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101. Music Bibliography At Brooklyn College (CUNY) http//opac97.bl.uk - search/browse for specific music, documents, etc. Womencomposers, concerts of choral music by (Arsis Press). http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/music/inetmus/ | |
102. Locating Vocal Music - Music Library And Sound Recordings Archives - BGSU Librar Anna Harriet Heyer. THEMATIC CATALOGS can be used to locate vocalmusic by a specific composer. The following is a list of some http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/music/vocal1.html | |
103. Loughborough College Electronic Library - Websites a comprehensive collection of classical music resources on 107 well organised, subjectspecificpages and see also references; and composer-specific pages and http://www.loucoll.ac.uk/webdata/websites.asp?subcat_id=109 |
104. George F. DeVine Music Library music Education and Therapy. At DW3, see Genrespecific Pages at DW3; Organizationsand Centers for Scholarly Research. music Libraries Schools of music. http://www.lib.utk.edu/music/net/net.html | |
105. UNLV Music Library: A Brief Glossary Of Music-Related Library Terms They can be the complete works of a composer, monuments of a specifictype of music, or a series of performing editions. Historical http://www.library.unlv.edu/music/info/glossary.html | |
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