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121. Composting Tips, Plans: Compost Bins, Piles, Trenches, Vermiculture... Free online howtos and tips for getting started with compost Vermiculture(composting using worms), piles, trenches, bin plans and more. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/compost.htm | |
122. Worm Factory, Envirocycle, Can-o-worms, Worm Bin, Composting Bins, Red Wiggler W Offers environmentally friendly composting and worm bins. http://www.allthingsorganic.com/ | |
123. COLDTECH 93-2 AND. composting OF KITCHEN AND GARDEN WASTE. The reduction of the weight and volumeof the added material was estimated at the end of the composting periods. http://www.luth.se/depts/lib/coldtech/ct93-2.html | |
124. European Nightcrawlers - Belgium Red Worms - Jumbo Redworms - Composting Worms Worms and castings for sale, plus composting forum and books. http://www.earlybirdwormfarm.com/ | |
125. Composting Practices North Dakota State University NDSU Extension Service. composting Practices. Propercomposting is the gradual aerobic microbial decomposition of organic material. http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/hortcrop/h885w.htm | |
126. Worm Bins For Composting With Worms (vermicomposting)- Worm Wigwam Procedures for composting using earthworms, and a vermicomposting system offered for sale. http://www.wormwigwam.com | |
127. ET 4/98: Kids And Composting Kids and composting. Kids and composting were made for each other. But eventually,children will succumb to the magic and mystery of composting. http://www.sdearthtimes.com/et0498/et0498s10.html | |
128. Home.htm Offers information on composting, recycling and worm composting, and sells products such as wheelie bins, vermiculture bins, can crushers, and paper refuse sacks. http://www.zero-2-land.ndo.co.uk | |
129. Composting composting and Soil Improvements. composting provides a great naturalresource! Where we live, the soil is black clay (north Texas). http://www.tracker-outdoors.com/composting.htm | |
130. Meta Redirect Code Digital Fusion is a fully integrated, nonlinear composting and special effects postproduction system for the manipulation, processing, and special effects creation used in modern 35mm cinema film, broadcast video and multimedia projects. Tips and tricks on techniques for DF V2 and Post. http://www.eyeonline.com/ |
131. Composting To The Ultimate - Humanure Compost information on composting organic wastes, utilizing the indoor outhouse,sawdust toilets and how to recycle composted humanure. composting Links http://www.angelfire.com/mo/sasschool/compost.html | |
132. Welcome A nonprofit environmental organization with a focus on waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and climate change education. Discusses calendar, programs, participation and contact details. http://www.clean.ns.ca/ | |
133. Composting Poultry Mortalities composting Poultry Mortalities. Principles of composting. composting is a natural,biological process by which organic material is broken down and decomposed. http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/c819-15w.html | |
134. D & S Worm Farm Sells Louisiana Nightcrawlers for bait, breeding stock, and composting. http://www.1dswormfarm.com/ | |
135. Composting And Mulching composting AND MULCHING. A Guide to Managing Organic Landscape Refuse. Materialsfor composting. Many organic materials are suitable for composting. http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/c816-w.html | |
136. Composting And Earth Information Resources composting and Earth Information Resources On The Web. The following list pointsto various resources on the web that deal with composting and earth issues. http://grn.com/library/compost.htm | |
137. R.Alexander Associates - Environmental Consulting Company - Composting And Organ The company, which is based in North Carolina, specializes in composting and the recycling of organic material. Its activities include compost market research and development, as well as product development, quality issues and end use. http://www.alexassoc.net/ | |
138. Spokane Solid Waste - Composting Trouble Shooting. Compost Bins. Mulching. Worm composting. Master Composter Program.Demonstration Site. Benefits. © 1996 Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. http://www.solidwaste.org/compost.htm | |
139. Go 4 Green Composting The active living and environment program. Advises on materials to avoid in compost heaps. http://go4green.sask.com/home/garden/compost5.html |
140. Oregon DEQ Composting Program Home Programs Solid Waste Program composting composting Facility Rulemaking.Commercial composting. Two Percent credit program for residential composting. http://www.deq.state.or.us/wmc/solwaste/composting.html | |
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