle and elementary teachers from connecticutpublic schools attended the connecticut Geographic Alliance (CGA http://www.bbsr.edu/pubs/cf00/cf00_ednew/cf00_ednew.html | |
108. The National Americorps Association :: Your Career :: Web Resources By Geography Web Resources By geography. Please select a state. http://www.lifetimeofservice.org/content.cfm?content_id=124 |
109. Browse Subjects PLANT INVASIONS connecticut GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION MAPS (1).· PLANT INVASIONS NEW ENGLAND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION MAPS (1). http://infomine.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/browse?browse_key=list;subjects;maps;expert&node |
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