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61. Organ FINDING music IN A specific CATEGORY. Heinrich, Adel. Organ and Harpsichordmusic by Women composers music Ref. ML 128 .O6 O73 1991. JOURNALS. http://www.library.appstate.edu/music/guides/hndygdor.html | |
62. Dewitt Wallace Library - Course Specific Guide - Musi 44: Music Literature Since Most entries are quite short, although major classical composers have more Thereare several listed below that are specific to the discipline of music. http://www.macalester.edu/library/research/course/Archived/Musi44litsince1900S03 | |
63. SFSU Music Undergraduate Program pursue core courses in music history as well as more specialized areas such asWorld music, Jazz, and courses devoted to specific genres and composers. http://www.sfsu.edu/~puboff/programs/undergrad/music.htm | |
64. Books: Lieder Of Specific Composers Books discussing the Lieder of specific composers. Johannes Brahms. Susan Youenslooks not only at Schubert s music but also at Wilhelm Müller s poetry. http://www.gopera.com/lieder/books/comp_lieder.html | |
65. Greek Music By Katerina Sarri When looking for a specific item, always in dutch Xenakis, Iannis bio More composers,lists of composers Greek composers at Athens music Library PERFORMERS http://users.otenet.gr/~bm-celusy/grmusic.html | |
66. College Of Literature, Science, And The Arts specific focus is determined by instructor and indicated in the current the finearts of the Classic school of composers in whom the music literature of http://www.lsa.umich.edu/lsa/printversion/0,2062,2041*article*1156*UOM_Article,0 | |
67. Music, Beliefs, Politics, And Patronage In The Hispanic Orbit patronage in the Spanish Catholic Church and their specific effect on such as thecanción, Vasconcelos paradoxically encouraged art music composers to move http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hispanic/atlanta.html | |
68. Playwrights Referenced On The Web to be a resource of links to specific theatre playwrights, Lyricists, and composers. ofCongress Collection. Victor Herbert PD music Website Resource. http://www.artslynx.org/theatre/authors.htm | |
69. Learn To Compose Music At Composer Planet: ComposerVersusMusician or range or agility of a specific instrument when The composers who do not play anyinstrument have a instruments helps one to write idiomatic musicthat is http://www.composerplanet.com/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi?ComposerVersusMusician |
70. UWM Libraries Collection Policy Manual, Rev. Ed., 2003--Section III, Collections and growing collection of the music of contemporary Slovenian composers acquiredthrough use of a WWW page, provide access to other musicspecific indexes and http://www.uwm.edu/Libraries/CollPolicy/u-music.html | |
71. Music Appreciation composers are alphabetical in the section Mozart books covering various areas ofpopular music and jazz. 125 for information about specific works program http://exlibris.memphis.edu/music/appreciation.html | |
72. UIL Sightreading Criteria specific Criteria for Composing Band Sightreading music. composers of UILband sightreading music are provided the following specific criteria http://www.uil.utexas.edu/mus/srband01.html | |
73. CATnet: K-State Digital Library - Subject Guides - Music Organizations and Associations. music Publishers Association This site is usefulfor finding composers and/or publishers of specific pieces of music. http://catnet.ksu.edu/subguides/music/ | |
74. Standards Of Achievement - School Of Music - Houston Baptist University to understand why composers wrote specific works and in specific styles. to understandstyle and performance practices of music through the 20th century. http://fc.hbu.edu/arts&human/music/web/Academics/AStandards/astandards.html | |
75. 11.1 Newsmakers - Discoveries - Forgotten Music Scores From Famous Composers By publish lists of works for many more of the composers. Let s say someone is searchingfor a specific work and music schools often ask us for copies of scores http://www.azer.com/aiweb/categories/magazine/ai111_folder/111_articles/111_news | |
76. UNM Fine Arts Library NM Composers and graduate students in the Department of music. The specific mission of this archiveis to acquire original materials from distinguished composers who have http://www.unm.edu/~falref/html/guide-nmcomp.html | |
77. "Music Of Women Composers In The School Curriculum," By Susan Wheatley and we are including listening lessons of her music. as well as numerous other womencomposers and musicians not want to give away the specific musical examples http://music.acu.edu/www/iawm/articles/oct93/wheatley.html | |
78. Gould Library -- Music 298: Junior Colloquium music of that continent, followed by sections on specific countries In associationwith the Kunitachi College of music, 1993 Ref ML128.M7 F54 Film composers Guide http://www.carleton.edu/campus/library/reference/coursepages/MUSC/musc298la.html | |
79. Worldwide Internet Music Resources: Composers contemporary music); composers Page; Contemporary Classical music composers;Donemus composers listing (Dutch composers); Dr. Estrella s http://www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources/composer.html | |
80. Le Site Du Prix Reine Marie José à Déménagé Works submitted must comply with a specific instrumentation which changes from year to year. Open to all composers. Cash award, possible performance and broadcast. http://musnov1.unige.ch/prixrmj/reg2002Eng.htm | |
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