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121. Gregory Dudek Professor at the School of computer science and Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM). Research areas include navigation, shape, mobile robotics, computer vision, vision, visualization, and recognition. http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/ | |
122. SIGACT News Theory Calendar --- Home Page Calendar of upcoming theoretical computer science events and a list of recently released books in the field. http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/theoryc/ | |
123. Computer And Mathematical Sciences - NMHU - Index.html Department of computer and Mathematical Sciences PO Box 9000 New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701 (505) 4543295. http://cs.nmhu.edu/ | |
124. Math-Net Page With Standard Labels For Department Of Mathematics , University Of Mathematics and computer science. http://www.uni-essen.de/fb6/Math-Net/ | |
125. CSL 2000 -- Homepage computer science Logic. Fischbachau/Munich, Germany; 2126 August 2000. http://www.tcs.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/csl2000/ | |
126. Mel Fitting Home Page City University of New York Logic in computer science, mathematics, philosophy. http://comet.lehman.cuny.edu/fitting/ | |
127. Committee On The Status Of Women In Computing Research the Status of Women in Computing research (CRAW) is to take positive action to increase the number of women participating in computer science and Engineering http://www.cra.org/Activities/craw/ | |
128. McGill University School Of Computer Science School of computer science. Research groups focus on advanced compilers, architectures and programming systems, Java tools, artificial intelligence, database technology, computational geometry, mobile robotics, computer vision, software engineering, cryptography and quantum information. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/ | |
129. The Tacoma Project, Department Of Computer Science, University Of Tromsø, Norwa Operating system support for networking agents. The TACOMA (Tromsø And COrnell Moving Agents) project focuses on operating system http://www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Tacoma/ | |
130. DMTCS: Discrete Mathematics And Theoretical Computer Science DMTCS is an electronic journal published by the Maison de l'Informatique et des Math©matiques Discr¨tes http://dmtcs.loria.fr/ | |
131. MCS Publications Technical report anonymous ftp area. Most documents are available in compressed dvi or compressed postscript. http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/division/publications/ | |
132. Brandeis University CS Web Pages Online department brochure, course list and faculty, also individual pages for many students. Waltham. http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/ | |
133. Spare-Time Programming Contest This is a casual contest open to any University of California computer science student. http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~becker/Contest/ | |
134. Computer Science: LANL Research Library A directory of computer science related sites from Los Alamos National Laboratory. http://lib-www.lanl.gov/infores/compsci/compsci.htm | |
135. CS_Web Department of computer science. http://www.cs.uncc.edu/ | |
136. UWA Computer Science - Research In The Department Copyright (C) May 2003, computer science Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia. (Contact Details) Unauthorised http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/robvis/ | |
137. Cognitive Science At CUNY Graduate students from a number of disciplines such as computer science, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, educational psychology, and speech and hearing sciences - may tailor their program with this concentration. http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/cogit/ | |
138. Department Of Computer Science Department of computer science. Research areas include a wide range of topics in general and theoretical computer science, information systems, and computer software. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/ | |
139. Nanoscale Science Research Group solutionoriented approach ensures that our results are relevant to our collaborators research, rather than only of academic interest in computer science. http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/nano/ | |
140. CSU Chico - Engineering, Computer Science, & Technology - CSUC ECST Computer Sci Includes faculty list and department information. http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/__depts/csci/ | |
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