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1. Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms This site contains design and analysis of various computer algorithms such as divideand-conquer, dynamic, greedy, graph, computational geometry etc. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/algorithm.html | |
2. CS138a: Computer Algorithms (Winter 2004) CS138a computer algorithms (Winter 2004) This course serves as an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms. Next offered in Winter 2005. http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~cs138 | |
3. Computer Algorithms: String Pattern Matching Strategies Introduces the basic concepts and characteristics of string pattern matching strategies and provides numerous references for further reading. NOTE This title is brought to you by the IEEE Computer Society Press and JohnWiley Sons, Inc http://www.computer.org/cspress/CATALOG/bp05462.htm | |
4. COMPUTER ALGORITHMS/C++ computer algorithms/C++. by E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Rajasekaran. WH Freeman Press, 1997. Welcome to our home page! A pseudocode http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~raj/BOOK.html | |
5. Web Sites About Computer Algorithms Web Sites About computer algorithms. computer algorithms, Some Classical Examples Method of Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem Using Genetic Algorithms. http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~zhjiang/main.html | |
6. Computer Algorithms Introduction To Design And Analysis, 3/E - . Table of Contents. Features. Appropriate Courses. About the Author(s) RESOURCES. DisciplineSpecific. RELATED TITLES. Algorithms (Computer Science)......by Keyword. by Author. by Title. by ISBN. Advanced Search. ABOUT THIS PRODUCT. http://www.aw.com/product/0,2627,0201612445,00.html |
7. Iterative Computer Algorithms With Applications In Engineering Iterative computer algorithms with Applications in Engineering describes indepth the five main iterative algorithms for solving hard combinatorial http://www.computer.org/cspress/CATALOG/bp00100.htm | |
8. Groupe ESIEE Paris : R & D : Computer Algorithms And Architecture Laboratory (A2 computer algorithms and Architecture Laboratory (A2SI). Laboratory personnel. 14 faculty members, 2 ingineers / laboratory technicians http://www.esiee.fr/recherche/a2si_en.html | |
9. Groupe ESIEE Paris : Research : Computer Algorithms And Architecture Lab. Tue May 25 2004. R D computer algorithms and Architecture Laboratory (A2SI). Laboratory personnel. 14 faculty members, 2 engineers http://www.esiee.fr/en/research/a2si.php | |
10. Computer Algorithms: Introduction To Design And Analysis, 3/E - Addison-Wesley A About the Author(s). RESOURCES. DisciplineSpecific. RELATED TITLES. Algorithms (Computer Science). computer algorithms Introduction to Design and Analysis, 3/E. http://www.aw-bc.com/catalog/academic/product/0,4096,0201612445,00.html | |
11. Computer Algorithms computer algorithms / Programs. This section contains snipits of, or complete computer algorithms/programs that pertain to either http://www.bjmath.com/bjcomputer/computer/algorithms.htm | |
12. Department Of Computer Algorithms And Artificial Intelligence , computer algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. , Software Engineering. Department of computer algorithms and Artificial Intelligence. Introduction. Education. http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/tanszekek/szamitogepesalgoritmusokesmi/starten.xml | |
13. Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms Course http://pranka.sourceforge.net/ | |
14. Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms Course 2 The course ÂDesign and Analysis of computer algorithms 2Â aims to introduce advanced computer science algorithms and their applications to interested http://pranka.sourceforge.net/pranka2/ | |
15. Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms The summary for this Bulgarian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.nakov.com/pranka/ | |
16. Design And Analysis Of Computer Algorithms - Program knowledge that anyone conducting research in computer science should have. General topics to be covered include simple numerical algorithms, fundamental data http://www.nakov.com/pranka/PrAnKA-1-course-2003-2004-program.html | |
17. Computer Algorithms computer algorithms. Animated Complexity Compression Computational_Algebra Conferences People Pseudorandom_Numbers Publications http://www.gy.com/computer/Algorithms/ | |
18. Computer Algorithms (EMF) Human Computer Interaction/ Artificial Intelligence Advanced Graphics Algorithms. Go to HCI Section; AI Section; Graphics Section. http://webpages.marshall.edu/~efraser/emfalg.html | |
19. Division Of Computer And Information Sciences, Rutgers University: CS-344: Desig CS344 Design and Analysis of computer algorithms. 01198344 Design And Analysis Of computer algorithms Offered in FALL AND SPRING http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/cs/academics/undergraduate/344.html | |
20. Wiley::Iterative Computer Algorithms With Applications In Engineering: Solving C General Programming Software Development Iterative computer algorithms with Applications in Engineering Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0769501001.html | |
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