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         Connecticut Education Regulations:     more detail
  1. Handbook on education laws and regulations for the State of Connecticut by John J Bonanno, 1959
  2. Connecticut: we will sue over NCLB.(update: Education news from schools, businesses, research and government agencies)(No Child Left Behind Act of 2001): An article from: District Administration
  3. New law limits out-of-school suspensions.(BRIEFINGS: Inside the Law)(Connecticut's new school discipline law): An article from: District Administration by Steven Scarpa, 2007-11-01
  4. The failure of Connecticut's reform plan: lessons for the nation.: An article from: Phi Delta Kappan by Robert A. Frahm, 1994-10-01
  5. Timeline of a waiver request: how one set of questions from Connecticut set off a volley of name-calling and a potential lawsuit that have thrust this ... An article from: District Administration by Wayne D'Orio, 2005-06-01
  6. Lawmakers put education formula on back burner: coalition says legal action possible.: An article from: Fairfield County Business Journal by Dan Strempel, 2005-04-11
  7. Connecticut's new comprehensive and universal early childhood health assessment form.: An article from: Journal of School Health by Angela A. Crowley, Grace-Ann C. Whitney, 2005-10-01
  8. Quinnipiac U.: An article from: Careers & Colleges
  9. College dormitory fire safety code study by Valerie F Lewis, 2001

1. CEA - Connecticut Education Association
adequate financial resources to connecticut schools. See the CEA the certification regulations, effective July 1, 2003, for teachers holding elementary education certificate 005
Good Morning, today is Tuesday June 8, 2004
Here's What You Can Do About NCLB:
See Ad #1 here

Sign the Petition
. Make a difference. Ensure that Washington sends adequate financial resources to Connecticut schools.
See the CEA Jan. 14 press release
See Ad #2 here
View our two new TV Ads regarding 'No Child Left Behind'. You can use RealPlayer Windows Media Player , or Quicktime to view the ads. CEA UNISERV VACANCY
A vacancy exists for a UniServ Representative position with the Connecticut Education Association. Applicants for this position must have the ability to speak and write effectively, communicate and relate positively and dynamically with other persons and leaders, deal effectively with controversial issues, have the capacity for sustained effort under pressure, and be willing to work long hours, including weekends.

2. Connecticut Valley Region Porsche Club Of America Drivers Education Forms
home drivers education main. calendar. committee. forms / regulations. registration. track links 2004 Drivers' education regulations here. 2004
drivers education main calendar committee forms / regulations registration track links The 2004 CVR Drivers' Education Welcome to the 2004 CVR Drivers' Education season. You can register online by pressing on the registration button above. In addition, we will accept Mastercard and Visa payments through PayPal this year. May 2004 Registration Update Letter here 2004 Registration Letter and Instructions here 2004 Drivers' Education Regulations here 2004 Drivers' Education Cancelation and Refund Policy here 2004 Drivers' Education Tech Form here 2004 Tech Inspector List here 2004 Drivers' Education Taste of Track Application here site map /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var pageName = "de forms"; /**** DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ****/ var code = ' '; document.write(' '); document.write('>');

3. To Read Or Download The Federal Special Education Regulations
or download the federal special education regulations, check out http// connecticut Special education regulations regulations of connecticut State Agencies
Federal Special Education Regulations: To read or download the federal special education regulations, check out Connecticut Special Education Regulations: Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies 10-76a-10-76h, et.seq. Department of Education TABLE OF CONTENTS Children Requiring Special Education Section 10-76a: Definitions General definitions Definitions of exceptionalities Section 10-76a-2 Administration and Supervision Authority Sec. 10-76b-1 Severance clause Sec. 10-76b-2 Effective date Sec. 10-76b-3 Compliance Sec. 10-76b-4 Conditions of Instruction Special education and related services Sec. 10-76d-1 Personnel Sec. 10-76d-2 Length of school day and year Sec. 10-76d-3 Physical facilities and equipment Sec. 10-76d-4 Class size and composition Sec. 10-76d-5 Identification and eligibility of students Sec. 10-76d-6 Referral Sec. 10-76d-7 Notice and consent Sec. 10-76d-8 Evaluation Sec. 10-76d-9 Planning and placement team Sec. 10-76d-10 Individualized education program Sec. 10-76d-11 Meetings Sec. 10-76d-12

