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41. Classical Music - Andante - Web Directory of Glass music at Town Hall; Lovely music Live , a European tour and collaborationwith composers Rhys Chatham Bows for String Instruments Rundb÷gen f³r http://www.andante.com/Directories/Web/index.cfm?iTopID=24 |
42. Le Chevalier De Saint-Georges, Black Composer gives an account of the actions of gen. MusikNetz. MusikNetz Categorized directoryof music sites. Neglected composers. Neglected composers - Articles and Home http://chevalierdesaintgeorges.homestead.com/Page1.html | |
43. SquareSound.com - Piano Scores, MP3s, Midis, And Sheet Music From Final Fantasy, Provides music scores, biographies of composers, song samples, and excellent resources for listening to Square's video gaming music. http://www.squaresound.com | |
44. MFWP 101 Directory Of Webmaster Resources - Freeware bring you the best freeware, free services, and webmaster resources. Shareware, shopping,affiliate programs, software, artists, composers, music industry are http://www.mfwp101.com/links/freeware.html | |
45. The University Of Memphis: University Libraries Library resources, library catalogs and databases, and U of M's unique library collections including civil rights, Holocaust survivors and victims, and music performance and composers. http://www.lib.memphis.edu/ | |
47. Connecticut College - Greer Music Library Collection includes books about music and musicians, periodicals, reference sources and indices ), collected works of major composers, study and performance scores, sound and video/laser recordings and computerbased support for the teaching and research needs of users. http://www.conncoll.edu/is/info-resources/greer/ | |
48. MAME: Music/Performing Arts Early music Women composers A history of women s a clickable description of eachinstrument, musical sound bites email MAME s Webmaster at mame@mame.gen.mi.us. http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/resourc/smusic.html | |
49. Resources For Composers And Contemporary Music Links to contemporary music sites. http://music.acu.edu/www/iawm/resources/ | |
50. DW3 Classical Music Resources - Browse Resources A well organized, well maintained index of 1,500 classical music links, including homepages, chronologies, and necrologies of composers; genrespecific pages, databases, and other scholarly resources. From the Duke University music Library. http://www.lib.duke.edu/music/resources/classical_index.html | |
51. Electric Blues Club - Resources, Unions, Research, Info Links vocal and instrumental manuscripts, printed material, composer websites and the WorldWide Web New Zealand music Centre PO Email Sounz@actrix.gen.nz Pipeline http://www.electricbluesclub.co.uk/resources.html | |
52. Early Baroque (1600 - 1680) In Classical Music Background information, resources, and biographies and keyworks of the composers from Heart's Ease Conservatory. http://www.hearts-ease.org/cgi-bin/index_c.cgi?period=Early Baroque |
53. Worship Music Links Pedde Worship leader, song writer, Composer in Residence Features the music ofPastor Joe Sabolick and gen-X Worship resources - Student worship resource. http://www.sharesong.org/worship_links_body.htm | |
54. UCLA Music Library Music Resources On The Internet Composers And Composition Reference Sources, Guides and Lists. http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/music/web/composer.htm |
55. Caryn.Com Resources For Filmmakers Mega Production resources. gen l Editing/Post. FREE music FOR YOUR FILM The UnwiseMonkeys This English music composer will produce a soundtrack for your film http://www.caryn.com/indie/caryn-indie-postprod.html | |
56. RESOURCE GUIDE ON WOMEN & MUSIC By Gwendolyn Alker With Editorial Assistance Fro ASCAP, rarely known by its full name, American Society of composers, Authors and genMUS.A mailing list for those interested in music, as it relates to gender http://www.echonyc.com/~women/Issue18/pink.html | |
57. Late Baroque (1680 - 1750) In Classical Music Background information, resources, and biographies and keyworks of the composers from Heart's Ease Conservatory. http://www.hearts-ease.org/cgi-bin/index_c.cgi?period=Late Baroque |
58. WandP: Feminist Yellow Pages iawm/home.html A resource on women composers and women Women http//www.sun.rhbnc.ac.uk/music/Archive/Women genMUSis a mailing list for those interested in http://www.echonyc.com/~women/yellowpages.html | |
59. Web Resources For Research In Music Links to contemporary music resources from University College, Cork. http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/depts/music/online/contcomp.html | |
60. Music Bibliography composers. Bach Essays on his life and music by Christoph Wolff. ML410 Cha.P (CLMain Shelves MD gen Reading). Garretson, Robert L. Conducting choral music. http://www.lib.nus.edu.sg/linus/00oct/music.html | |
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