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41. Reading Recovery The major investment is in staff development. Program is a cooperative effort of theUniversity of connecticut and the Capitol Region education Council in http://www.crec.org/rr/index.shtml |
42. REACT in Special education by the connecticut State Department of approach to meeting thespecial education and related Team is comprised of staff with expertise in http://www.crec.org/react/index.shtml |
43. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database New Communities Project Director, University of connecticut. Rachel, Ozretich, ParentEducation Coordinator, Extension, Specialist Program and staff dev, LSU. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
44. The SID Goal #1 Budget Committee Meetings. staff dev. Day(s) for Budget Committee. RS1. Addressthe issue of involving parents in their childÂs education. RS-1a. http://www.k12.hi.us/~washinga/SID website/dreamweaver pages/sid1.htm | |
45. Board Members - Health Ministries Association 937253-9858 sbecker@shp-dayton.org Board Chairs - Chapter dev. 43065 614-336-4127ejgould@columbus.rr.com staff Continuing education Coordinator Dr http://www.hmassoc.org/boardmems.html | |
46. Fast411.com - Directory Assistance Anytime, Anywhere Just A Click Away... Aa Hotline, 4530 connecticut Ave NW, Washington, 202966 Center For Continuing EducationIn Mental Healt, 2112 F Mental Health Center Area D staff dev, 2700 Martin http://www.fast411.com/DistrictOfColumbia/Washington/455.htm | |
47. StarNet: Prof Dev - School Safety Planning: Keeping Our Kids Safe (2 Parts) He received over 3 million dollars in training grants from the US Department of educationto train school staff in the area of Prevention/Intervention education http://www.starnet.org/prof_dev/prog_info/connelly_t.html | |
48. LSU Department Of Food Science Faculty and staff. University, 1977 MS Animal Science, University of connecticut,1980 Ph.D Title Associate Professor/Graduate Coordinator education PH.D. Food http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/foodscience/faculty.asp | |
49. Harvard Graduate School Of Education: Career Services--1999 List Of Graduates Referral, State of connecticut Judicial Branch, staff, Boston Mayor s Officeof Cultural Affairs, Policy Academic Coordinator of Clinical education, Bay State http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~cso/99graduates_list.html | |
50. ***UPDATE*** - Moorpark College we care deeply about our students and about providing them the best possible education. Formand a Travel Request Form and turn them in to the staff dev. http://www.moorpark.cc.ca.us/htdocs/news/sd/sd0011.html | |
51. State Librarian's Report Public Library, at the connecticut Association of and to the Board of education Servicesfor staff Government Information Library Technician Gertrude Owusu had http://www.cslib.org/libbrd/rpt0900.htm | |
52. Search Staff Positions On HigherEdJobs.com staff Associate Continuing, Distance, and Adult education (Posted 04 Continuing, Distance,and Adult education (Posted 02 FA361 Director, Outreach Program dev. http://www.higheredjobs.com/admin/adminSearch.cfm?Jobcat=20&Showall=Yes |
53. AfterCollege Healthcare - Entry Level Healthcare Jobs For Nursing Students And A connecticut CHILDRENÂS MEDICAL CENTER, staff Nurse Per Diem, Hartford, CT, 5 connecticutCHILDRENÂS MEDICAL CENTER, Clinical education Specialist, Hartford http://www.thejobresource.com/healthcare/jobs.asp?coid=-104699 |
54. YHS Community Gail Ruddy, Head of School, B.Ed. (Alberta), MA (connecticut). Faculty and staff.Tinker Allester, Physical education, B.Physical Ed. (UBC), Cert. Ed. (UBC). http://www.yorkhouse.bc.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=cfaculty.staffDirectory |
55. Resources For New Teacher Induction Programs And Policies This overview of connecticut s experience includes a ongoing partnerships betweenteacher education institutions and mentoring, hardto-staff schools, and http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/publ/wte2-1-res.html | |
56. Quality Counts: Connecticut Data education spending per $1,000 in per capita income, 1995, Teachers as % of total staff,1995, 55, 56, 65. This table shows connecticut s scores, along with those of http://www.edweek.org/sreports/qc97/states/tables/ct-data.htm | |
57. Resource Library Inclusion D. (ed.) (1994) Peterborough, NH Society for developmental education inclusion,learning Module 2 from ÃCreating inclusive school communities A staff dev. http://www.people.memphis.edu/~coe_rise/resourcebib.html | |
58. MCN : Staff & Board 336922-2909 Fax. drewmclaurin@aol.com. MCN staff. Jillian Hopewell, MPA Directorof education and Professional Development jhopewell@migrantclinician.org. http://www.migrantclinician.org/dev/background/staff.html | |
60. Appendix B : Career Services : Bridgewater State College Literacy and Language dev. 1, Masters. Providence College, Literacy, 1, Masters.Simmons College, Behavioral education, 1, 1, Masters. Southern connecticut StateUniv. http://www.bridgew.edu/CareerServices/Survey/02appendix_b.cfm | |
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