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1. Computational Chemistry Resources On The WWW WWW computational chemistry Resources. computational chemistry resources. ACS Division of Compu/ters in Chemistry ACS Division of Physical Chemistry. http://www.chem.swin.edu.au/chem_ref.html | |
2. CCC - The Center For Computational Chemistry The Center for computational chemistry seeks to develop theorectical and computational methods through mathematical models for describing and understanding the movement and function of electrons http://zopyros.ccqc.uga.edu/ |
3. ACCVIP: The Computational Chemistry Via The Internet Project A set of webbased teaching modules. http://www.chem.swin.edu.au/ | |
4. CCL Home A resource for computational chemists. Discussions on chemistry software, data, conferences, jobs, quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, QSAR, molecular graphics, molecular modeling, and associated archives http://www.ccl.net/chemistry/ | |
5. Jobs Jobs. computational chemistry List. Position announcements submitted to computational chemistry List are considered very effective tool by people who use it. http://www.ccl.net/chemistry/announcements/jobs/index.shtml | |
6. Journal Of Computational Chemistry http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0192-8651 |
7. NetSci's Science Center: Computational Chemistry NetSci's Science Center computational chemistry. Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships (QSAR) Molecular Modeling and the Design of Dopamine D2 Partial Agonists, Georgia B. McGaughey* and Richard E. Mergers and Alliances Within computational chemistry, Allen B. Richon, Molecular http://www.netsci.org/Science/Compchem | |
8. Mathematical Challenges From Theoretical/Computational Chemistry A report published by the National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1995. http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/mctcc/ | |
9. Computational Chemistry On The Sony PlayStation2 computational chemistry on the Sony PlayStation2. In the News. Introduction. The landscape of highperformance computing for chemical simulation is constantly changing. but equally important is http://spawn.scs.uiuc.edu/research/sonyps2/ps2project.htm | |
10. Humboldt Research Conference On Computational Chemistry Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria; 30 October 3 November 2002. http://humboldt-conference.chem.uni-sofia.bg/ |
11. NIST Computational Chemistry Group Group involved in the development of databases and systematic testing, evaluation and benchmarking of quantum chemistry methods to establish the accuracy, reliability, applicability and relative merits of different computational tools and approaches for different problems. http://www.nist.gov/compchem/ | |
12. CCL Home Home Page. computational chemistry List. Resource for Computational Chemists. Discussions on chemistry software, data, conferences, jobs, quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics http://server.ccl.net/chemistry | |
13. REVIEWS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY REVIEWS IN computational chemistry. Meet the editors; Crossword puzzle for computational chemists. Copyright © 19952002. All rights reserved. http://chem.iupui.edu/~boyd/rcc.html |
14. CUC3 Home Page Features theoretical research and modelling on a range of topics in theoretical and quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics, surface science and statistical mechanics. http://www-theor.ch.cam.ac.uk/ | |
15. Computational Chemistry List of excellent overviews on important computational chemistry topics. MicroElectronics new list cover all aspects of computational chemistry; however, before posting, contributors http://server.ccl.net/chemistry.html | |
16. Minnesota Computational Chemistry Minnesota computational chemistry Home Page Scientific Computation. Computational Neuroscience. Chemical Biology Waves and Beams. Department of Chemistry. UMN Graduate School http://amsol.chem.umn.edu/ | |
17. CCCBDB Computational Chemistry Comparison And Benchmark Database Database of molecules with well established heat of formation, no atoms with atomic number greater than 17 (Chlorine,) and six or fewer heavy atoms and twenty or fewer total atoms. http://srdata.nist.gov/cccbdb/Default.htm |
18. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgibin/jhome/33822 More results from www3.interscience.wiley.com computational chemistry and Organic Synthesis computational chemistry and Organic Synthesis. These days computational chemistry is more or less the same, but with emphasis on the latter. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=33822 |
19. ECCC Forum The 9th Electronic computational chemistry Conference. A free, completely online conference in computational chemistry. March 2003. http://eccc9.cooper.edu/ | |
20. The Philosophy Of Computational Quantum Chemistry The Philosophy of Computational Quantum Chemistry. From Dr. Buyong Ma , Ph.D Dissertation of University of Georgia, March, 1995. The advances of computational approach to chemical problems are remarkable. The definition of computational chemistry is somewhat arbitrary and subjective there are three characteristics for computational chemistry A. obtaining chemical information http://alphanla.chem.uga.edu/~buyong/philo/philo.html | |
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