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41. UVA Computer Science: Library Resources libraries computer science Library, CS related video collection, UVa libraries, UVascience and Engineering libraries, Virgo, Library of Congress, IdeaLibrary, http://www.cs.virginia.edu/brochure/library.html | |
42. Astronomy And Computer Science Address, telephone number, Email, how to get there. Astronomy and computerscience library Kruislaan 403, room 3.21 1098 SJ Amsterdam. http://www.uba.uva.nl/libraries/object.cfm?objectid=610DEE5C-9E60-4043-A122A4A73 |
43. Library (computer Science) - Encyclopedia Article About Library (computer Scienc A linker is a separate utility which takes one or more libraries and objectfiles In computer science, object file or object code is an intermediate http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Library (computer science) | |
44. Harvard Libraries: Science Libraries applied mathematics, applied physics, computer science, decision and sciences, materialsscience, theoreical mechanics by Gordon McKay Library More information http://lib.harvard.edu/libraries/listings_sciencelib.html | |
45. Computer Science -- Arts & Sciences Libraries, UB Libraries Please Choose One. Arts and sciences libraries Below are selected Internetresources for computer science organized by type of source. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/computer.html | |
46. UF Smathers Libraries Subject Guide: Computer Science Other useful pages UF computer Information science and Engineering DepartmentHome Page; UF libraries Home Page for links to electronic journals and http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/msl/comput.html | |
47. MU - Institute Of Computer Science - Library Automation Local WWW Pages Institute of computer science. MU Brno - Instituteof computer science. Services Library Automation. The Library http://www.ics.muni.cz/services/libraries.html | |
48. UCLA SEL Subject Page Computer Science computer science. a science Engineering LibrarySubject Page. Collection Information. http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/sel/subjects/cs.htm | |
49. Science Libraries science libraries. DeLaMare Library (Engineering, computer science,Geological sciences, Mining); Mary B. Ansari Map Library; WM Keck http://www.library.unr.edu/sciencelibs/ | |
50. Rutgers University Libraries: Subject Research Guides: Computer Science computer science. To locate books, journals and other resources in computer sciencewithin the Rutgers University libraries, use IRIS, our online catalog. http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/comp_sci/comp_sc | |
51. C++ In AP Computer Science Creating libraries/projects with different compilers. Ideas for using a class forcalendar dates at many levels. Howtos Both for C++ and for computer science http://www.cs.duke.edu/~ola/ap.html | |
52. Science Library, Loyola University Chicago ABOUT US. science Library Hours Contact Information. Resources by Subject Astronomy Biology Chemistry computer science Environment Mathematics http://libraries.luc.edu/about/science.shtml | |
53. World-Wide Web Resources - Computers and postscript formats. computer science Resources, from the Physics,Astronomy, Math Division, Special libraries Association. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/computers.html | |
54. Computer Science Resources computer science University at Albany libraries A collection of hyperlinksin many areas of computer science and technology. Computing http://www.library.mwc.edu/compsci.html | |
55. Colby College Libraries: Science Library houses Colby s science Library. Resources include collections in biology, chemistry,environmental science, geology, physics, astronomy, computer science and http://www.colby.edu/library/collections/science/ | |
56. BU Libraries | Research Guide | Computer Science . Networked computer science Technical ReferenceLibrary, Description. Web of science (science Citation Index) 1988+, Description....... MathSciNet 1940+, http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/csrg.html | |
57. CSTR -- Computer Science Technical Reports computer science Technical Reports. An Introduction to the CSTR Project, Robert E. Kahn, December 11, 1995. Participants. Architecture of the Digital Library. Implementations. Contributed technology. Participants http://www.cnri.reston.va.us/home/cstr.html | |
58. Computer Science: LANL Research Library Research Library. Ask a Librarian via email Information by Subject computer science. Info by Subject Astronomy Bioinformatics Biology http://lib-www.lanl.gov/infores/compsci/compsci.htm | |
59. LANL Research Library at the desktop Â; 4/7 science Express now The Research Library, along with otherG A organizations 04, as well as postponing computer equipment expenditures http://lib-www.lanl.gov/ | |
60. SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE/Carnegie Mellon University Wing Professor CSD, and new head of the computer science Department (CSD) tells why she is known as Students from the School of computer science, Take a tour of SCS http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ | |
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