4. Boating Regulations By State
State boating laws Do you need to take a boating safety course? Do you need a boating license? Boating. Laws. Boating education regulations. Reciprocity - accepts boating safety certificates from other this age group. Yes. connecticut. All operators of vessels registered in, or
Boating Courses Boating Tips Boating Contest Safety Links ... Contact Us Boating Regulations by State
Boating Education Requirements
Laws Boating Education Regulations Reciprocity
accepts boating safety certificates from other states and/or NASBLA-approved courses. Alabama Minimum age to operate 12. Boating license required - proctored exam required to obtain license. Non-residents may operate up to 45 days without a license. Alaska No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A Arizona No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A Arkansas No mandatory boating education requirements. N/A California No mandatory boating education laws. Minimum age to operate is 16. California boating information. Yes Colorado Colorado residents - age 14-15 - who operate PWCs required to complete boating safety course. Home study is not accepted for this age group. Yes Connecticut All operators of vessels registered in, or who own property in, CT must successfully complete an approved boating course or pass the CT challenge exam. PWC operators must take proctored, state-approved PWC classroom course regardless of residency. Other vessel operators may take the CT challenge exam. No Delaware Delaware residents born after 1/1/78 must complete an 8 hour boating course.

5. CT Chapter Of The American Planning Association Online
Includes information on legislation, land use education, regulations, grants, employment, and conferences. Also has a newsletter, discussion list and links.
Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association This site was last updated on Monday, June 07, 2004
Home Page


APA National

Urban Parks Grants
Welcome to the Award Winning Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association Online
SAVE THE DATES !!! New England Planning Conference in Springfield, MA - September 30 and October 1, 2004 !!! Search the CCAPA Site or the Web
Search WWW Search The 2004 New England Planning Conference Committee is issuing a call for presentations for its 2004 Conference to be held at the Springfield Marriott in Springfield, Massachusetts on September 30th and October 1st, 2004. The Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island chapters of the American Planning Association host this annual two-day conference, which attracts 300 plus planning professionals from the public, private, and non-profit sectors to share ideas, to keep up-to-date on the latest planning issues, to learn new techniques, and to network. The 2004 conference can accommodate just over 20 sessions. For more detailed information, click here.

6. Department Of Higher Education Index, State Of Connecticut
Public and Independent Institutions of Higher education. regulations for licensure and accreditation of Memorandum Nonconnecticut Teacher Preparation Programs
The scripts on this page provide cosmetic enhancements only.
Public and Independent Institutions of Higher Education Statutes for licensure and accreditation of institutions and programs of higher learning Regulations for licensure and accreditation of institutions and programs of higher learning Memorandum: Non-Connecticut Teacher Preparation Programs' Physical Presence in the State (11/18/2003) Application for the Approval or Reapproval of Institutions and Programs of Higher Learning ... Procedures for Circulation of Program Proposals Private Occupational Schools Conditions of Authorization and Program Approval Statutes concerning the authorization of private occupational schools Regulations for the approval of private occupational schools requiring certification Regulations for the private occupational school Student Protection Account
Applications to establish a private occupational school
Initial and renewal approval, entire application PDF document, 67pages) Initial and renewal approval, by chapter Academic Program Inventory Alternate Route to Certification Calendar ... Veterans

