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81. Famous Classical Composers - Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 Basic information on the composer. Dropdown menu allows focus on specific periods of his life. Links to lives of other composers. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Choir/3228/Bach/index.html | |
82. HOASM: Antonio Caldara Biography and portrait from the Here of a Sunday Morning radio program. Includes links to related composers and specific musical periods and genres. http://www.hoasm.org/XIIC/Caldara.html | |
83. SoundtrackNet - The Art Of Film And Television Music or browse our amazing amount of filmmusic related links! These links are brokeninto many categories, from Articles, composers, Magazines, Manufacturers http://www.filmmusic.com/about/sitemap.html | |
84. "Handel"_Concerto_By_Henri_Casadesus General background detailing his and his brothers' producing and discovering pieces written in the manner of longdead composers with specific details of this work. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2107/viola/casadesu.html | |
85. Welcome Carol Brown Dances - Internationally Acclaimed Dance Theatre Performance Award winning Carol Brown Dances tours internationally from London specialising in theatre and site specific performances in collaboration with designers, composers, film makers, architects. http://www.carolbrowndances.com/ | |
86. The William Lincer Foundation specific chamber settings that include viola, changes every year. 1012 minute duration. Open to all composers. Work may not have been previously performed in public. Anonymous entry, cash award. http://www.lincer.org | |
87. Internet Public Library: Music performers with links to information on specific works. musical themes, can be accessedby composer name and are also provided to the All music Guide Glossary http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum20.60.00/ | |
88. Mad Hat Music - Producers, Composers And Suppliers Of Copyright Free Music And R If you are interested in hearing more about commissions for yourspecific music needs then please contact us for more details http://www.madhat.co.uk/madhatmusic.htm | |
89. Music Under Soviet Rule: Universal Because Specific Since working thus from the specific to the general regarded in the West as puremusic , it is for some time, standard practice among the composer s colleagues http://www.siue.edu/~aho/musov/specific/univspec.html | |
90. Re: Score Reviews At Composer-specific Fan Sites Are Useless For Most Readers to Re Score reviews at composerspecific fan sites on first-name terms with manycomposers, and I and determined and enthusiastic about film music in itself http://www.filmtracks.com/scoreboard/main.cgi?read=111134 |
91. Classical Composer Home Pages, General Music Information And Indexes, Classical, recommended classical CDs, composer data, reviews Classical music Stations RealTimeInternet Radio of Classical Recordings, recommends specific classical CDs http://www.skdesigns.com/internet/music/class.htm | |
92. NewMusicBox- The Web Mag From The American Music Center Covering New American Mu of a piece on the composer, where it has traditionally resided in western classicalmusic, and places the onus of interpretation (specific sound creation) on http://www.newmusicbox.org/page.nmbx?id=60hf01 |
93. Music And Dance To find recordings of a specific composer s music, perform a Word Search+ composer s last name + then limit by musical Recording . http://www.lib.jmu.edu/music/dance.htm | |
94. Lesson Exchange: Be A Music Investigator (Middle, Music) of Lesson Help your students become music Investigators. will learn about two majorcomposers of all They will answer specific questions that are stated on a http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/641.html | |
95. Finding Music Materials At The Ames Library Find music of a Composer or Performer. Use Browse Author search to locate musicby a specific composer or performer. Enter last name followed by first name. http://www.iwu.edu/library/help/music.htm | |
96. Catalogers ~ AMUSIClassical Directory scores. In later years musicologists assigned their own catalog numbersto all or most of a specific composers scores. These works http://members.tripod.com/~musiclassical/bwv.html | |
97. Bands Of America: Copyright Music Guide specific arrangers, for specific performances, by specific bands, within If the musicyou wish to arrange is NOT have the correct title and composer to obtain http://www.bands.org/Public/resourceroom/copyright/copyright_guide.asp | |
98. Cleveland Institute Of Music Ask for the specific tape or cassette at the AV two piano concertos by two differentcomposers, a collection recital by Murray Perahia featuring music by Liszt http://www.cim.edu/libCardCat.php | |
99. Rhodes: Academics: Library: Subject Guides: Music Search offers category searches by composer, performer, management Duke World WideWeb) Classical music Resources boasts down into 118 subject-specific pages. http://www.rhodes.edu/public/2_0-Academics/2_5-Library/2_5_2-SubjectGuides/2_5_2 | |
100. Watzek Library Research Resources - Music This site from Duke University includes Composer Homepages, Chronologies ElectronicJournals and Newsletters, Genrespecific Pages, online music databases. http://library.lclark.edu/reference/resourcedisplay.php?subject=Music |
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