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81. Informatik - Universität Des Saarlandes - Saarbrücken Department of Computer Science. Areas of research include combinatorics, computational geometry, compilers for realtime embedded systems, formal modelling of circuits, computer architecture, description and planning logics, formal grammars, cryptography, and distributed algorithms. http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/ | |
82. Home Page Of The VLSI Computer Architecture And Parallel Processing Group At USF VLSI, computer architecture and Parallel Processing(VCAPP) Research Group at USF. http://vcapp.csee.usf.edu/ | |
83. Institut Für Technische Informatik of the Faculty; WWW computer architecture Page. Last change 2004/05/14143745( Mail totd) © Universität Stuttgart Impressum. http://www.ra.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ | |
84. Rostock, University Computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics. http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/en/ | |
85. Embedded Systems And Computer Architecture A book with software which takes the reader stepby-step through the design, construction, and programming of a microprocessor (based on the classic Zilog Z80 microprocessor). Includes a Z80 IDE and a simulator with add-on devices. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/grwilson/ | |
86. NUCAR Northeastern University computer architecture Research Group. The NUCAR Army, Welcometo the Northeastern University computer architecture Research Group. http://www.ece.neu.edu/info/architecture/nucar.html | |
87. UWTV: Programs computer architecture Understanding program behavior is at the foundationof computer architecture and program optimization. Sherwood http://www.uwtv.org/programs/displayevent.asp?rid=1841 |
88. Uni Stuttgart - Faculty Of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science. computer architecture, computing software, dialogue systems, formal concepts of computer science, graphical engineering systems, intelligent systems, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science, parallel and distributed systems, image understanding, integrated systems engineering and large system simulation. http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/fakultaet.html.en | |
89. Purdue Computer Architecture Please click here for a no frame version ofPurdue computer architecture Homepage. http://dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu/~arch/ | |
90. Computer Architecture & Network Lab. In SNU ? ? ? ? . BK21 NRL Dept. of Computer Engineering Seoul National University . http://archi.snu.ac.kr/ | |
91. TUM Informatik - Faculty of Informatics. Research groups focus on programming, distributed systems, formal languages, compiler construction, database systems, engineering applications of computer science, numerical methods, real time systems, robotics, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, communication, deduction, knowledge based systems, image processing, computer architecture, applied computer science, operating systems, networks, and algorithms. http://www.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/index_en.html | |
92. Laboratory Of Computer Architecture - Home Page Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Department for Computer Logic, Systems and Neural Networks http://lra-1.fri.uni-lj.si/ |
93. CS-425: Computer Architecture(CSD-UCrete & ICS-FORTH) CS425 computer architecture. Autumn 2002 semester. Lecture Notes. Chapter 1 - LectureNotes. 10th Symposium on computer architecture, IEEE Computer Society, 1983. http://www.csd.uch.gr/~hy425/ | |
94. Computer Architecture, 3rd Edition computer architecture, 3rd Edition A Quantitative Approach Dr. John L. Hennessy, Stanford University Dr. David A. Patterson , University of California http://www.harcourt-international.com/catalogue/title.cfm?ISBN=1558605967 |
95. USC's Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory Welcome to the. Introduction to the Advanced computer architectureLaboratory. The Advanced computer architecture Laboratory (ACAL http://www.isi.edu/acal/ | |
96. University Of Tübingen: Computer Architecture University of Tübingen Homepage, print version Homecomputer architecture. AboutOur Department. People. Research Projects. Software. Publications. Teaching. http://www-ra.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/ | |
97. Computer Architecture And Networks TUMCSE. Winter semester 2001/2002. Part of the curriculum Master of ComputationalScience and Engineering. computer architecture and Networks. http://wwwbode.in.tum.de/Lehrstuhl/Lehre/Lectures/WS2001/CompArchNet.html | |
98. Computer Architecture: Von_Neumann computer architecture is the theory behind the design of a computer. In Computer_architecture.Search web or Kosmoi for computer architecture . http://kosmoi.com/Computer/Architecture/ | |
99. Cellmatrix Core Page Publications describe an application of their computer architecture to genetic algorithms. Software includes an online circut simulator. http://www.cellmatrix.com/entryway/entryway/core.html | |
100. SBAC-PAD'2002 Translate this page Symposium on computer architecture and High Performance Computing http://www.inf.ufes.br/~sbac2002/ |
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