7. Department Of Higher Education Index, State Of Connecticut
inclusive, of the regulations of connecticut State Agencies. An institution providing instruction and programs by means of distance education may demonstrate
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Regulations for Licensure and Accreditation of
Institutions and Programs of Higher Learning
Policies and Procedures
Section 10a-34-1. Introduction.
(a) Purpose. The Board of Governors for Higher Education is responsible for initial and continuing review and approval of all institutions and programs of higher learning operating in the State of Connecticut that are subject to Section 10a-34 and subsections (a)(8) and (a)(9) of Section 10a-6, Connecticut General Statutes. The purpose of these regulations is to provide procedures and criteria for institutional and program review and approval. (b) Intent. (1) It is the intent of the Board to ensure acceptable standards of quality among the institutions and programs of higher learning identified in subsection (a) above and, where possible, to promote the highest standards of quality. No such institution or program shall receive initial or continuing approval from the Board unless and until the Board is satisfied that the institution or program is in substantial compliance with the Board’s approval standards as specified in Sections 10a-34-9 through 10a-34-24, inclusive, of these regulations. (2) It also is the intent of the Board to encourage institutions and programs that are responsive to state priorities and demonstrated needs; to promote the effective use of state resources; and to provide appropriate access to higher education. Every proposed public institution shall be reviewed by the Board in regard to the need for the institution; the potential for duplicating the programs and services of existing institutions; and adequacy of resources. Every public institution proposing to initiate or continue a program shall be required to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that the program is within the institution’s role and mission; that there is a need for the program; that the program does not unnecessarily duplicate other programs in the same field and geographical area; and that there are adequate resources available to support the program.

regulations OF THE connecticut STATE BOARD OF education regulations Concerning State Educator Certificates, Permits and Authorizations. Effective August 6, 1998, through June 30, 2003 Responsibilities of employing agents of boards of education. . . . . . 10145d-407 14

9. Connecticut State Department Of Education Bureau Of Educator Preparation And Cer
Links To Other Sites. Publications. regulations. Search Certification Site of Educator Preparation, Certification, Support and Assessment. connecticut State Department of education. P. O
Bureau of Educator Preparation, Certification, Support and Assessment
Nancy L. Pugliese, Bureau Chief From the
Bureau Chief
How To Become
A Connecticut Teacher
Welcome to the Bureau of Educator Preparation, Certification,
Support and Assessment. Approximately 41,000 educators work in Connecticut's 1,000 elementary, middle, and secondary schools. The state's 166 school districts range in size from districts with one school, to a district with 48 schools.
This web site is designed to provide information to applicants on ways to become certified and required assessments. In addition, it contains information on professional development and ways to contact the Bureau.
We hope you find this site, and the information it contains, helpful.
Information updated April 2004. How To Download and Print Publications and Forms Some of the material in this section may be in Adobe Acrobat Format.

10. CEU Regulations For MFTs, State Of Connecticut
State of connecticut Continuing education regulations for Marriage and Family Therapists. A letter from the CAMFT President January 14, 2004
State of Connecticut Continuing Education Regulations
for Marriage and Family Therapists A letter from the CAMFT President:
January 14, 2004 The Department of Public Health (DPH) has approved the continuing education regulations, finally. Marriage and family therapists will be required to attend professional development courses to attain 15 CEUs per year. You will receive more information in the CAMFT Newsletter and below. DPH will select people at random to prove their attendance, so save your CEU certificates for at least 3 years. You cannot carry over CEUs from year
to year. Qualified workshops will state that they are approved by CAMFT, other states' MFT Boards, Social workers or Professional Counselors and they will be accepted by CT DPH. If questions, contact me, Wendy Davenson, President of CAMFT at ACTION: Adopted Regulations
AGENCY: Department of Public Health - 20-195c
TEXT: Continuing Education for Marital and Family Therapists The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies are amended by adding sections 20-195c-1 to 20-195c-7, inclusive, as follows:

