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121. Zhenyu Qian Universit¤t Bremen Java security, extensions, and semantics; object-oriented, functional, concurrent, logic programming languages; specification languages; compiler construction; program specification, construction and transformation; object-oriented analyis and design; types; lambda-calculus; unification; algebraic semantics; and theorem proving systems. http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~qian/qian.html | |
122. Napier88 programming system (language and persistent environment) from University of St Andrews. Features orthogonal persistence, type completeness, higherorder procedures, abstract (existential) data types, collections of bindings, strongly typed stable store, graphical data types, concurrent execution and data access, support for reflective programming. http://www-ppg.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/Languages/Napier88/ | |
123. GNU Tools For The HP3000 Online documentation for GNU programming tools for the HP 3000 standard with all HP 3000s with the MPE/iX POSIX shell. Tools include Make and CVS. CVS (concurrent Versions System) a version control/software configuration management utility used by a number of HP 3000 programmers. http://www.dis.com/gnu.html | |
124. Sanjiva Prasad's Home Page Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi programming Languages, concurrent Systems http://www.cse.iitd.ernet.in/~sanjiva | |
125. CMU CS Venari Project Home Page The thrust of the Venari project at Carnegie Mellon University is addressing the problem of search, hence the name. We touch upon areas in programming and specification language design, semantics, and implementation; concurrent and distributed systems; databases and persistent objects; and software development libraries and environments. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/venari/www/home.html | |
126. Nissim Francez's Home Page The Technion Formal semantics of natural language, computational linguistics, semantics of programming languages, program verification, concurrent and distributed programming, logic programming. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~francez/ | |
127. Old Home Page Of Maurizio Gabbrielli, Professor Of Computer Science University of Udine Formal methods for program verification and analysis, theory of concurrent constraint programming, program transformations, languages for real-time applications, logic programming. http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~gabbri/ | |
128. Concurrency And Computation Practice And Experience (Journal) Peerreviewed articles covering concurrent solutions, algorithms, programming environments and applicatons. Published by Wiley InterScience. http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1532-0626/ |
129. Oz Programming System concurrent constraint programming language designed for applications needing complex symbolic computations, organization into multiple agents, and soft realtime control. The original Oz DFKI Oz 2.0; features, tools, documents, download. Predecessor of Mozart. http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/oz2/ |
130. Baquero, Carlos Minho University Distributed systems and mobile computing, concurrent object-oriented programming. http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/cbm/ | |
131. The Scala Programming Language A general purpose programming language with a special focus on web services. It combines objectoriented, functional and concurrent elements. It is a successor of Funnel. Java-based implementation. http://lamp.epfl.ch/scala/ | |
132. Cybele From Intelligent Automation Inc OpenCybele, the open source agent infrastructure, is a runtime environment built on the top of the Java(TM) 2 platform for control and execution of agents. Features include plugn-play capability of agent services, Activity Centric programming (ACP), multi-thread support for concurrent agent execution, location independent communication, publish-subscribe based messaging, synchronous, asynchronous, broadcast, and point-to-point messaging. http://www.opencybele.org |
133. A Distributed Implementation Of The C-Linda Programming Language Language combining C and Linda, gives six functions for concurrent process coordination, can be added to any other sequential language, unlike many other parallel languages, programmers needn't learn a new language. Thesis with essay, bibliography, code samples. http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~jbasney/honors/thesis.html | |
134. Jeannette M. Wing Professor in the School of Computer Science Associate Dean of Doctoral Programs, Software specification and verification, security, concurrent and distributed systems, programming languages, programming methodology. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~wing/ | |
135. Laboratorio De Fundamentos Da Computación E Intelixencia Artificial Affiliated with the University of Corunna. Does research in theoretical Computer Science, programming, distributed and concurrent functional environments and formal methods in Software Engineering. http://carpanta.dc.fi.udc.es/ | |
136. Distributed Haskell Extension for parallel and distributed programming, with combinators from concurrent constraint programming; computational parts of programs are expressed functionally, development was first for tightly coupled multiprocessors, evolved from Goffin. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/goffin/ | |
137. Scsh - The Scheme Shell A broadspectrum systems-programming environment for Unix embedded in R5RS Scheme (actually within version 0.53 of Scheme48). Support for concurrent system programming, sophisticated I/O and automatic garbage collection for process resources. http://www.scsh.net/ | |
138. Programming Java Threads In The Real World, Part 1 programming Java threads isn't nearly as easy (or as platformindependent) as most books would have you believe, and all Java programs that use the AWT are multithreaded. This article is the first http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-09-1998/jw-09-threads.html | |
139. Concurrency - State Models & Java Programs Concurrency State Models Java Programs. http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~jnm/book/ | |
140. Index Of /classes/cs522 Parent Directory 02Mar-2004 1416 - 1997/ 12-Jan-2000 1113 - 1998/ 12......Index of /classes/cs522. Name Last modified Size http://www.cs.arizona.edu/classes/cs522/ | |
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