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41. Composting At Home In Iowa City composting at Home in Iowa City. A guide to building and maintaining your owncompost pile (For more information call 319356-5235) What is composting? http://www.jeonet.com/city/compost.htm | |
42. BioCycle - Journal Of Composting & Organics Recycling, In Business - Creating Su BioCycle The information source on composting and recycling wastes,In Business Magazine for sustainable enterprises and communities. http://www.biocycle.net/ | |
43. Urban Wildlife Garden Site - Main Menu Stuart Etheridge's advice on urban wildlife gardening based on his own experience in London. Includes composting tips. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4645/enter.htm | |
44. L&M Compost Systems, Inc. organic waste composting equipment http://www.lmcompost.com | |
45. Journal Of Solid Waste Technology And Management International peerreviewed journal covering landfill, recycling, waste-to-energy, waste reduction, waste policy, waste economics, composting, waste transfer, waste collection, municipal waste, industrial waste, residual waste and other solid waste management and technology subjects. http://www2.widener.edu/~sxw0004/solid_waste.html | |
46. Composting Toilet World Site Sponsor Envirolet composting toilets. The World of composting Toilets.Welcome to the World of composting Toilets Web site. Latest. http://www.compostingtoilet.org/ | |
47. Seed And Plant Sources For Medicinal Herbs And Botanicals composting For Home Gardens Grass clippings and leaves can be hauled tomunicipal or county composting facilities as one means of disposal. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/hil/hil-8100.html | |
48. GrassRoots Recycling Network Home Dedicated to environmental stewardship and achieving a sustainable economy by eliminating waste and reusing, recycling and composting resources. Advocates an end to corporate subsidies for waste, hopes to create new jobs from discarded materials. http://www.grrn.org/ | |
49. Vermicomposting - Composting With Worms (107-97) The Cooperative Extension of Lancaster County. A factsheet on composting with worms, making a bin and other useful information. http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/pest/factsheets/107-97.htm | |
50. Composting Poultry Mortality Layering composting Bins. 2.3. 2.8. 3.6. 3.6. 2.2. % Phosphorus, 2.6. 3.6. 3.3. % Potash, 1.6. 2.0. 2.3. 1.7. 2.4. Insects Other Pests Associated withcomposting. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/techinfo/4Pst47.htm | |
51. Home Page Extensive noncommercial information source on strategies for ecologically sound living composting, natural gardening, junk mail reduction, energy and water conservation, garbage reduction, safety of household chemicals and cleaners, and related topics. http://www.homeecology.org/ | |
52. Composting At Home, HYG-1189-99 Mow your lawn often and let the clippings lie. composting is a practical andconvenient way to handle your yard wastes. composting at Home. HYG1189-99. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1189.html | |
53. North Shore Recycling Program Offers information on recycling, the 4Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink), hazardous waste disposal and composting for residents and businesses of North Vancouver, BC, Canada. http://www.nsrp.bc.ca/ | |
54. Composting Swine Mortality Principles And Operation, AEX-711-97 590 Woody Hayes Dr., Columbus, Ohio 43210. composting Swine MortalityPrinciples and Operation. AEX711-97. Dead Animal composting, Reality. http://ohioline.osu.edu/aex-fact/0711.html | |
55. COMMUNITY COMPOSTING NETWORK Provides advice and support to community composting projects across the UK. http://www.othas.org.uk/ccn/index.html | |
56. Braemar Community Composting Scheme Report prepared for Aberdeenshire Council by the Scottish Agricultural College. http://www.sac.ac.uk/envsci/external/SEEF/Braemar.htm | |
57. PHOENIX COMPOSTING TOILET The acclaimed Phoenix composting Toilet. The odorless and waterless Phoenix compostingtoilet conserves energy and water, and is friendly to the environment. http://www.compostingtoilet.com/ | |
58. Composting Council Of Oregon- Welcome CCO is a membership organization dedicated to the support and promotion of all aspects of organics recycling. http://www.compostingcouncilofor.org/ |
59. Maine's Award Winning Compost School The objective of the Maine Compost School is to provide training to people interestedand/or involved with medium and largescale composting operations. http://www.composting.org/ | |
60. Resource Recycling Provides details about what is occurring in recycling; current jobs, products and services available to the North American recycling and composting industry. http://www.resource-recycling.com/ | |
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