11. CABE - Connecticut Association Of Boards Of Education
CABE's mission is to assist local and regional boards of education in providing high quality public education for all connecticut children through effective leadership. Access to the sample policies, administrative regulations and bylaws contained within the Core Manual, is a
document.write(baseurl); CABE
Connecticut Association of Boards of Education
81 Wolcott Hill Road
Wethersfield, CT 06109
P: (860) 571-7446
F: (860) 571-7452 Toll-free:
Email Website Staff:
document.write(quicklinks); document.write(backnav); CABE's Core Policy Manual Online NEW
9th Edition
(Updated as of December 2003)
CABE's Core Policy Manual
is now available all day, every day to board members and superintendents. CABE recently put The Connecticut Reference Manual of School Board Policies, Regulations and Bylaws , (“Core Manual,”)! This publication, previously available only by purchase, was developed by CABE to provide guidance to boards of education and administrative staff in the formulation of policy and the carrying out of administrative functions. The manual consists of approximately 400 samples of policies, administrative regulations and bylaws. While these do not represent all the sample policies that are a part of CABE’s Policy Services resources, they provide an excellent sampling of what is available and constitutes a generic policy manual. The material is presented as a PDF document so all visitors to the site view and print the documents in exactly the same way. Additional samples of topics included in the Core Manual and areas not included are still available

12. CID Regulations Concerning Continuing Education Of Insurance

13. Education Resources
Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories. The laws and regulations, the helpful organizations, the history and more are here Academy is a group dedicated to improving connecticut education in math, science, and technology
Education Resources
A B C D ... I J K L M N ... U V W X Y Z
AAAS Directorate of Education and Human Resources Programs
The American Association for the Advancement of Science promotes science, math, and technology education improvements and an even playing field for all students. This site offers news, programs, their film and book review journal, and the most recent issue of Science Education News , offering current science, math, and technology education news and activities. Past issues are archived.
AIMS Education Foundation
The Activities Involving Math and Science Education Foundation has put together this page. The Foundation publishes a magazine of math and science activities for teachers to use in the classroom. This online site doesn't have as much, but it does have a good puzzle section that anyone can access.
About AskERIC
AskERIC allows you to ask specific education questions, visit the library, and learn the latest in education technology. This site provides valuable help in making the most of the huge ERIC resource.
Academic Systems
"Mediated Learning" is a software program aimed at the improved learning of college entry-level math, other subjects to follow. This site offers detailed course information, testimonials from students and faculty, and a roundtable discussion of instruction, learning, and technology.

14. |CID List Of Final Regulations
Applying for a License to do Business in the State of connecticut (pdf) (Effective March 10 regulations Concerning Continuing education of Insurance

15. CEA - Connecticut Education Association
Certification changes for elementary special education teachers The CT General Assembly has amended the certification regulations to allow the following
Certification Information
CEA's Web-based Tutorial: Obtaining Certification
Will walk you though the things you need to know to obtain certification in CT. From CEA:
Basic Information
on teacher certification in CT.
Praxis Information:
Praxis I and II: How Do I Begin to Prepare? (PowerPoint file)
Praxis I and II: How Do I Begin to Prepare?
(HTML file) Certification changes for elementary
The CT General Assembly has amended the certification regulations to allow the following, effective July 1, 2003:
All new elementary and special education certificates issued after July 1, 2003 will automatically include kindergarten. For additional information regarding certification or CEUs, visit the Bureau of Certification area on the Department of Education (CSDE) website.

16. IDA
and successful completion of a program of education, as defined in subdivision (10) of section 3151ddd-1 of the regulations of connecticut State Agencies
Home Mission, Goals and Objectives IDA Programs in CT Success Stories ... Contact Us
Following are the Department of Labor Regulations governing Individual Development Account Programs in Connecticut. These regulations received final approval and were formally adopted in September, 2002. Definitions as they appear in the Connecticut General Statutes are provided in italics. Additional Statute references can be found by going to , clicking on the “Legislative” link and searching the data base. Section 1. The Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies are amended by adding sections 31-51ddd-1 to 31-51ddd-16, inclusive, as follows: (NEW) §31-51ddd-1. Definitions As used in sections 31-51ddd-1 through 31-51ddd-16, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies: (1) “Account Holder” means “account holder” as defined in section
31-51ww of the Connecticut General Statutes (“Account holder”
means a participant in a certified state IDA program.);

