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41. Berlin Jazz Composers Ensemble Translate this page präsentiert. Berlin jazz composers Ensemble. Maurice de Martin. TRANSYLVANIANA. http://www.trans-musica.org/ | |
42. DJCQ www.jazzadvocate.com A jazz News Publication Dayton jazz composers Quintet Quick Index. Dayton jazz composers Quintet Changing Standards. http://www.jazzadvocate.com/Location and Organizations/DJCQ.htm | |
43. Finnish Music Information Centre - Suomalaisen Musiikin Tiedotuskeskus (1939 ) Finnish jazz composer. Biography from the Finnish Music Information Centre. http://www.fimic.fi/contemporary/composers/sarmanto heikki | |
44. Edward K. "Duke" Ellington - Biography DC, composer, bandleader, and pianist Edward Kennedy ( Duke ) Ellington was recognized in his lifetime as one of the greatest jazz composers and performers. http://www.schirmer.com/composers/ellington_bio.html | |
45. International Association For Jazz Education IAJE publishes the jazz Educators Journal, sponsors an annual conference, produces awards for outstanding artists, provides scholarships, commissions artists and composers, trains teachers, offers workshops, and helps support jazz festivals. http://www.iaje.org | |
46. Dave Brubeck - Biography Home composers Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck. updated 18 October 2000. Dave Brubeck. Born on 6 December 1920 in Concord, California, jazz legend Dave Brubeck is http://www.schirmer.com/composers/brubeck_bio.html | |
47. ART6.com English Very large classical directory includes artists, composers, venues, record labels, jazz and world music, festivals and music downloads. The site has French and English versions. http://pvil.free.fr/indexa.htm | |
48. JCCpage jazz composers Collective The jazz composers Collective is a virtual study of the positive effects that the DIY (do it yourself) ethic can bring about. http://home.earthlink.net/~fkimbrough/JCCpage.html | |
49. Anne Phillips - Bending Towards The Light Bending Towards the Light A jazz Nativity. Notes, reviews. http://www.schirmer.com/composers/phillips/nativity.html | |
50. BBC - Music / Profiles - By Genre Iannis. Search the Grove Concise Dictionary of Music for more composers/performers. jazz other genres, listed at top of page Coltrane, John. Davis, Miles. Soweto http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/profiles/genre.shtml | |
51. Conservatory Of Music: Jazz And Improvisational Music Department Lawrence graduates pursue successful careers as players, composers, jazz arrangers and jazz educators, and three renowned alumni have returned to join the jazz http://www.lawrence.edu/conservatory/jazz/ | |
52. Jazz Age Literature/Culture: Part I Roll Morton s Reminiscence. Read about one of the few women jazz musiciancomposers Mary Lou Williams Soul on Soul. Consult Red http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knichols/jazzage.html | |
53. Music Dispatch composers Editions, 45. composers Series, 4-5. Chappell Concert Band, 3-5. Symphonic Band/Concert Band, 4. jazz ENSEMBLE, Beginning jazz Ensemble, 2. http://www.musicdispatch.com/bandSeriesGuide.jsp |
54. Double Trouble The London Jazz Composers' Orchestra Double Trouble The London jazz composers Orchestra. Autor / Künstler / Gruppe / Hersteller The London jazz composers Orchestra. http://www.katzenschutz-winterhude.de/The-London-Jazz-Composers-Double-Trouble-B | |
55. WWW Sites For Musicologists Instruments; Rock and Pop; jazz. composers and Composition; Theory; Computer and Electronic Music; Folk Music and Ethnomusicology; Music in Latin http://www.sas.upenn.edu/music/ams/musicology_www.html | |
56. Blue Moon READ BIOGRAPHY The New jazz composers Octet. FSNT059 CD First Steps Into Reality The New jazz composers Octet Featuring David Weiss http://www.freshsoundrecords.com/artists-main.php?artist_id=46 |
57. The Jazz Composers Collective Review Want to make a difference? It s easy. Simply add your vote for this site to the Peoples View. Quote The jazz composers Collective is a New York City based http://arc.co.uk/go.arx$48178 | |
58. The Thelonious Monk International Jazz Competition The 2004 Thelonious Monk International jazz composers Competition, sponsored by BMI, is seeking submissions of compositions that integrate vocals with http://www.monkinstitute.com/competition.html | |
59. Submarino composers Musicians - jazz http://www.submarino.com.br/imports.asp?Query=&ProdTypeId=9&CatId=5273&PrevCatId |
60. THE JAZZ COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE - Briefme.com New York Citybased and musician-run, The jazz composers Collective is into the nitty-gritty, down and dirty, keepin it real scene. http://www.briefme.com/archive.php/article/29289 | |
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