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61. AHS - Youth Gardening - Youth Garden Resource List Rd. Bldg. J Plainview, NY 118035015. Cornell University coop. ext.Marcia 1359. National 4-H Council 7100 connecticut Ave. Chevy http://www.ahs.org/youth_gardening/youth_garden_resource_list.htm | |
62. HigherEd_Ins Tel., (800) 2221222, 24 hour service. Medical Dir., Marc Bayer, MD; Admin. Dir.,Mary McCormick, Pharm. D. ext. Ctr. THE UNIVERSITY OF connecticut COOPERATIVE. http://www.sots.state.ct.us/RegisterManual/SectionIV/StateDeptsHIGHERED.htm | |
63. College Majors And Careers - Plant Science Univ. coop. ext. Owner, Randolph s Nursery. Bank. Manager, Customer service,MSO, Inc. Tax Manager, MS Ackerman Co., (MBA, MA Accounting). http://careerservices.rutgers.edu/Mplantsci.html | |
64. Under The Canopy - February `98 - Cooperative Extension Service The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension service programs are availableto all, without regard to race, color, age, sex, creed, national origin http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/forestry/canopy/canopyfeb98.html | |
65. CSREES - USDA - Urban Program Resources connecticut Roy Jeffrey University of connecticut rjeffrey@canrl.cag.uconn.edu. FloridaMary Chernesky Hillsborough County coop. ext. http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/family/part/urban_part_contacts.html | |
66. Bill Bentley's Publications Holmes, T., S. Broderick, W. Bentley, and J. Diamond. 1982. The primary forest productsindustry in Windham County, connecticut. CT coop. ext. Serv. Bull. 7 p. http://www.esf.edu/for/bentley/pubs.htm | |
67. WSU Cooperative Extension In Mason And Grays Harbor Counties - Food And Nutritio King County coop ext Food Hotline (Mon. 830am 430pm, Tue-Fri. 830 am - 1230pm), 1-800-325-6165 (ext 6-3443). General Mills Consumer service (730 am - 5 http://mason.wsu.edu/Food/hotlines.html | |
68. Internship List Univ. of Rhode Island Environmental Educ. Center, Woodvale Farm, West Greenwich,RI; University of Georgia, coop. ext. service, (College of Ag. Env. http://www.uvm.edu/~envprog/intern.html | |
69. SAES 422, Appendix D 23 producers from 12 states (connecticut, Deleware, Maine Boyles, Ohio State; JohnBerry, Penn State coop. ext.; Larry Lohr, dairy producer; Ed Rayburn, West http://www.lgu.umd.edu/project/saes.cfm?trackID=43 |
70. From John Weaver, SSC New Hampshire Phone 1 (603) 862-1737 Date In the East the disease spread to include most of connecticut and New Jersey, southernNew York, eastern Pennsylvania, northern Delaware coop. ext., June 1984. http://www.ceris.purdue.edu/napis/pests/dwa/facts.txt |
71. Commercial Oriental Crop Production Guide to growing Chinese cabbage and related crops for commercial market of Georgia Cooperative Extension service (see Circular 695, Chemical Weed AVI Publishing Company Westport, connecticut. 266 pp AVI Publishing Company Westport, connecticut. 325 pp http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/C809-w.htm | |
72. Growing Pumpkins And Winter Squash North Carolina Cooperative Extension service. North Carolina State Autumn Gold. connecticut Field. Decorative type North Carolina Cooperative Extension service. Distributed in http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/hil-24.html | |
73. Growing Vegetables Organically Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Cooperative Extension service 894 from Georgia's Cooperative Extension service. Big Max (large), connecticut Field (medium), Jack OLantern http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/b1011-w.html | |
74. 2004 ESP Chapter Presidents extension Center University of connecticut 562 New FREDERICK L. RICHARDSON Dona AnaCounty ext. Director Rensselaer County Cornell Cooperative extension of http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
75. State Coordinators Cyndi Wyskiewicz State Master Gardner Program Coordinator University of ConnecticutDept of extension 1380 Storrs Road Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty http://hcs.osu.edu/mg/img/coordinators.html | |
76. Forest Pest Control - References And Suggested Readings Murphy, PA 1978. Mississippi Forests Trends and outlook. USDA Forest ServiceResource Bulletin SO67. 32 p. Univ. GA, coop. ext. Serv. Bull. 1017. 51 p. http://www.bugwood.org/pestcontrol/refs.html | |
77. Purchasing looking for a qualified dealer in connecticut to stock Cooperative, Danville, IN(800) 8765473 ext 155. 800)254-7944 Freeborn-Mower Cooperative Services Glen http://www.marathonheaters.com/purchasing.html | |
78. Cooperative Extension Services Gardening Publications, Carnegie Library Of Pitts Washington State University Cooperative extension http//ext.wsu.edu/. Wyoming University of Wyoming Cooperative extension service Last modified Monday July http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/gardening/extension.html | |
79. IRP: Detailed UGA Org. Hierarchy 339 PHYSICAL PLANT CONT ED ..343 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ..347COOP ext serviceVP SRVCS http://www.uga.edu/~irp/organiz/organ1.html | |
80. Work-based Learning Opportunities - Listing 203837-8263 Cooperative Education Office; 203-837-8418 Community service, Student ConnecticutCommunity Colleges. Capital Community College 860-520-7800, ext. http://www.ctdhe.org/PDS/STClisting.htm | |
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