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121. Shasta College - Student-Centered Learning Project - Computer Literacy computer literacy. computer literacy was a way to empower students with ideas, resources, address social, economic inequities and impact their abilities. http://www3.shastacollege.edu/sclp/SCLPComputerLiteracy.htm | |
122. Information And Computer Literacy In A Research University What is Information and Computer Literacy in University Education? NCSU s General Education Requirement (GER) computer literacy provides computer literacy. http://www.ncsu.edu/it/open_source/it-educ-u.html | |
123. NC State: AcadProg GER-Computer Literacy FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY FOR GRADUATION, computer literacy, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, FREE ELECTIVES. RATIONALE, REQUIREMENT (integral curriculum content), http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/academic_programs/ger/cominfo/ | |
124. GPLC :: Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council :: Www.gplc.org Nonprofit agency that provides reading, writing, math, English language, and computer skills to adults and out of school young adults. http://trfn.clpgh.org/gplc/ | |
125. Orality, Literacy, And The Electronic Culture A historical perspective on the growth of electronic communication. Offers examples from Socrates to Martin Luther of how technology influences human interaction. http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~univ302/StudentWork/S96/Dolan/olec.html | |
126. Computer Skills For Information Problem-Solving: Learning And Teaching In Contex Article on how instructors can teach problem and information literacy skills to students when they are using technology. http://www.ericdigests.org/1996-4/skills.htm | |
127. Tata Computer-based Functional Literacy Programme Launched by the Tata group of companies, aims to lift the adult literacy rate. http://www.tataliteracy.com/ | |
128. Literacy And Technology Annotated resource for parents, teachers, and students K12. Education, media, computer, reference, and virtual field trip links included. http://campus.fortunecity.com/newton/40/home.html | |
129. Currents In Electronic Literacy (Fall 1999): "Herbert In Hypertext" Using the computer to analyse repetition and joining of ideas and words in the Temple. http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/currents/archives/fall99/kramarsky.html | |
130. Using Computers With Adult ESL Literacy Learners. An overview of various types of computer software and instructional strategies used effectively with ESL adult literacy learners. http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed343462.html |
131. Winchester Clark County Literacy Council, Winchester, Kentucky 40391 Providing GED and computer classes, professional childhood development, and learning english as a second language for employees. http://www.clarkadulteducation.org | |
132. Carlos Rosario International Career And Public Charter School An adult charter school for members of immigrant communities in Washington. It provides training in English as a Second Language, literacy, GED, citizenship, and computer applications. http://www.carlosrosario.org/cr | |
133. ALA | Welcome A collection of resources primarily about the practice of teaching information literacy. Of special interest are pages about computer classroom control systems, textbooks for information literacy courses, and examples of best practices. The Committee is a subsidiary of the Instruction Section (IS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). http://www.ala.org/ala/acrlbucket/is/welcome/ | |
134. A N A N S I W E B W O R K S Version TWO - WELCOME! Provides personal web design services, internet literacy training, desktop publishing services, computer and technology consulting services. http://members.tripod.com/anansiweb | |
135. Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House An adult education provider offering computer classes and adult literacy and numeracy programs. http://members.malleenet.net.au/~hilhouse/ | |
136. Home Page Serves adults with academic, literacy, entrepreneurial, computer, and employability programs. Houses adult high school and basic education programs. Lists contact details and county links. http://www.commed.ednet.ns.ca./annapolis/index.htm | |
137. Ashland Elementary School K5th grade. Includes staff, contact details and information about their integrated computer and Internet literacy program. http://www2.mde.k12.ms.us/0500/AshlandElementary/AES.html | |
138. Adult Education Center Provides educational alternatives for those in Anderson County School Districts Three, Four and Five. Learn about literacy, GED preparation, computer classes, and other programs. http://adulted.anderson5.net/ | |
139. TPLWeb: The Tahlequah Public Library Provides event information, library policies, access to the library catalog, information about computer classes, the Cherokee County literacy Council, new books lists, and Story Time schedule. http://www.tahlequah.lib.ok.us/ | |
140. Daycare Arlington Virginia - Day Care Center Daycare center serving Northern Virginia. Provides photographs, childcare philosophy, directions, plus introduction to programming including computer, early literacy, and social skills. http://virginiachild.com/ | |
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