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1. Computer Science Libraries computer science libraries. Mark Simmons. Stock held in the Computer ScienceLibraries. This table summarises the libraries stock and loan terms. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/Intranet_subweb/library/index.php | |
2. Computer Science Libraries Information And Links Get your FREE Casino Game CD Click Here. KeyWorlds.com Computers_Technology Misc computer science libraries Links. Stanford http://www.keyworlds.com/c/computer_science_libraries.htm | |
3. The Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics (PAM) And Computer Science Libraries, Asia/P The Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics (PAM) and computer science libraries,Asia/Pacific Forum (PAMAPF). Text of the report presented http://www.sla.org/division/dpam/irc/sla-rep.html | |
4. Computer Science computer science. Starting Points. Search Engines and meetings, FAQs, forums, glossaries, libraries, newsgroups, organizations, people, software, standards, starting http://library.albany.edu/subject/csci.htm | |
5. Science Libraries Access to the five science libraries DeLaMare (earth sciences, engineering, and computer science), Life and Health sciences, Mary B. Ansari Map, Physical sciences, and Savitt Medical. http://www.library.unr.edu/sciencelibs/Default.htm | |
6. BURKS 6 Online Free version of very low cost 4 CDROM set for computer science students. Has libraries, compilers, tutorials, extensive reference material for over 24 languages, 13,000+ entry computing dictionary, a Linux distribution. http://burks.bton.ac.uk/ | |
7. ALA | Internet Resources: Computer Science software, and operating systems. computer science also encompasses theoretical and mathematical and Research libraries. C RL News article about computer science resources available http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/ACRL/Publications/College_and_Research | |
8. LHNCBC: Cognitive Science Branch (CgSB) Research in computer and information technologies involving investigation of linguistic, statistical, and knowledgebased methods, for improving access to biomedical information. Participation in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)project, NLM's Indexing Initiative and use of digital libraries. Collaborating with NLM's History of Medicine Division on profiles in science, a project to digitize collections of prominent biomedical scientists. http://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/cgsb/ | |
9. Department Of Computer Science - Princeton University PACM. PICASSO. libraries Main Engineering. computer science Building. Employment Opportunities 19952003, 2004. Princeton University computer science Department. All rights reserved http://www.cs.princeton.edu/ | |
10. Brighton University Resource Kit For Students Languages section of online version of CDROMs for computer science students libraries, compilers, tutorials, reference material for over 24 languages. http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/language/ |
11. Springer-Verlag - Computer Science Edited by S. Tucker Taft, Robert A. Duff; SpringerVerlag, 1997, ISBN 3540631445. Treats Ada International Standard ISO/IEC 86521995(E). Lecture Notes in computer science, 1246. Springer-Verlag http://www.springer-ny.com/detail.tpl?isbn=3540631445 |
12. Omniseek /Directory /Libraries /Science Libraries /Computer Science Directory Reference libraries science libraries computer science. directory only in science _ libraries / computer _ science libraries science libraries computer http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{39271} |
13. Software Finish ANSI C libraries from the computer and Information science University of Oregon. The aim is to make porting code to Cybikos easier as well as shorten the learning curve for programming in C on Cybikos. http://www.cs.uoregon.edu/research/wearables/software.html | |
14. UVA Computer Science program provides a solid education in both computer science and electrical engineering Address, Area Maps, Office Locator, libraries, Links to Universities, Miscellaneous Links http://www.cs.virginia.edu/ | |
15. Computer Science University libraries, University at Albany, SUNY, Need Help? Search this Site, SiteIndex. Home, Catalogs, Database Finder, Journals, Subject Pages. computer science. http://library.albany.edu/subject/computer_main.html | |
16. A Survey Of Applications Of CSCW For Digital Libraries a review of the field of CSCW with respect to digital libraries; covers both library information science and computer science http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/research/cseg/projects/ariadne/docs/survey | |
17. The Young Science Library The prinicipal focus of the science Library's collection, one of the largest among college science libraries, is the support of the curriculum in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, computer science, Exercise and Sport Studies, Geology, History of science, Mathemaics, Physics, and Psychology. http://www.smith.edu/libraries/young/scimain.htm | |
18. ALA Internet Resources are links to past Internet Resources columns from College Research libraries News,listed Computational science February 2002. computer science - June 2001. http://www.ala.org/acrl/resoct98.html |
19. The University Of Chicago Library A library for the mathematics, statistics and computer science departments at the University of Chicago. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/LibInfo/Libraries/Eckhart/ | |
20. Branches Access to the seven branch science libraries (biology, chemistry, computer science, geoscience, marine and atmospheric sciences, engineering, and math/physics/astronomy) and to general databases and Internet resources. http://sunysb.edu/library/collections/list.html | |
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