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81. LearnPlus German Grammar Guide Learn German online, LearnPlus German grammar Guide, conjunctions, Definition As the name suggests, conjunctions are words that join http://www.learnplus.com/guides/germangrammar04.html | |
82. ThinkQuest : Library : Lit Cafe There are two main types of conjunctions coordinate and subordinate. The primaryconjunctions in common use are although, because, however, or, that, when, whereas. http://library.thinkquest.org/17500/data/infobar/conjunction.html | |
83. 10. A Grammar Toolkit. The American Heritage Book Of English Usage. 1996 See grammar, adjectives and adverbs, comparison of correlative conjunction, Eitherof a pair of conjunctions, such as either  or or both  and, that connect http://www.bartleby.com/64/10.html | |
84. Kélen Grammar Conjunctions in order that y are rarely used these days, but the noncoordinating conjunctionstó x 2000, 2001, 2002 by Sylvia Sotomayor Back to Kélen grammar Home Page http://1elrond.brinkster.net/KRG/conj.html |
85. Grammar: Others There are few conjunctions; clauses tend to be connected by relative structures Copyright© 1998 John Fisher john@drummond.demon.co.uk grammar last updated http://www.drummond.demon.co.uk/anta/grammar/others.htm | |
86. University Of Colorado At Denver Writing Center--Grammar conjunctions. grammar Overview. Literacy EducationOnline (LEO). modifiers. prepositions. pronouns. verbs. http://thunder1.cudenver.edu/writing/grammar.html | |
87. German Grammar Charts conjunctions link words, phrases, and clauses. The list below contains all coordinatingconjunctions and the most common subordinating conjunctions. http://www.cas.muohio.edu/~greal/netzgrammatik/grammar.html | |
88. Roviana Grammar grammar OF THE ROVIANA LANGUAGE. conjunctions. Copulative, meke and,. sa tasiqumeke na tinaqu, my brother and my mother. tekulu meke ene la, rise and go. http://fehps.une.edu.au/f/s/edu/pNinnes/roviana/Roviana_Conjunctions.html | |
89. TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Links - ESL : Grammar And English Usage English grammar Glossary (David Appleyard) grammar Glossary, grammar for Japan,Article Usage, Tense Usage, Irregular Verbs. English conjunctions (Linda Bryson http://iteslj.org/links/ESL/Grammar_and_English_Usage/ | |
90. New Testament Greek - Grammar Supplement - Conjunctions http://www.ntgreek.fsnet.co.uk/ntgreek/f89-conj.html |
91. New Testament Greek - Grammar Supplement - Conjunctions & Interjections New Testament Greek grammar supplement conjunctions and interjections. conjunctionsare used to join together sentences or parts of sentences. http://www.ntgreek.fsnet.co.uk/ntgreek/m89-conj.html | |
92. Lynch, Guide To Grammar And Style  C Guide to grammar and Style C. Home. Contents. a . b . c . d . e . f . g . h . i . j . l . m. n . o . p . q . r . s . t . u . v . w. From the Guide to grammar and Style by Jack http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Writing/c.html | |
93. Coherence: Transitions Between Ideas Transitional tags run the gamut from the most simple  the little conjunctionsand, but, nor, for, yet, or, (and sometimes) so  to more complex signals http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/transitions.htm | |
94. FunBrain.com Spellaroo http://www.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/gg.cgi?A1=m&A2=0&A3=0&AFUNCT=1&A |
95. Grammar Exercises Index Spanish grammar Exercises. These interactive Spanish grammar exercises were created using JavaScript and work best using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 and Netscape 3 or higher. Comparatives and http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar | |
96. Independent And Dependent Clauses with a coordinating conjunction, a comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction locatedat http//owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_clause.html. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_clause.html | |
97. Index: La Grammaire De L'absurde formation usage obligation usage doubt usage will, emotion, desire conjunctionsthat take UT, University of Texas French grammar www@mail.laits.utexas.edu 5 http://www2.lamc.utexas.edu/frgr/ | |
98. The Coordinating Conjunction When you have three or more items in a series, you generally use a comma beforethe coordinating conjunction. Some grammar handbooks will tell you that this http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/coordinatingconjunction.htm | |
99. Grammatical Terms aspect; contraction; correlative conjunctions; count noun; countablenoun; dangling modifier; dash; declarative sentence; demonstrative http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/arts/writcent/hypergrammar/termindx.html | |
100. Grammar Translate this page Uses of the Present Subjunctive (French grammar Help Online) French Conjunctionsrequiring the Subjunctive Les conjonctions et le subjonctif exercices http://www.utm.edu/~globeg/gramm.shtml | |
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