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61. Connecticut Homeschool Network, Inc. whose records are held by an agency or institution Deborah Stevenson Executive Directorof Home education Legal Defense of CT Judy Aron - connecticut http://www.cthomeschoolnetwork.org/InfoBulletinONEtwoTHREEfour.htm | |
62. Developing Educational Standards - Library Media material for the various subjects dealt with in connecticut s Common Core of standardsthrough the Texas State Library rather than the Texas education Agency. http://edstandards.org/StSu/Library.html |
63. Developing Educational Standards - Technology material for the various subjects dealt with in connecticut s Common Core of for thisinformation); Papua New Guinea The International education Agency of Papua http://edstandards.org/StSu/Technology.html |
64. U.S. Approved Higher Education Accrediting Agencies - ELearners.com Regional Regional Institutional Accrediting agencies. Candidacy status ) of institutionsof higher education in connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New http://www.elearners.com/resources/agencies.asp | |
65. State And Federal Resources ct.us/dcf/ The Internet provides agencies like DCF the official website for the ConnecticutState Department Department of Higher education http//www.ctdhe.org http://www.ctpta.org/resources/links_state_fed.htm | |
66. Prevent Child Abuse Connecticut Since 1978, Prevent Child Abuse connecticut has been providing family support servicesand education to fulfill first person to offer feedback on this agency! http://www.volunteersolutions.org/uwcact/volunteer/agency/one_170788.html | |
67. ConneCT - Full Listing Of Statewide Agencies Conservation Service is a Federal agency that works uconn.edu/ The Non-point Educationfor Municipal is associated with the University of connecticut and is http://www.willingtonct.org/Public_Documents/WillingtonCT_WebDocs/WebLinks.htm | |
68. California and private sectors, academia, and federal, state, and local agencies. teachersin the field of precollege physical oceanographic education. In connecticut. http://www.teachearth.com/states/Connecticut.htm | |
69. CAIS CAIS is approved by the connecticut State Board of education as an accrediting agency,and is affiliated with the National Association of Independent Schools http://www.caisct.org/ | |
70. Afterschool Alliance Contacts State education Agency Contacts connecticut State Department of education,Division of School Improvem http//www.state.ct.us/sde/dsi/rfp/clc21rfp http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/states/states_facts.cfm?state_abbr=CT |
71. State Resources For Gifted Education connecticut Educators Network for the Talented Gifted dayw@k12tn.net http//www.tagtenn.org/. AcademicsDivision of Curriculum Texas education Agency 1701 N http://ericec.org/fact/stateres.html | |
73. CenterEdge Project most respected religious social action agencies in the join this coalition is foreducation only powerpoint presentation on the connecticut Metropatterns Report http://www.oua-adh.org/centerEdge_project.htm | |
74. The Connecticut Commission On The Arts - NewsLetter, Spring, 1996 be most seriously affected by the agency s dramatic budget federal funds for Artsin education programs will setback for the arts, in connecticut, the Governor http://www.ctarts.org/spring96.htm | |
75. Education And Training Child Health Toolbox (Agency for Healthcare Research and Clues - (Patient and FamilyEducation Services, UWMC 14 MB (University of connecticut Health Center http://phpartners.org/educ.html | |
76. State Support And Incentives Fax 860257-8214 Email IWhite@aftct.org. course and fees at the University ofConnecticut. check with individual local education agency liaisons regarding http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Connecticut |
77. Educational Programs General Information connecticut Forum, and the Junior connecticut Association for voice/TTY); cindy.paluch@asd1817.org madeby the prospective student s local education agency. http://www.asd-1817.org/edprograms/ | |
78. Education United States North America Regional United States connecticut education ? Delaware English Consortia ) local educationalagencies, teachers, school and other education entities successfully http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/North_America/United_States/Ed | |
79. Financial Aid & Scholarship Help Call or write the appropriate state agencies for information packages and assistance. ConnecticutDepartment of education 165 Capitol Avenue PO Box 2219 http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm | |
80. Connecticut Residential Treatment Centers profit human services agency located in rural southeastern connecticut, WaterfordCountry Residential Treatment, Special education, Experiential education http://www.kidscounsel.org/kidscounsel/placement/index.4.html | |
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