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1. Worldwide Internet Music Resources: Composers And Composition William and Gayle Cook music Library. Indiana University School of music. Worldwide Internet music Resources. composers and Composition. Composerspecific Sites. Composing and Arranging Services. Composition http://www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources/compose.html | |
2. Women Composers: Internet Resources and archives of music by women composers; IAWM member home pages; informationon specific composers; festivals; women in music organizations, including http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7282/women.html | |
3. Music Cataloging At Yale composers worklists on the web in published scores, books, and periodicals;Using uniform titles from Indiana University; musicspecific. http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/music/musicat.htm | |
4. DW3 Classical Music Resources - Browse Resources A well organized, well maintained index of 1,500 classical music links, including homepages, chronologies, and necrologies of composers; genrespecific pages, databases, and other scholarly resources. From the Duke University music Library. http://www.lib.duke.edu/music/resources/classical_index.html | |
5. Music Periods And Composers Different music Periods specific composers. Updated July 21, 2003.EARLY music AND INSTRUMENTS GENERAL TIMELINE Classical music http://www.teacheroz.com/composers.htm | |
6. WWW VL Classical Music: Composers composers. If you know of a WWW page for a composer who is not listed here, please use the submission form which also has a link to a standard mailto option. specific composer, check out the categories listed below (Baroque, Classical, etc.) Baroquemusic.com; information on Baroque composers Classical composers. Estonian music http://www.gprep.org/classical/composers.html | |
7. SoundtrackNet - The Art Of Film And Television Music here s a good start. music specific Searches. The list is focused on the musicof the composers who write the background scores for films. http://www.filmmusic.com/search/music.html | |
8. New World Records  Recorded Anthology Of American Music, Inc. of American music. Our mission is to record the music of American composers that would not otherwise be represented in If you have a specific question about availability, please http://www.composersrecordings.com/ | |
9. Kalvos And Damian's New Music Bazaar -- New Music Composers From Around The Worl New Contemporary music Radio Show Cybercasts Interviews Essays and music String Academy, pair Networks, Vermont Contemporary music Ensemble and the Vermont composers Consortium mentioned above is for a specific activity, and does not cover operating http://kalvos.org/ | |
10. ResearchBuzz: Aesthetics-Music-Specific Archives ResearchBuzz Aestheticsmusic-specific. The Canadian music Centre has releaseda site containing information on classical composers of Canada. http://www.researchbuzz.org/archives/cat_aestheticsmusicspecific.shtml | |
11. Baroque Composers And Musicians - Biographies And Portraits Baroque composers general history and geography, Italy, Germany, England, France, Spain, with individual biographies of major composers. interpolations between verses, or by composing whole sets of variations based on a specific chorale melody two hours of music samples, major baroque composers, and Bach of course http://www.islandnet.com/~arton/barcomp.html |
12. I Write The Music.com | The Best Composer & Music Sites On The Net This is a music resource site for composers. Creative guides for creative musicians Metal, Orchestral, Other, Pop, Punk, Religious, Rock, Session, specific, Unsigned, Wanted, World http://www.iwritethemusic.com/ | |
13. DIRECTORY OF MUSIC USER GUIDES: BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND PATHFINDERS biographical sources, as well as specific biographical sources for 20th Centurycomposers, women composers, and dancers from Alan Green, OSU music and Dance http://www.library.yale.edu/~segglstn/mugdir/bibpth.htm | |
14. BAROQUE MUSIC DEFINED In north Germany and Holland, composers such as Froberger, Kerll, and particularlyDietrich and much of what is typical in baroque music, specific cadences and http://www.baroquemusic.org/bardefn.html | |
15. Career Composers And Music Arrangers No State of Minnesota license requirements are found for this career. Wages. Mostcomposers and music arrangers are paid by commission for specific pieces. http://www.iseek.org/sv/13000.jsp?pg=13000&id=100277 |
16. Music Resources Women composers A Handbook. music REF. I. Browse Duckle sat MUS REF ML 113 .D83,as well as all general and specific music dictionaries and encyclopedias. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/resources.html | |
17. Music Guides Note Another source of information about specific composers is found in the MusicService Reference Area s List of Composer s Pamphlets at http//libweb http://libweb.uoregon.edu/music/womguide.html | |
18. BUBL LINK: 780.9 Music Of Specific Areas 780.9 music of specific areas. Location russia Files on Russian Classical musicLinks to Russian music resources covering composers such as Borodin http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC10092 | |
19. BUBL LINK: 026 Libraries For Specific Subjects For details of individual libraries on specific subjects, refer to the Author BrittenPearsLibrary Subjects british composers, music libraries DeweyClass http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC886 | |
20. General Reference Sources Online Catalogue (WebCat), General / Lists of Libraries, specific Libraries,Online Archives. Medieval music History, composers (General), Renaissance http://plato.acadiau.ca/courses/musi/callon/2273/general.htm | |
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