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74. Town Online: Disc Reviews > Jazz Composers > Celebration Of The Spirit; The Deat jazz composers Alliance Orchestra Celebration of the Spirit; The Death of Simone Weil; In, Thru, and Out Grade A ( CIMP, Innova, CJR ) Review by Kevin R http://reviews.townonline.com/discReviews/view.bg?articleid=215 |
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79. Down Beat : Time To Unite: The Jazz Composers Collective Builds A Body Of Progre are Here Articles Down Beat March, 2002 Article. Time to unite the jazz composers collective builds a body of progressive music by empowering musicians. http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1084/3_69/83245656/p1/article.jhtml | |
80. Down Beat : The New Jazz Composers Octet Walkin' The Line. - Sound Recording Rev are Here Articles Down Beat June, 2003 Article. The New jazz composers Octet Walkin The Line.(Sound Recording Review) (sound recording review) Down Beat http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1084/6_70/102105094/p1/article.jhtml | |
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