17. State Of Connecticut Regulations Of Department Of Labor Defining And Governing E
CFR 825.206 or by section 3151qq-17 of the regulations of connecticut state agencies and study, as distinguished from a general academic education and from
State of Connecticut Regulations of Department of Labor Defining and Governing Executive, Administrative and Professional Employees
Effective July 25,2001 Sections List

Section 31-60-14. Employee in a bona fide Executive Capacity

Section 31-60-15. Employee in a bona fide Administrative Capacity

Section 31-60-16. Employee in a bona fide Professional Capacity
Section 31-60-14. Employee in a bona fide Executive Capacity (b) “Salary basis” means a predetermined amount paid for each pay period on a weekly or less frequent basis, regardless of the number of days or hours worked, which amount is not subject to reduction because of variations in the quality or quantity of the work performed, and which amount has been the subject of an employer advisement as required by section 31-71f of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(1) Although the employee need not be paid for any workweek in which he performed no work, deductions may only be made in the following five (5) instances: (A) During the initial and terminal weeks of employment, an employer may pay a proportionate part of an employee’s salary for the time actually worked; (B) Deductions may be made for one or more full days if the employee is absent for personal reasons other than sickness or accident;

18. Rights Of Minors In Connecticut
regulations to determine a child’s eligibility for special education and related K. Furbish, Background on Status Offenders, connecticut General Assembly
Rights of Minors in Connecticut
A Guide to Resources in the Law Library
“Except as otherwise provided by statute ... the terms ‘minor’, ‘infant’ and ‘infancy’ shall be deemed to refer to a person under the age of eighteen years and any person eighteen years of age or over shall be an adult for all purposes whatsoever and have the same legal capacity, rights, powers, privileges, duties, liabilities and responsibilities as persons heretofore had at twenty-one years of age, and ‘ age of majority’  shall be deemed to be eighteen years”  Conn. Gen. Stats “‘Child’ means any person under sixteen years of age…;”  Conn. Gen. Stats “‘youth’ means any person sixteen or seventeen years of age;”  Conn. Gen. Stats “‘youth in crisis’ means any youth who, within the last two years, (A) has without just cause run away from the parental home or other properly authorized and lawful place of abode; (B) is beyond the control of parents, guardian or other custodian; or (C) has four unexcused absences from school in any one month or ten unexcused absences in any school year” Conn. Gen. Stat. §46b-120(3).

19. University Of Connecticut, College Of Continuing Studies-Labor Education-Summer
The University of connecticut s Occupational and Environmental Safety administered through the Labor education Center in Safety and Health regulations AH 283;

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CCS Home
Labor Education Center Programs
Labor Education Center Overview Credit Programs Occupational Safety and Health Humanitarian Services Admin. Human Resource Management Non-credit Programs Mediation Certificate ... Contact
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health Program
T Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health program is administered through the Labor Education Center in the College of Continuing Studies. It comprises graduate and undergraduate credit courses offered through the College and UConn's School of Allied Health. These courses are designed for practitioners and non-practitioners alike, providing students with marketable skills and knowledge that are relevant to a broad spectrum of industries and work environments. The courses also prepare students to take the national examination to become a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), a prestigious designation in the occupational safety and health field. Students may take courses individually as needed, or choose from several certificate or degree options:

20. SERC
BUREAU OF SPECIAL education. connecticut State Department of educationregulations Concerning Children Requiring Special education-Revised July 1, 2000.
@import "/serc2.css"; Your browser is outdated. is best viewed with a newer browser, such as Internet Explorer (ver 5.5 or above), or Mozilla Professional Development and Information Resources for
Connecticut's Educators and the Families They Serve Home Request for Information
At SERC Home About SERC SERC Library Information Resources ... Search
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Annotated Bibliography: Children's and Adolescents' Literature on Disability Awareness, Integration and Inclusion - current edition

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