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161. NYU Computer Science Welcome. Welcome to NYU s computer science Department, part of the worldfamous Courant Institute of Mathematical sciences. Our department http://cs.nyu.edu/ |
162. Laurentian University Electronic Business Science Get an ECommerce degree in four years through Laurentian University's Honours Bachelor of Commerce and computer science program. http://hbccs.laurentian.ca | |
163. The Horus Project Reliable distributed computing research in Cornell University computer science department. Has information on Ensemble, a publicly distributed toolkit based on Horus research. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/Projects/HORUS/ | |
164. C.S. Daily: Computer Science Daily News News site covering computer science, for fans, students, researchers and professionals. http://csdaily.com/ | |
165. FAST-NU Home Offers BS and MS in computer science. http://www.nu.edu.pk/ | |
166. Index Personal information, computer programming, games, and links. http://home.worldonline.dk/~boron/ | |
167. (Mongolia) National University Of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar School of Mathematics and computer science. http://www.num.edu.mn/pages/mcs.htm |
168. UW Constraint-Based Systems Constraints research group, Department of computer science and Engineering. Home of DeltaBlue, Cassowary. Neat constraint Java Applet demonstrates a theorem about quadrilaterals. http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/constraints/ | |
169. Chicago Journal Of Theoretical Computer Science Electronic journal hosted by the University of Chicago. http://cjtcs.cs.uchicago.edu/ | |
170. Kotelenko, Sergey Ph.D. in computer science. Professional interests, list of publications, curriculum vitae, all scientific and software projects in which the author has been involved. http://kotel.virtualave.net | |
171. Welcome To The Centrum Voor Wiskunde En Informatica Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Center for Mathematics and computer science), Amsterdam, Netherlands. http://www.cwi.nl/ | |
172. The Department Of Mathematics And Computer Science Department of Mathematics and computer science. http://www.dmcs.uwi.tt/ |
173. CSC: Consulting, Systems Integration And Outsourcing computer Sciences Corporation provides consulting, systems integration and design, IT and business process outsourcing, applications software, and Web and application hosting to its clients in http://www.csc.com/ | |
174. Turing.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/cs/www_lncs.1.html index http://turing.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/cs/www_lncs.1.html |
175. Index Of /acsl Parent Directory 03Jan-2004 1345 - 00-01/ 26-Aug-2003 1727 - 01-02/ 26-Aug......index of /acsl. Name Last modified Size http://www.acsl.org/acsl/ | |
176. Universität Bremen - Fachbereich 3 Translate this page Universität Bremen, FB3-Verwaltung, Informatik, Mathematik, Technomathematik, Digitale Medien. Suche, index, Aktuelles, Fachbereich 3, Lehrkörper/ Mitarbeiter, http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/ | |
177. Computers And Assessment In Science Education. ERIC Digest ED395770 Discusses types of software applications used in scientific evaluations, underlying assumptions, issues which relate to validity, gender equity, instructional delivery, mode of user interface, and responsibility to the public. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed395770.html |
178. Museum Of Science Home 1000am, 1200pm, 200pm God s Dice 1030am, 1230pm SuperCold science 1030am, 1230pm Battle of the Currents 1115am, 115pm Live Animal Presentation 1130am http://www.mos.org/ | |
179. Index Of / cs/ 05Oct-2000 1203 - servers.html 24-Mar-2000 1816 1.5K soft310.html 24-Mar-2000 1826 7.4K......index of /. Name Last modified Size http://cs.wou.edu/ | |
180. Index Of /inf Parent Directory eden/ 06-May-2004 1808 -......index of /inf. Name Last modified Size http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/inf/ | |
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